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Posts posted by invector

  1. I've just ordered 2,000 Eley HB Pigeons at the old price. They were £107 per 1,000, then £123 per 1,000 and the gunshop told me today they will be over £150 per 1,000, as from their next order. My 2,000 will be at the £123 rate. Get 'em while you can boys, because I doubt if they will go down in price.

  2. We should also remember that stricter legislation in the UK was caused by two individuals, who owned firearms quite legimately, but who decided to run amok shooting people in the street and children in school. We were let down by our fellow shooters. If gun ownership was the cause of gun crime, there would be bloodbaths in Switzerland.

  3. I took my gun on honeymoon!!! I'm divorced now, but when I was married I was out shooting without asking permission, and my dinner was always on the table when I got home. She knew what my hobby was, before she married me, so she accepted it.


    My kids would carry the rabbits, or sit with me in the high seat, and often saw deer before I did. Neither of my children grew up to be fox fondlers or stoat strokers and I think between us the wife and I did a good job.

  4. This afternoon I looked out of the kitchen window and there was a sparrowhawk holding down a young starling. :good: The starling was breast down and the sparrowhawk shuffled it round so that it was on its back. As the starling looked up the hawk began to rip the feathers from the upper breast area. :) The starling started to panic and the blackbirds began mobbing. It was a slow death but, eventually the victim expired, and the predator tore into the back of the starling's neck, eating the brain and eyes etc. :D When the head came off the sparrowhawk flew to my whirly line, with the remains in one talon, hopped onto the central pole and proceeded to demolish the rest of the meal. I was looking out of the kitchen window, for over ten minutes, and the final act took place no more than eight feet from me. :o


    I felt privileged to be able to watch a supreme predator at work. The sparrowhawk looked straight at me several times, and I'm sure it knew I was there, but felt safe the other side of the glass. :P I doubt if they ever get a quiet meal, with all those blackies chinking and swooping, but they must thank their lucky stars for bird tables. :drool:

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