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Posts posted by Maidment78

  1. Had one a while now, did not like 65mm carts but no issue, 70mm cycle fine in mine and only reduce it to an 8 shot so not all bad.


    Clean it well and she will work, it is a semi, I use it for rough work, rain, dust, basically she is a tool and does the job well, issues? only one and that is the manual override button that stops her cycling the next round does not work, issue? not for me, sure a seal might go one day but that will be through wear, simple to use and I like it.


    Only thing I do not like about semi's is they throw the empty cart miles off to the righht and you have to play hunt the empty, hard work if in long grass or standing crops, would be nice to deflect them straight down but the physics is all wrong for them to do that.

  2. I use Deben Slim for clay and everything else.


    I supose it depends if you soot alone or not really and need to have a chat about how poor your mate is shooting, I like mine, good for chatting if sharing a hide and not bad on the wallet, though I have not had to buy batteries yet,,,,,,, :huh:

  3. I got done on sat too! Very funny, wife's says strange man called pretending to be nat west fraud team, she was pleased as she told him to go away.


    Thing is it was and my card had been cloned, £2,000 later and I fell off my chair, money back in account and form all signed, they bought some really cool stuff too and as the wife did not notice the huge overdraft I think a new gun might be on the cards,,,,,,,

  4. Do yourself a favour, sit down with your son and make a list of things you expect, and what he expects, (rent level, review, repairs, bills, length of tenancy and what to do if he can not pay as there is nothing worse then seeing someone buy a new tv when they have not paid the rent,,, friend of mine did this and his parents were not impressed.) do this now and when issues arrise it is not a problem, do not do it and leave it and it might, I say might as it may never be an ssue, but it could go wrong and the stress your wife was under before will be far worse if you have a major fall out.


    Good on you though for helping your family, would be nice to think I would do the same for my little one if she ever needed it.

  5. Evening, just back from a great afternoon on the clays, new to the scene of clay shooting but as the season is getting closer a bit of training was required as was shooting badly yesterday evening.


    Got there and was getting ready when a group went past and a chap asked if I was for real, I was using my 16 bore sxs hammer gun so not the average thing to see but it is what I will be using during the shoot so seemed right to practice with her.


    Anyone else use a sxs on clays or am I the only one? 42/50 so not too bad a result and did really well on the teal stand with a clear 10.


    Just thought I would ask.

  6. My wife was recently lost her job working for the schools, where she had been working for the past 3 years. She paid her dues into the pensions sceheme (I am not sure of the monthly amount of hand), the role was part time, which was was approximatly 18 hrs a week. Although she often worked 25 - 30hrs, without being able to claim O/T.


    Due to the finianical cuts the school was forced to let her go. She managed to get a similar job for Barnardos, which although is a charity is a private industry job. She works less hours for more money. She has also had more opportunities to improve her CV through training and extra responsiablities.


    I also work for the public sector and am meant to work 40 hrs a week, but more often than not, I work a 50 -60hr a week. Sometimes working 15hrs only to have 3 hrs kip, then back to work.This has a serious effecton my family life, especially with shift work.


    I pay nearly double into my pension which is more than other public sector workers. my friend works in the private sector, and who is a finincial director and owns a 1/2 million house in the country, while I can hardly afford a 2 bed mid terrance, with benefit scrougers for neighbours.


    I earn around 30K a year, for getting beaten up, insulted, and shouted at most days (not just by the wife because I am going shooting again!!)and never seem to make anyone happy with the descision I make. My friend earns around 50 - 70k a year for re-uphostering funiture :hmm: although I know he works hard and has the responsiablity for a entire company. I also have another friend who earns around 80K - 100K a year looking at the ocean bed to locate oil, and gets to travel all over the world on business expenses :hmm:


    I completly agreed that some people in the public sector get over paid for what they do, but thats on the basis of the 20/80 rule. 20% of the people doing 80% of the work. But I have also worked in the private sector in the past and know this is just as true for that sector, you get the sick notes in ever line of work, its just easier to get rid of them in the Private sector.


    Oh, I have not had a pay rise for two years. Which I dont mind, as quite rightly we are all in this debt crisis together as a country, although I have my doubts at times.


