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Posts posted by danccooke

  1. 6ft tall

    44" Inch Trousers

    56" Chest

    20st 4lbs


    I Eat Healthy, however was a kickboxer for some 15 odd year and trained every day (attaining Black belts in Kickboxing, Wu Shu and Wing Chun KungFu), represented England in 2000 World Championships brining us home a Bronze medal. Once I quit I carried on eating the same as I had before, still healthy but too much for the amount of excercise I wasn't doing. I am now working like bast to get it sorted but it is hard especially after 9 years.

    I have nothing to hide I am what I am and that is Fat with healthy appetite for Cider (my downfall). What I am not is lazy (see my previous post in this thread). Bearing in mind the paragraph above. I'll happily sort it out face to face with any self righteous stick of a person.

  2. For fun like that wait till someone has a full deck of smokes and say you can show them a magic trick. and ask them to put both hands out in front of them palms facing the floor fingers spread, the one by one put all of the fags between thier fingers load both hands up. the the magic trick is calmly ripping up the box (or throwing in the pub fire) whilst they can do nothing to stop you as they have all thier fags wedged between thier fingers.


    I did this to a lad in the pub back when we could smoke in the bar, his mates ripped it out of him, I hadn't realised he was that drunk, somone else had done it to him earlier that day and he couldn't remember the punch line. He was sat at the bar with about 35 loose smokes next to his pint.

  3. Haha love the fishing prank. nothing beats a good pistake.


    well it had to happen, he woke. WOW for quite a mild mannered fella there isn't much of his rant that i could put on here without it being starred out.

    needless to say i just nearly wet myself as grape juice spurted out of the little holes on his deck shoes with every step, followed by a random expletive.

    He also said i could fix the uhum uhum system myself and he's going for a smoke. So I think if have endeared myself to another helpdesk colleague. Ah the joys of being in charge.

    whil he is out having a smoke i will move all the mice about, we have three pcs on each desk.


    if i don't post again or not for a while either he has stabbed me, or i am looking at a p45 :crazy:

  4. ahh sorry confusing people,


    I am office based we are in a big office that has 8 big screens on the wall with the current status of the systems we monitor, but previously when there have been major issues I took some screen dumps of the system looking in a crappy state, i have now substituted the proper screens with these screen shots, so when he wakes he will look up at the big screens and see it looking in a real mess. Then panic when he see's I seemingly haven't noticed.


    The long drive is when i finish but that's purely pleasure, I am picking up my brother and two best mates and heading to Newquay (220miles) for the weekend. My mates 30th. First weekend pass I have managed since my stag 5 years ago.

  5. I am waiting for him to wake up and put his shoes back on to go for a ciggy, he'll be making wine the old fashioned way :crazy: Childish but everytime i've heard him stir i've had to stiffle a chuckle at the thought of him putting his grape loaded shoes on.


    I've also doctored the screens (we have 8 60" LCD's on the wall monitoring the system) there is now a major failure listed, a screen shot i took months ago just for such an occasion, so when he wakes up and see's me with my head in my laptop and not looking at the screen he'll panic and think we've missed a major failure. then c r a p himself as that i his role to monitor. mine is to fix.


    Everyone loves working with me, they always say "oh I'm on with Dan, Great!"

  6. When we bought Zak our little-ish Ridgeback we signed a contract but it was more of a recipt if I remember correctly and a warranty. Stating what he had been fed, how much how often. What wormers and when. Stated about if he was ever up for sale to give them first refusal (more of a request than an order) and also about if he fell ill (or worse) in the first year due to breading related issues they would replace him at the next available litter.

    Nothing about enforced Neutering, and i don't plan of having him done, if he aint broke...... but on that note if he does get really really boystrous then we would consider it, but not until he is 18 - 24 months old, fully grown with no risk of causing health issues.

    There was something about breeding but that was to do with letting them know who the bitch would be (more for thier records than anything else)


    and a bit basically saying look after him, and we do.

  7. I know this is going to be a piece of string question, but......


    How many sessions do you think it would take for an average 8 month pup to start getting the hang of this.


    how do you deal with it if you dog is still a bit snappy/mouthing as that is starting to get very irritating and embarassing.


    he is a Rhodesian Ridgeback so not a standard gun dog, but I really want him to be well trained and the more mental stimulation I can give him as well as physical exercise then hopefully the calmer the dog i'll end up with

  8. So then, who like me is on a night shift or just plain bored and up late.


    I have watched all I want to watch on the BBC Iplayer. Sky player suck as i don't have multiroom so can only watch sport basically and at this time of night it is all ****. Radio makes me want to slit my wrists. The snoring of my colleague is getting irritating, i might have to think up some childish games to play in the office.


    I've been and checked the water and oil on the truck ready for this mornings drive to newquay. Filled her up (90 liters exactly, must have been really down in the crappy stuff) and it is too early to go for a shower yet. I'll save that for 0500hrs, something to do whilst being paid :crazy: and wake me up properly for the drive.


