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Posts posted by Soulboy

  1. Hello - Wonder if anyone out there knows what the effective range of one of these is,its a 3 shot semi auto that fires the little Fiochhi 9mm shotshells.

    Having had good results on the rats with the S200 in .22 in the grain stores,i'd like to have a pop at some the ones that won't stay still!

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

  2. Same as you mate - a local "old style" butcher around the corner asks me for 15 or 20 for the next day,and i get a pound each,not in the summer though - nobbody wants them.


    I am at the mo putting them - gutted,skinned,cleaned and wrapped in clingfilm in the freezer (used to be a chef !)the problem is weve a new shoot thats overrun with them,got 12 in 45 mins last night,and its the control them or lose the shoot scenario.


    Like others i dont like to see them shot and left to waste.

  3. Result :good: Have you got a FAC?





    Yes mate - a coterminus for both shottys and part one. Why?


    Sorry mate, I thought you were an airgunner and it would be a good opportunity to gain a FAC. My mistake.




    Yes mate i am an airgunner that holds a FAC and shotty as well,used the BSA superten last night to get the bunnies.

    Whereabouts in kent are you - i sometimes shoot at dover and district GC

  4. Well having been told last week "sorry but we are releasing partridges,so no more shooting til the new year"on my best 200 acre shoot,i was a bit peeved,having done a good job on reducing the massive bunny population.

    Then finding out this happened to the last guy last year. :good:


    Then had a phone call out of the blue"are you the fella that shoots rabbits" er yes "good i've got 1200 acres and the old boy that used to shoot has given it up last year,now i'm overrun with the *******"


    Straight out there,got taken round in the land rover - wow never seen so many.


    Went last night - 12 in an hour :)

  5. Mines in .22 and i get 55-60 shots from a fill to 165 BAR - dont fill any higher as the power will be a tad lower from 190 Bar to 165 Bar,mine then produces a very consistent 55 shots,down to 90/100 Bar.


    You will probably get less shots in .177 (say 40-45)as .177 uses more air.


    And no you dont have to re zero,most of the zero problems are to do with the above. e.g. if i fill to 190 Bar my shots drop 2" at 35 yards,and then rise as the pressure falls to 165 Bar.


    Hope that helps.

  6. My S200 likes 170 BAR fills,anything above that and the power drops to 10.3 ft lb,from 170 BAR it gives a very consistent 11.4 ft lbs,and 60 plus shots (.22) til it starts to drop (approx 90 BAR).


    Filling the gun to higher pressures will not give you more power,but reduce it as the hammer cannot open fully against such high pressures.

  7. Very interesting Roblade about the new gunpower - hope its more accurate and consistent than the stealth - but that would'nt be hard!


    Looking on one of the american internet sites,they have developed a chemical reaction system,i.e. tablet (approx2" accross & 1" deep) is put in the cylinder,a few drops of an accelerator added,gas lid screwed on and in 2-3 minutes the reaction produces nearly 1500psi !,dependent on the size of tablet/chamber they have had 200+ shots from a rifle that looks like a crosman rabbitstopper with a big cylinder on the front.


    I'll try and post the link to this site.

  8. I have an old wooden box with some 30+ different types of pellets in tins,that i've collected since the mid 70's,every time i saw a "new" fantastic penetration,mushrooming,pellet i bought them - only to be dissapointed.


    Well 30 odd years of hunting has always led me back to the same conclusion - close range - soft lead flatheads - medium range and general purpose - domed head lead.


    Having said that i'll buy a tin of these and try them - a sucker me!


    Oh and i would'nt shoot a beaver with any kind of air rifle - and are'nt they a protected species?

  9. Simmons WTC 1.5 - 5 X 20 has changed my opinions about objective lens size,i have one fitted to my superten,its got very fast target aquisition,crystal clear optics,use it at 2X and it focuses at 4 yards!.


    Big whistles and bells scopes are OK - but if like i did,and think that you are going to get QUALITY OPTICS and ill ret and mildot and parallax adjustment and and and for around £100 - well you must be mad - those scopes drive me nuts - by the time you have adjusted everything Mr bunny has gone,and poor quality optics has me reaching for the focus ring and AO adj. all the time.


    Believe me look through one and its a revelation - like someones turned the light on - and i'm so impressed that i've now gone one further and fitted a redfield 2 - 7 X 20 to my MFR,and the optics on that are something else,again no whistles and bells - but what a sight picture - i can see .177 pellet holes in targets at 60 yds.

  10. Have tried to put pictures on but to no avail,so email me and i'll send them


    Also i have a folding S/B .410 hammer,again spanish 3" magnum proof,as below offers - pictures available


    Hello - This may be my first post,buts thats because i mainly shoot air rifles nowadays!

    However this would seem the place to put on my much loved and not used for years gun.

    Spanish "Parkemay" side by side 12,excellent condition,28" imp and half i think,coloured case hardened boxlock action,non ejector,super handling and light,straight hand stock,with nice wood,i suppose a game gun,but i used to use for decoying with good effect.

    Offers around £200.

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