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novice cushie shooter

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Posts posted by novice cushie shooter

  1. Phoned edgar bros on Wednesday to find out the age of my escort as i required a set of chokes and a choke key as none were supplied with the gun. He said he had plenty keys and would send me one and have a look for any old chokes lying around. Just signed for a package with 5 chokes!! Blimey a complete set. The gent in the armoury wouldnt accept any payment either! Top drawer service from them. Thanks to the 3 gents who messaged me with offers of chokes also, much appriciated gentlemen.

  2. Been in the same pheasant syndicate with my dad and friends for about 20 years now and today is the first time i have sat here after a shoot and considered my options. I have always enjoyed my fellow guns company and we have went through quite a lot together but some folks ignorance is astounding. were not a big shoot afew birds and banter is what its about not big bags. A guest who shoots regularly with us had his young lab with him and asked for a stone dead retrieve. Last drive one was shot in an open grass field so a stander shouted to anyone with a dog to leave it for the young dog. The so called head beater ignored this and sent his dog. I was raging with this. What compounded this anger was the drive previous he asked all beaters to put there dogs on leads and his proceeded to finish the drive in 30 seconds. He has been told on numerous times about this but ignores all advice. Trouble is he brings his son in law and a few teens to help so the captain is reluctant to let him go. Trouble is i got my FAC and thats the only ground i have to shoot on and my dad is in the same syndicate and is getting on a bit so i like being with him. Why cant folk be normal and not a holes??

  3. I got some off him on his way up to meet u dave few weeks back. I posted on facebook too seems like most things in life there are those that wlways want to knock people. I have used PC 32g 5s for the last year and had no issues at all. My dad and two others have also started using them and they shoot more than me. Great cart at a good price. George is always good with me. Doubt i will ever use 10k tho.

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