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Posts posted by markbjones01

  1. very fragile metal , I had one last year climbed up something gave way where a bolt was drilled through a pipe I fell as I was swinging myself into the seat ,so did my Hyme sr21 gravity took over and I was bruised and the gun snapped the stock in half - gutted !!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi All


    I have just had my wonderful bitch Meeka scanned today and confirm that she is pregnant, the litter is due on the 9th of April, obviously as yet I am unsure of how many pups she will have but I am hoping to have a couple to sell to working homes, Both parents are experienced working dogs at home on grouse moors, low lands and woodlands, hence placing this advert to generate some interest,


    Dam is my bitch Vizellven Ocean Zanta an excellent all round working HPR has won numerous open GWT and numerous open Field Trial awards including a coveted 1st place


    Sire is my great friends dog Gyurokovari Buvesz this is his first litter he was imported as a pup and has competed to a high level and works on a large shoot in Herefordshire, he has also won a coveted 1st in open field trial ( only 6 vizslas have ever done so)


    The reasoning behind this litter was to breed two of the best current working/trialling Vizslas in the country to produce versatile working dogs, Price per pup will be £1000, please message me for further details if your interested







  3. Hi all need a bit of advice please, I bought a Yukon photon xt in 6.5 times at the gamefair. I fitted it to my .17 and sighted it in yesterday - im bit of a techno fobe and the one shot sighting in turned into a 15 shot exercise .


    however I was happy with the way it works and decided to go out last night after foxes that have been playing havoc on the shoot I help run.


    I set off on foot and with the help of the ucaller I managed 3 full grown cubs and a large dog fox - I was very impressed with the set up


    this has got me thinking does any one on here use the video recording system on it and if so what do they use and is it easy to master,


    there was so much to see last night that one wouldn't see when out lamping like the owls hunting hedges and badgers feeding on harrowed fields it would be interesting to make a few short vids


    thanks in advance mark

  4. I have only ever fed raw to my dogs, ( CURRENTLY 4 WORKNG VIZSLAS) I had a litter 5 months ago and they were all weaned at 3 and a half weeks to minced chicken carcasses and tripe. and are the most healthy pups I have ever seen.


    I feed just whole chicken carcasses 6 days a week and 1 day a week steamed veg. they do not miss any nutrients in this diet whatsoever


    on a cautionary note I would never feed the feather or fur I hunt to my dogs as require them to be retrieved to me and not seen as a food stuff. So if you shoot pheasant and duck and your dogs retrieve them then I would look for alternatives


    :) mark

  5. You can disagree all you like but HMRC can and do carry out random tests regardless of suspicion of guilt. They have that power and do it every day to business owners and self employed. They can also test in your absence, if you hinder this you can be charged with obstruction.


    Believe me if I could tell HMRC to do one I and every business owner in the land would do it. HMRC may enter any premises except private dwelling houses to inspect, test or sample any fuels or oils be it in a vehicle or elsewhere. So unless you park your vehicle in your front room of your dwelling a warrant is not needed.


    An act is law otherwise how would anybody be prosecuted under the firearms act it’s the basis of law.

    You will have your day in court to argue what you did was not obstruction but refusing a dip is going to be seen as obstruction all day long as it would have been tested without your interference and refusal.


    Try your argument on refusing a breath test and see how long you keep your licence regardless if you had been drinking or not.


    HMRC have more powers than the police to carry out their duties.



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