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crossy 666

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Posts posted by crossy 666

  1. Don't take this the wrong way mate but it don't sound like you now what you are doing Like you have said you are new to this. You don't really want to be practising on live animals so I would try and find some one of here local to come with you and show you the ropes.

  2. Try shooting without it;if your gun fits and you're concentrating on the bird then you don't need it.I'm not saying never replace it,but just try shooting without one and see if it makes a difference to your shooting.You may be surprised.

    I have lost 2 in the past and now shoot with out one. It has never bother me now.

  3. Try shooting without it;if your gun fits and you're concentrating on the bird then you don't need it.I'm not saying never replace it,but just try shooting without one and see if it makes a difference to your shooting.You may be surprised.

    I have lost 2 in the past and now shoot with out one. It has never bother me now.

  4. I work in a body shop and we look after alot of lease cars for people and as said above check for body work damage before you take it back as alot of them just take the car back and the next thing you no if you get a bill through your door for all the work they have had to have done (most dont have the work done and just keep your money and send them to the action damaged)


    Alot of the people we work for have been stung like this so next time they come to us first before they take them back. The better leasing companies will let you take them back a month early and ask them what they will charge you for and this give you time to get them fixed before the end of your contracet.


    There favourite we have found is wheel/wheel trims scuffs and chip/crack's in windscreens. The worst company we have had problems with believe it or not are merc they are proper rob dogs

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