    I've read this months, sporting gun and sporting shooter (cracking bargain at the game fair, £20 for years subs plus a bottle of Famous Grouse which I don't drink so that is my permissions crissy present sorted)


    I've even polished my boots this evening.


    can anyone tell it is a quiet one in the office tonight.

  9. Fatties should be taxed accordingly to there BMI. The higher the BMI the higher the tax :crazy:???:hmm:




    My BMI says that I am actually dead already i think. Or Morbidly obese, ok I am a fat ******* but still swim a mile every/ everyother day at the pool, carry shed loads of gear across fields, can still run the 100meters in 15 seconds. I also ride twice a week and that is pretty tiring (for the horse too ??? ) during the day i am a desk walla but I also walk my hound twice a day and he gets anywhere from 3 - 6 miles a day, depending on the weather.


    So I might be a fatty but I am a fit one, unlike some who as you say can't be ***** to move from the sofa. Issue people with pedometers and those that don't move enough tax them more. Leave me out of it I pay enough tax on the cider that has given me this "seasonally plump" figure.





  10. Watching it now on Iplayer at work.


    best bit so far, the dude who is scared of Pigeons (I won't knock someone having a fear, a phobia is a phobia) who said that he is fine with chickens and things that look like pigeons, pheasants......

    I could see that being quite an unpopular mistake on my permission :crazy:


    but on the whole so far it is passing the time, 4 hours of the shift left. Followed by a four hour drive

  11. looks like all the rape on my permission has been dealt with now, noticed the combines waiting to get to some of the wheat. I know he has a lot more land than my permission covers so i am not sure what else he has and where.

    Hopefully if i keep plugging away and get myself some GOOD bags he might open up a little more to me next year.


    Seen loads of foxes recently but I don't have permission or the license to deal with them. Might drop him a line though to let him know. I just never want to seem like I am teaching him to suck eggs.

  12. Things like this always make me laugh, My wife was round a friends and suddenly there was bloody curdlin scream, Dee went to see what was going on and her friend said there was a giant rat under the table. Dee peered throug the door and said fair enogh it was a big tail. she gingerly went to it (still only able to see the tail) her friends going nuts and screaming, Dee go to it and found it was a slow worm thatd had been maimed by thier cat.

  13. What sort of shifts do you do Alexr? when I used to do 12hr shifts 4 on three off i slept like a log, These days we have a rolling five week rota so one week earlies 0600-1400 lates 1400-2200 and nights 2200hrs - 0600hrs plus two weeks of effectively flexi hours. although the hours aren't long once you add weekends in it gets tiresome and tricky to adjust your sleep for the right week...... but it pays the bills and lets me do things like shoot during the day some weeks.

    I am not moaning just intrigued as to others shifts and how they cope with it. Thankfully no rug rats in our house.

  14. I am really hanging now, glad the drive home is only a about 8 miles.


    get home get the hound out, we normally cover about 5 - 6 miles then i can to sleep, i am pretty sure that today you could give me a cactus for a bed and i'd sleep still.


    my own fault for losing track of time in the field yesterday had planned to shoot till about midday but ended up shooting till almost 1600hrs, by the time i got home and had done the pigeons "she" was home and that was it, not allowed to sleep then. "I couldn't have slept anytime during the day but you were out pratting about......."


    hmmm 27.5 mins to go

  15. well I have been up since 0700hrs on Monday. I finish work at 0600hrs this morning, by the time I get home it will be 0645hrs, then the hound will need walking so no chance of bed for me until I'll have been awake for nigh on 50hrs.


    Guinea Fowl.. Your comments are true to a degree but it is also well documented that after an orgasm the brain releases endorphines that perpetuate sleep......


    Reading before bed isn't always a good thing as this can stimulate the brain also, Darkness and quiet (or a steady continuous noise) are the best things for sleep, and a coolish temperature, as you go through the night your body naturally loses heat and expects to, if your room is too hot you will have a fitful night also.


    I might sound like a sleep gimp but I don't sleep much and work some pretty random shifts. I have become accustomed to taking sleep when I can at what ever time of day it happens to be.


    Black out blinds on the curtains, but always a window open too. if it is noisy outside some gentle "spa type" music in the background and you'll be asleep in no time.


    Don't however download a track for your ipod that is beach sounds. I thought gentle crashing of waves would be a steady background noise to sleep too ,and it was, until a seagull squarked in my ear

  16. Are Rape and Wheat the most commonly grown due to the rotation you can do with it, knowledge that there will be a buyer or ease of growing.

    I am down in sunny-ish sussex and most fields here are rape or wheat, there are some barley and a couple of pea but that's about it.

  17. Hence taking the olds with me, Here ladies, this is the shooting line, when you are done shopping and watching cutsie things, you'll find Dad and I here or there abouts, don't panic we'll be somewhere.


    BTW which one of you wants to drive back to the B&B at the end of the day as we might have to refresh ourselves in a beer tent.



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