    When the goverment puts a stop to footballers being paid 80k a week or union chief's/MP's and managaing directors getting 100k bonus's a year, I think then maybe people can start turning there attention on the people working at the bottom rung of the public sector, because from down here, I am definatly not smelling the roses. Until then maybe the country's anger is being focused in the wrong direction... something to do with a slight influence over the national media, who never seem to bash the private sector as much :hmm: but still sells the papers dosnt it.


    I also pay council tax, so essentially pay for my own wages and pension as well.


    I will happily take any offers of jobs in the private sector, earning £35K upwards. I am 33yrs old, motivated, quick to learn and have two degrees in business :D I dont care what pension I pay into.

    I shall also await the bashing comments back at my post :lol: enjoying the discussion.


    1. We make staduim seat for the FA and sporting arena, theatres and major event area and big MOD boats floating about the sea.

    2. My wife bought the house, she is a lawyer and works 70+ hours defending companies from people who were not clever enough to open doors before walking through them

    3. I bought the company for a serious amount of cash and put the house up for it and live with the risk.

    4. £70k in my dreams.

    5. I also have two degrees, one in physics the other in purchasing and procurement? mean tat all in the real world.


    I am not sure why working my **** off and taking risks and doing well is so bad? we all have choices to make, make them and go with it, do not put me down for doing ok in life,


    If you do not like it change it, simple.


    Ps what is a pension? I have a veggie patch so does that count?

  7. Morning, been pondering if I should get a range finder as I am now shooting out to 200 yrds and although during daylight hours it is not an issue I have found that duing low light everything is looking a lot different and I found the other night a simple shot looked much further than it actually was, so to be on the ultra safe side I thought it might not be a bad idea.


    I have looked about for some and to be honest they all look similar and as I am not interested in the thing telling me what hold over I should be using I was looking at a standard Leopold RX 600 unit.


    On most sites this is at around £200 but on the above mentioned site it is only £150 so quite a drop, issue is it looks a little too cheap so I ask what is wrong, are they for real, do they deliver?


    Juth thought I would ask.

  8. When you say no gear do you mean just a gun and carts?


    Camo is really needed but then just dark clothes in a hedge at a push, decoys make or break the day so if you have none get there very early, you might be lucky and bag a few in a sitty tree, you can then use these to make a pattern, google horse shoe pattern and make that, no hide, issue but not the end of the day, find a hedge on a flight line and make the best of what you have, branches, grass, cowslip is good for a short day. Remember not to damage the hedge though, it is there for a good reason and if the farmer sees you chopping it up he will not be a happy man.


    STAY STILL! they will see you but if you do not move until the last second you can blag it,


    From the sounds of it you have nothing to lose and all to gain from this so do some web searches on what to do and then get there for about 5am and do your best.


    Good luck!

  9. Morning,


    Just a heads up really, birds now coming in hard on the rape seed and rooks and for some reason coming in really hard in huge flocks on the corn. Not seen that before so is it normal?


    Tend to be active first thing, then quiet between 11-2 then hitting hard again later in the day.


    Roll on Sunday as wife has given me a day pass for being good,,,

  10. Are you talking about the magazine feed spring? I have one from a beretta fitted to my hatsan, compared to the factory fit it is marginally better and give a slightly better feel to the gun (though like most things this is probably all in my head but I like to think it does)

  11. I am with Alex, I used to work in a waste recycling plant when I was a college, there were a few waste products we had to deal with, sweet corn was a big one, and the processed waste was sold on to farmers as a fertiliser, thing is it is so processed by the time it is on a field in a heap it is really just rotten organic matter but I would not want to climb on it,,,


    Sorry Dave-G but they are not joking on this one. :blush:

  12. will give it a go tomorrow with the tester and see what the diff is, just suprised me thats all, does anyone find that after the first shot anything stays about then comes in to allow a second or is it just a one shot and leave?


    Not deer as to be frank more than one would be a pain to carry but was more thinking of foxing. (which I will be doing Wednesday night all going well)

  13. Morning,


    Daft question ime from me again. I have just got my .243 and used it for the first time on Sat, brilliant, love it and far lighter than I thought it would be.


    Question is how quiet should it be with a moderator? I ended up going for a PES unit as it was slim and stainless and I do shoot in horrid weather so did not want it to rust out, been using 17 and 22 for a while and they are seriously quiet so when i pulled with the 243 I was not expecting the amount of sound that came out, no kick just a bang.


    I have a noise meter here so will go and compare but it was quite a bit.



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