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Everything posted by jimcam

  1. Welcome to the forum pal.Plenty to do on here.Jim.{Night Owl}.
  2. If anyone Fancies a shoot,(To kill tin cans)And your near Hamilton In Scotland.Contact me and I'll get back to you.Jim.Night Owl).
  3. jimcam

    QB th78d

    Can I have one of the th stocks to fit on my XS79 Please My friend? Jim.{Night Owl}.
  4. The people that do that Knacker it for the rest of us.No wonder we need insurance.A guy tried to walk his dogs on my perm (This was at 4am and he should have been in bed).I'm nocturnal.and he was told politely where to go.15 acres and he had to pick that field to have a wander In.(The landowners let everyone know we will be shooting there at any time)Clown I say.He Knew there'd be about seven of us up there that night with powder and airguns.Jim.{Night Owl}.
  5. Anything above 12ftLbs is into the FAC and FAL range pal.Jim.{Night Owl}.
  6. Hi pal is that Midlothian? If so I could offer you a shoot on my permission.Jim.(Night Owl).
  7. jimcam

    QB th78d

    Good luck in your quest Cheers, John Hi pal fancy meeting you here.How much for the TH78,(No silencer and no scope needed)Jim.(Night Owl).??
  8. I do so fancy that.A nice light rifle.(I've got a bad back,An industrial accident many moons ago).Would do for plinking,and me being lazy I like the thought of a five shot mag too.Someone on here said you get two of the mags as standard In the box.Jim.{Night Owl}
  9. The weather Snowed him In and I'll have to just wait till he has mobility again.(This Damn Weather.Jim.(Night Owl).
  10. Welcome to the forum from a nearly new member.Have fun pal.Jim.
  11. Good luck in your search.Nice choices.Jim.
  12. jimcam

    night vision

    Dont know if this is any good for anyone.Lidl is selling an N/V monocular for £99.00.Though I dont know how good it is.Jim.
  13. jimcam

    Give Me Air

    My Mate chases up all diving shops.(Just in case one or the other is closed).Jim.
  14. Hello again.I'm not long out of hospital,hence me not being on for a while.Jim.

  15. Sorry for not being on for a while but I was in hospital.Jim.

  16. Hi guys,I was offered a Baikal IZ For nothing yesterday,from my friendly local publican.He says it comes with two five shot mags.The question is...As I've never heard of this,do I go back round today to collect it or give it a wide berth.Any Info would come in handy.Jim.
  17. Thanks for the message.Great news about your shoots pal.Have more fun in the near future.You cant beat a good shoot can you.Jim.

  18. Great to know someones having fun.Did you take the brush?I love taking the woodies and get the wife to make pies or soups with them.Jim.

  19. jimcam

    QB th78d

    I'd say go for an XS79,in .22cal.You can convert them to be refillable(I've got one)Refill costs around 0.08p per fill.A great accurate little rifle if your willing to use some elbow grease on it.Jim.(NightOwl).
  20. I just echo the things said in this thread.among my collection I have an XS79 and that shoots as straight as a Die.And did'nt cost the earth.(Just a bit of elbow grease).Jim.(Night Owl).
  21. Hi Davie how are you? Jim.(Night Owl).

  22. Hello there EH? Can I just call you every? Jim.(Night Owl).

  23. Cant wait to get back out on the permission soon.(Weather permitting).

    1. Norrie


      Hi Jim, I'm out almst every day mate..got around 7 farms now...:).was out today, just messing around, as you do.,...decoying Pigeons, had a few...you should try a few decoys with the AG, works a treat,..:) and great fun too.

      Was out on a fox shoot yesterday( sat) and got one, hit one, killed one...well pleased...also, three weeks ago, had my first Deer at my farm about 5 mins from the house...loving this FAC/Shotun stuff...:)Shooting Squirrels with the FAC Rapid as well now..I'm ...

    2. jimcam


      Nice to know someones having fun.You cant beat a good shoot can you.Good on you.Did you take the brush from the fox? I love getting the wood pigeons.They make a great pie or soup so they do.Jim.

  24. Long time no hear me old friend.Jim.

  25. jimcam

    New Hide

    My wife(Great lady) got me a Fishermans Shelter for a fiver.We had It out on the permission and it fitted three of us quite comfortably too.Thanks Darling.Jim.(Night Owl).
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