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Posts posted by Soulboy

  1. Turpentine finest quality mineral or gun turpentine and a brass wire suede brush should do the trick,plenty of it,scrub all the muck off/out of the chequering,wipe the dirt off with paper towel as it comes out.


    Leave it to dry out for a day or so and you should have a lighter colour,if not repeat above.


    Hope that helps.

  2. Even subs will be doing 850 - 900 fps/80 ft lbs at 90 yards,the fact is that although it is called expanding,it rarely does when hitting small game - the velocity is just not enough - even at 1000 fps/100 ft lbs


    Hyper velocity .22 - circa 1650 fps will,as will others calibres e.g. HMR at 2500 fps


    How many have found a .22lr bullet head in a rabbit?.


    I find that whether its Eley subs,Winchester subs or RWS Geco round nose,hit them right and they go over.

  3. 60 Yards is max range for a BSA Superten at FAC levels IMHO,not really for sub 12ft lbs - more like 35 max.


    If its the full length barrel version mine likes AA Field in 5.52


    And if its any help i have a Superten silencer for £15 posted.


    Enjoy the gun.

  4. Same here sent in maps and permissions for two more farms two weeks ago - nothing yet,called Maidstone yesterday and "its in the administrators tray"


    Not really a lot of use when Mr Farmer says "when are you coming over" :D


    So its BSA Superten and shotties for the moment.

  5. They are excellent glass for the money,i have the 4-12X44 on my CZ and have already bought the 10X44 for my HMR(when i get the variation),SBC reticule is really usefull with aimpoints at 1/4 mildot spacing.

    So a Zero of 65 yards gives you aimpoints for every ten yards further out.

  6. Dan i'm in Margate near Dane Park,seem to have aquired quite a bit of shooting lately,theres plenty out there and get one and it leads to more,my mate rang over the weekend to say he's buying a farmhouse and 60 acres at Preston near canterbury :good:


    So the offer stands - any responsible insured shooters drop me a PM


  7. Funny place Kent Cupraman,my latest shoot was unshot for two years,before that an old boy used to turn up once a week with a.22,shoot 2 or 3 bunnies and go!.


    Whereabouts in Kent are you and naddan28,perhaps we should have a Kent boys get together/shoot?

  8. The reference is for despatching mink IN THE TRAP not hunting them with a sub 12ft lb air rifle.


    I used to live near Oxford and one shoot had some mink,we managed to get three of them,i would'nt use anything less than a 12 bore or .22 rim,they are very tough animals and a shot from a 12 ft lb gun is likely only to wound.

  9. Now 5/8 oz loads in a 12 bore - that makes me smile,well the 9mm is a lot quieter.


    Today i was at the farm (dairy mainly)in one of the barns with the 9mm talking to the farmer who mentioned that a lot of foxes hang around during calving,ten minutes later having popped a couple of rats,guess who trots round the door - Mr fox. Always happens when you've got the wrong gun in your hands.


    Same story - go out with FAC superten for bunnies - see fox - take rimfire or 12 bore - no fox!


    Thanks for your wisdom and the 9mm does everthing i want it to at 10 yards.

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