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Posts posted by markbjones01

  1. A week ago whilst dogging in my pheasants I slipped on an escarpment and hurt my left leg, the next day I couldn't put any weight on it and was in severe pain. the missus bless her forced me to go to the local A&E dept. The doctor said I had a level 2 tear to hamstring gave me crutches and serious pain killers reffered me to a physio and said to rest it for 2-6 weeks !!!!


    well a week later the pain is just as bad apart from the meds that sort of make me float in the sky but what I wanted to know is has anyone had similar ? if so how long until they were up and about again ? and the one thing that i am really struggling with is the boredom of being indoors and not out shooting.



  2. Congratulations :-)


    ive lived in the sticks all my life and will never ever get tired of looking at the fields and woods all round the house, each view is a large canvass that changes slightly every day tis perfect well except when the freakin badgers did up my veg garden !!

  3. I had a day walked up grouse shooting over my own dogs in north Yorkshire on Saturday gone, and saw quite a few black grouse (not shot at) . Despite having a days grouse shooting each year for the last 4 or 5 this was the first time ive ever seen them :-)

  4. You don't need a 357 magnum for humane dispatch. A .22lr is quite sufficient at close range. But you do need a condition on your FAC.


    I beg to differ !! a .22lr is not sufficient to use on cattle ! I used to work in New Zealand and had to dispatch several hundred calves after the first half dozen with said .22 I gave up and switched to a .410 didn't cause any further suffering with that !!

  5. less than 3 weeks ago I applied to Hampshire Police for a variation to my FAC, to have a .22 plus .17 added and a mod for my deer rifle, today the new cert arrived on my door step with all variences included so a massive Big Up to HPF :good: ps they havnt even cashed the cheque yet even !!

  6. For several years I have been amazed with so many high quality, informative, enjoyable threads on this forum and I was wondering wether it was possible to have a Like button under each persons comment much the same as a social media website does, that way one could gauge how good peoples posts are ? :whistling:

  7. thats a good idea think i will give it a go


    they are invaluable for dog training but seriously over priced i was quoted in the region of 150 quid for a new transmitter by the manufacturer !!



    If I was u I'd take the receiver into your local rc store, just don't be tempted by any of the planes or cars while your there. It looks at tho they only sell newer updated remote units at extortionate prices on their website. Can I ask what justifies paying that much for a dummy launcher? (i know you inherited yours)

  8. hiya goodo


    on the recieving box located on the side of the machine there is a reciever number (6508) its made in canada and is charged by mains to a lithium battery but ive got no infor on frequencies etc :-(



    I'm sure you could get another transmitter/reciever. Without seeing the thing voltages output signal etc I couldn't recommend one tho

  9. Hi folks i waswondering if some one a tad more technical than me could help please. ive inherited a single shot remote dummy launcher minus the hand held transmitter, i have contacted BB in the usa but they wernt able to help as they dont make this type anymore.


    i was wondering is it possible to use/adapt another type of transmitter so that i can use it and how would i go about it ?


    cheers Mark

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