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les gedge

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Everything posted by les gedge

  1. hi did u get my p m its les gedge ring me on 07875227991 or send me ur number

  2. wanted red tail gate light for mitsibushi r reg l 200 and passenger back light please yours in sport les
  3. goose rags 4 sale due 2 time wasters last time 50 rags 4 40 quid no sticks i use bamboo sticks thay r new still in bag thay do work very well les now sold
  4. your very good at gessin right pic of a pic
  5. hi bud av a gunmark kestrel 12g only fired about 1000 carts dubble triger a few sratches on stock non ejecter 100 quid les
  6. hi m8 no as i said in my post wud prefare pick up as very bissy

  7. hi stuart waiting 4 phone call from shotgun tim will let u know what goes on buddy les
  8. hi bud abit 2 bissy 2 post at moment wud like pick up

  9. pigeon decoys for sale 21 shells high defanition most r new no sticks 8 full body some with feet with sticks pick up prefared 40 pound will look 4 sticks but cant promis les
  10. that is something special what acollection only had about 12 myself ad a left a right my pick ov game birds to eat thay r ace very well done buddy
  11. hi bud thats a beauty i av ad white 1 3 browns my mate andy mittchell as ad blue mottled like yours in pattan
  12. hi bud got all the meat just a bad broken leg and lost a eye graze face
  13. Two geese shot yesterday on last day of Season - outskirts of Leeds. One travelled nearly 200 yards before it came down, picked it up just off the track. Other dropped 20 yards away from me.
  14. Lovely roe buck - brilliant condition. Unfortunately, it had been hit by a car and I was called out by the farmer to despatch it - running around the horse paddock with leg badly broken.
  15. graham is there any at wakey i want 1 4 the fireplace

  16. hi tom dont know i dont normaly count em wen i am on my own hope 2 c u soon les
  17. hi in the last pic is 2 deer 1 fox 17 rabbits sorry about bad picture
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