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Posts posted by Maidment78

  1. Morning all,

    I have a A391 with the synthetic stock and the rubber grip inserts are shot. It’s a discontinued unit and tbh it’s for rough shooting so cosmetics are not a major concern.

    I was wondering if anyone has tried to replace these? With a resin or new inserts?


  2. Morning,


    I have used three in my time, the S410 FAC, the Daystate Mk3 .177 FAC and I currently own the Daystate Airwolf .22 FAC, they were all very good, the S410 had a slightly larger buddy bottle and was fixed at around 30 ish Ft lbs and I could get 20 - 30 shots before I felt I needed a fill, the .177 was a beast, she ran at 17 ft lbs and was a serious bit of kit, shot count was low 20 max as she used so much air to get the tiny little pellet to 17 ft lbs.


    I went to the Airwolf as she has the biggest buddy bottle and loads of shots before a fill and also she is adjustable so I could run her from 12 - 40 ft lbs depending where I was, I use a mill dot scope so you just need to know the drop points at each setting.


    Depends on your budget really but I went for the digital daystate as the pressure consistency per shot was spot on and she has a built in crono and I like toys,,,


    Selling it now as I have lost the permission I was shooting it on and just use the 17HMR now on open ground. but again, budget, where are you shooting (open ground, buildings etc) and what you like to shoot is the main thing.

  3. I have used the S410 TDR, the S410 and now use the S510, superb rifles, easy to use, reliable and accurate. Why the TDR? looks cool but personally I would go for the standard carbine and put a nice big scope on it. Just personal preference though, its what I did.


    You can use the S410 TDR with the stock off as it self regulates to air pistol power levels but I never bothered,


    I prefer carbines, less moving parts so less things to break and short barrels as rats in a small space are rather quick so speed is useful,,,

  4. Injectors????????? Has it had the recall work? Mine ran like pooh and was that. Got done foc but would have cost well over a grand if not under the recall.


    Also worth a check is the hose in the sump that draws the oil around the injector system, mine was split and made it a nightmare, very easy and cheap to do ( minus oil change) so worth a thought.

  5. It was upgraded for some god unknown reason a long time ago to have a series 3 front on it, then in 1996 put back as well as the could to a 2, still has the series 3 front wing panels that I will remove and replace with series 2 in due course as the checker plate patches look rubbish.


    Thanks for the advise, will start looking now, just started on the electrics as they are shot, this might take a while.

  6. Morning,


    Just got my first series 2 and she is great fun already, been out on the local farm area and the grin factor of being bounced about but going over everything was brilliant. Only issue I have at the moment is that she has road biased tyres and these are fine at the moment as it is dry so not worried.


    In a few months though it will be less dry and mud around us is going to be an issue so need a spare set of wheels for her.


    I am new to the whole series tyre size and have been having a look for some alternatives, I want to keep her looking right so the thought of putting some larger grippy tyres on makes me shudder. So what to fit?


    Current tyres are 205/R16 104 radials, I have seen a few others out there and I did like the look of the rangemasters but they are 7.5/16 so assume these are too big?


    The other ones I quite liked are the 205/80R16 104S XL TL KUMHO KL78 but not sure what these are like,



    Basically if anyone out there has any thoughts on this any info would be really handy as I am just getting to know the does and don'ts with this girl.







  7. Weather is looking good, birds are about and for the first time in months I have the afternoon off.


    So rather than mess about with some modern thing the old Westley Richards is coming out for a few hours of fun. There really is nothing greater than dropping a pigeon with a muzzel loader, very much looking forward to doing just that tomorrow.


    Hopefully have something to show for it tomorrow,,,

  8. Is it safe? The comment where I work makes me a little worried, if you are in a safe place, good back drop, no neighbours or at least ones that understand shooting then sure. I would be really careful though, with permission means you can but would you?

  9. I had one and it had a few issues,,,,


    Mainly the injectors were a pain, the 4x4 was intermitant and it did not have a slip diff so if you engage 4x4 then do not turn a corner on the road or you will but the shaft.


    She pulled like a beast though. I got rid as the spares was so expensive and went for a landy as I can fix it myself.


    Sorry did not read your post before you bought,,,,

  10. Confused but this is not hard, do you have a FAC cert at the moment? if not then you have to apply for one for the FAC shotgun as it does not go on the SGC as it is a section 1, I would also keep your SGC as it is not a lot of money to renew and to be honest there are very few places that allow FAC shotguns (game shoots, clay grounds etc) and you will probably have to have land clearance and set a specific area to shoot it, you will also be limited to what you can shoot with it as not all animals are covered in some areas.


    I got one about 2 years ago and to be frank it is good as I have an open ticket, but I tend not to use it much these days and am thinking of just getting rid as the time spent reloading 8 shots over three and then the chances of firing more than 3 shots on a normal semi at pigeon are rare indeed.


    I would say do not bother, just get a 3 shot semi.


    However if you asked me this two years ago I would have said get one as it seemed worth it at the time.

  11. Sounds like a great chance to get your FAC and calling in foxes close for the shotgun. I would say any calibre rimfire or centre would take a fox if in the right hands but if you apply for FAC specifically for fox then it depends where you live they may have a minimum calibre for fox so would be worth doing a bit of digging before hand.


    I have .17 hmr, .223 and .243 and find that they all work as well but the .243 is set mainly for deer and with 100 grain heads they are not great as overpenetrate but this is just what I have found out.


    I have to say the .17 is probably my favorite at the moment for vermin as out to 100 yrds it is so flat it is almost cheating really, only downside is it is a little loud but I do not seem to find this upsets the animals as much as I thought it would.

  12. Quick Update, decided the best way to go is make some so I have bought a lathe and a load of brass and will start working on this over Christmas.


    Gun is nicely balanced and I am hoping to have it ready for the final day of the season in January. If anyone is interested I will diary what i do and post this (if I do not blow myself up) in the new year.

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