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Posts posted by invector

  1. I didn't have to ask. I was TOLD to shoot every corvid I see. One farmer, like you Cranfield, had a wife who liked to watch the rooks from her window, however I was asked to shoot the bejeezus out of another two rookeries on the farm. Nowt so queer as folk. Most will quote the good rooks can do, on the leatherjackets etc. but as soon as they are pinching stock feed, or pecking the polythene covering of the haylage bales, it's up guards and at 'em. The old name for the rook was seed crow, and the damage they can do to freshly drilled crops is criminal. They seem to be able to gauge exactly where maize seeds are planted, and leave a neat row of holes, where they have eaten the crop.


    Shooting any pests over laid crops is an exercise in damage limitation. It is better to leave them where they fall than to trample over the crop, and cause even more damage.

  2. Isn't it nice to be able to slot rabbits, with almost monotonous precision, whilst using a round for which my rifle wasn't designed? The 20 grain round was designed to minimise meat damage, while improving penetration, and the 20 grain Gamepoint won an award soon after it was introduced. So much for a renegade cartridge.


    I would advise using 20 grain rounds when shooting foxes, simply because of the better penetration.

  3. I can get a good jack daw noise out of mine, if you blow very hard for about a second then stop it. biting the end helps too.


    Blimey mate you don't have the idea at all do you? Don't bloody bite as well as blowing or you'll get a sound like a ruptured buffalo. I won't be round to either of you for a *******.

  4. You know the strap you can fix to your stock to carry spare rounds? What about a similar strap, designed to carry .22 and .17HMR spare magazines? I keep my spare mags in my pocket, together with whatever rubbish, or essential kit, is in there, and I'm forever rummaging about trying to disentangle the mag from the contents of the pocket. I know I could be much better organised, but a stock strap would solve the problem.


    No, if it was made in Scotland it wouldn't be a Jockstrap....

  5. Hi Browning,


    Thanks for that. I look forward to getting some decoying time in, soon after the OSR is combined. The sprayers were ready the last time I was over there. I'll let you know how things develop, as usual. I'll also be able to see the rabbits better when the fields are cleared.

  6. Probably leading. I get rid of mine with a good scrubbing, with a phosphor bronze brush, and have done for years. It's a normal part of my gun cleaning, and I have a special brush for leading. One section of a cleaning rod, to keep it stiff, with phosphor bronze brush attached, plus a bit of elbow grease.

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