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Posts posted by delburt0

  1. Not off post at all but with all due respect they don't all do the same job.! Different engines need different oil, With old (ish) engines if you use a Good Quality Mineral or Semi Synthetic Oil of the right spec then no probs, Use the same oil in a newer common rail diesel engine and see how you get on, Vauxhall and Ford do not make their own own oil, Mineral oil all comes from the same place, Its the base oil and refining process that makes the difference, A lot of oils that you put in your engine are "used oils" that have further been refined to be be suitable for internal combustion engines, A multigrade engine oil whether mineral or semi synthetic with the right SPECS will be fine for your engine.

    So what's the difference between vauxhall and ford fully synthetic 91>, the halfords parts manager couldn't answer it can you ???

    We are talking manufacturers not old or new cars (just after 91) and no stipulation on engine types either.

    But another spanner in the works both of the oils listed various manufacturers they advised the oil for use in over a full array of engines.

    Even though there both fully synthetic and both 5/30.

  2. Bit off post but...

    Don't read much into oil unless it's under warranty, or a really expensive car that will only go to the dealers.

    I've just bought some of halfords fully synthetic 5/30 for the wife's corsa, 1/2 price @ £12.00 for 5 ltrs for ford oil,

    Or £14.00 for vauxhall ???

    I bought ford.

    On the tin it says any petrol or diesal with 5/30 manufacturers reccomendations.

    Been in the game 25 yrs and never met a engine knowing the difference between vauxhall 5/30 and ford 5/30.

    This was not over models but the manufacturers.

    Just reccomendations they all do the same job just personnel preferences.

  3. Don't let anyone draw you down Aaron too many warriors on here when half of them don't no one end of a shooting stick to another, if you get interest and have good days crack on.

    Maybe you might be better sticking with the Facebook shooting/hunting sites I am sure you will find a lot less uneducated idiots.

    If you want any advice on numbers guns/birds pm me you obviously have a set up already just needs putting to good practice.

  4. Don't tar us all with the same brush. I worked in "the world outside school" for years before I went back to the classroom. So have a fair few of my friends and colleagues. I went to my interview for teaching college straight from the building site, even having to apologise for the state of my shoes.

    I will concede though that the best teachers I know have worked outside school before the classroom. They also prepare the children better for life in the workplace (as they have been there themselves.)

    I have Bill Gates' 10 rules for life stuck to my classroom wall and I make inspectors read it when they are in my room.

    Reading that I no you can't win this debate.
  5. Childminders that have no idea of life in the real world. You go from school, to college then university (yes with grants or loans that don't need repaying) then to school again. Granted you may work some of your whats is it 70 plus days holiday but the bloke like me and my other half who only gets 22 days holiday a year and hasn't had a pay rise for seven years despite having a college education too.. You have no idea how life in the real world goes. If it wasn't for the blue rinse brigade in my parents, she wouldn't have worked as we had no intention of claiming benefits. We work damn hard, never asked for payouts and yes we do receive family allowance but that doesn't come anywhere near the cost of school meals (Jamie Oliver take note!!!!) school trips, school uniform with specific school logo, so called 'voluntary contribution or it doesn't happen' school trips, sports day, fund raisers for sports equipment, etc etc, bus fares for the oldest to get to school and home. Yes we made the decision to have children and I do not regret it for an instant, but think about the other hardworking folk contributing to society who cannot strike and at the end of the day pay your wages before you feel badly done to !!!

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