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crossy 666

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Posts posted by crossy 666

  1. I have now parted with my L200 so have a number of bits I have collected over the years to get rid of. 

    First up L200 canopy off a 54 plate in green. Recently had a genuine mitubish rear window in it and a new catch/lock with 2 keys costing £313 

    pick up only and would like £200 for the top please. 

    Next is a carpet liner that goes in the back bed to match the top. Been used so don’t expect brand new but I fitted it for my dog so they don’t slide around.  

    I would like £50 and same again collect only please 

  2. 2 hours ago, varmintexpress said:

    guess your a time waster then not interested in buying

    if you have not got a positive comment do you really think you should make one

    Yeah I was genuinely interested as I also live in Derbyshire and currently looking for a replacement for mine due to yours being bigger but I think I will pass now thanks. 


  3. 2 hours ago, Farmboy91 said:

    There was a stall at the show this weekend, they were doing people's glasses etc, did look pretty good. can't remember the name right now but I can check the magazine when I'm home un less someons on here has got a better memory than me lol. 

    I brought some of the above from the show for my moter bike helmet so I will give it ago and if it’s any good Steve I will send you the link 

  4. 21 hours ago, The Heron said:

    Have been to the show today if you are going Saturday or Sunday take your own food and drink long queues and very expensive **** a lot of exhibitors from Stoneleigh are not there probably due to the cost of the stands NEC. NOT EVEN CLOSE to Stoneleigh.

    We are going tomorrow but I was worried this would be the case ? don’t fix something that isn’t broken. It sounds like another good show ruined 

  5. We will be going as this is the only show we go to that hasn’t been ruined by all the market traders selling tat but that said It as now moved to the nec so that could all go out the window. I just hope the traffic is moving because every time I drive past the nec when there is something good on the roads are gridlock for miles. 

  6. 53 minutes ago, Big Mat said:


    And i dare say you won't tell us what it was as that reply is very cryptic indicating you did something illegal!


    I invited a load of bird watchers around with big cameras to take pictures of the lovely animal and like most of the tree hugers that stick there nose in  and do more harm than good they scared it away for me that and me bringing a very large female goshawk home from work might have something to do with it. 

  7. Hi, at bit of a strange one but dose anyone know anything about claiming tax back on tools ? 

    I am not self employed as I work in a garage for someone but we have to supply are own tools to do the job. I was doing nothing over the weekend due to the weather being so bad so I thought I would get some of my old tickets out for tools I have brought over the last few years. 

    Well when I got to 25k I decided I needed to stop adding them up before the wife asked me what I was doing and offered to help. The total figure would cost me double if she new ?

    any way I was talking about it at work today and someone mentioned I might be able to claim some sort of tax back due to me paying tax on my wages then tax again on tools I need for my job. 

    So can I ask if anyone as any done this before and can give me any advice please?

    If you are self employed I think it’s a different matter so probably wouldn’t help me. 

    Thanks crossy ?

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