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Posts posted by Maidment78

  1. Ziplex, sounds like the dog is a lucky little fella having you take him as he must be really in a bad way health wise at that weight, sure the other two you have will whip him into shape and then you will have three mad as you like dogs to keep you busy. Well done and good on you. :good:

  2. This will all boil down to paper trails, check the purchase order they gave you, who owns the report? If they sent you a copy of their terms with the order stating that the work belongs to them prior to payment and you did not reply then they have you.

  3. We bought face to face with the old owners and no agent. Why not make doing that easier and cut out the need. No offence but estate agents are in the most totally over valued and are not famed for customer service so I avoid.

  4. I have loads of both 300 and 232 12's and 15's as I dive a lot, the 300 bar 12 is brilliant for the pcp so would always go for this, 3 ltr is pointless as still too heavy to lug about so get the big 12 ltr and fill up a few times a year. Also get them to put a 'Surface Use Only' sticker on the bottle then you do not have to get the tank surviced as often compared to tanks used in the sea for diving.

  5. Been doing my DSC1 course this weekend with the tests tomorrow so sitting in the lounge doing some last minute revision when I notice something out the corner of my eye, thinking it was just a deer in the garden I look up to see a nice young fox walking about.


    I then went to the secret key box, then to the cabinet, then to the ammo safe then after much faffing about about I am ready to go. Outside, accross what felt like miles of pea gravel and making more noise then an elephant on heat but luck was in the target was still there trying to catch bugs and the like.


    Managed a slow crawl to withing 30 yards then stood up, aimed, and when it still had not noticed me I coughed, bang.


    Now back to some more revision,,,,, :good:


  6. I have a short hair and she is totally bonkers! 18 months now and half as mad as before but twice as mad as most! Brilliant fun and really starting to show form now. Totally gun shy last month and now not at all bothered so my thoughts is she was having a stroppy day!


    Loves the little lass (9 month old daughter) and though I have been at times totally at a loss with her in the first year now she is just ace (mostly)


    Good luck, people give up on these as they are a hard dog but I am so glad I managed to keep it together and see it through. (planning our second one in about 18 months so must be mad)


    Good luck!

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