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About Paxtond

  • Birthday 22/03/1989

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  1. have used a few different scales. my current combo is a rcbs charge master 1500 and a rcbs beam scale to double check my charges i have to say the charge master was expensive but it accurate and reliable. makes reloading a batch so much easier
  2. herts 3 weeks for fac/sgc
  3. this is my gun, will upload pictures later on
  4. this is my gun, will upload pictures later on
  5. this is my gun, will upload pictures later on
  6. I would also like to add that as the army's weapons have got bigger and badder, the publics firearms did also. Part of the 2nd amendment is so the people can fight back of the government go to far
  7. I paid £7 duty on my Rcbs CM and £10 parcel force charge
  8. My rcbs charge master took 2 days to get from Idaho USA to the uk customs, it then took 3 weeks to get my heathrow to my house only 30 miles away. Uk customs and parcel force work very slow and are some of the most unhelpful people around
  9. Apply for a section 1 shotgun, you current safe should be fine as you won't be using slug for pigeon so no need for a ammo safe. Although if I was you, for the sake of £10 I would renew the SGC aswell just incase you decided in the future you want to shoot clays or something
  10. I thought that kinda did this already. My flo asked my parents and sister if they were ok living in a house with guns, all were fine after I took them to the club, totally changed their view on shooters. As for ex partners, I can't see that working at all, the amount of friends I have at war over custody of children who can't even look at each other
  11. Like I said before most Americans support the tighter background checks, it's the registration that they don't like, also the fact the AWB limits cosmetics and not the function of a riffle. How it a semi auto hunting riffle any more of a risk than a Ar-15. The American shooting community are not a spineless "I'm alright jack" kind of group so I doubt this will get through
  12. its a shame the uk NRA don't fight for us like the us counterpart. like i said i doubt we will get anything back but its worth a try for the sake of 1 min
  13. attitude like that will end shooting, we need to let the government know we are ****** about what has been taken away and we are not going to stand around and let them take any more
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