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Posts posted by Mungler

  1. 2 hours ago, Imperfection said:

    Funnily enough,i was an aunt's LPA. She and uncle never had children and were quite wealthy. My uncle made a lot of money gambling (that one) and when they eventually died i made sure the money went to the children's charities specified. Unfortunately, rest of family never forgave me and to this day my name is mud. They asked me 30 years prior because they knew i would do as instructed. All i got (and i never wanted it) was £500 for arranging the care and funerals etc.

    So, the problem now is, who do i ask for me? I have a niece but she's not great with money and can be quite frivolous buying silly things.

    Don't get me wrong,i love my family to bits but my niece & nephew will never get a mortgage-so do i help them out or leave it to Woodgreen animal shelter? Atleast i'll be dead by then and it wont worry me.😄

    I think i need to book an appointment with a solicitor.

    See a solicitor and get it done.

    My experience is that it’s rare for anyone to do the right thing when there’s a chunk of money floating about.

  2. 4 hours ago, Imperfection said:

    My nephew has a gambling addiction-machines & bookies. He owes thousands to various people. As much as he wants me to help him, whats the point? The only thing which would help is if i settled his debts but he wouldn't learn and would do it all again and again. He's 35 so not even a child and sadly does not understand the value of money. The only thing which concerns me is inheritance. I dont have kids and my next relative is an older sister. If i die after sister all that i own will automatically go to him-where it would be squandered very very quickly. My health is in decline at 53 so who knows what the future brings? Money filters through his fingers like grains of sand.

    The other side of coin is a deceased uncle. He knew how to play the system and made a serious amount of money. Allegedly, one bookies in town banned him for this reason.


    Make a Will and wrap your estate into a family maintenance trust and appoint sensible trustees either professionals or members of your family (who can say ‘no’ to the gambler). You can write a non binding expression of wishes to be read in conjunction with the trust which confirms the direction of travel as to where your money can go eg approval of the trust funding a trip to the priory for the gambler.

    Sorry to hear your health is failing and at 53. With that you really do need an LPA and appoint someone you trust to make financial / medical decisions on your behalf if you go go South. We recommend anyone over 65 should have one as a must and anyone of any age if they like motorbikes and skydiving for example.

    If you want a steer, send me a PM.

    All of that said, spend it on coke and hookers 😆

  3. 1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Does any body actually own an electric car?

    Or are they all leased/company cars?

    Everyone that I know that has one does not own it and most state that they would not have one if they had to pay for it themselves.

    Although they mostly like them, possibly as they are NOT picking up the bill.

    Would I buy one from new? Yes. I’d go for a Hyundai or a Kia and if I went that route I’d be looking for the long warranty (both 7 years standard) and aim to keep it for at least 10 years. Because of the bad press rep, the prices are in the toilet. But if you’re in business, business lease deals on some EVs are for next to nothing when you factor in gross of tax.

    That said, lots of people are holding back from buying because we’re early doors and what’s coming over the horizon looks to be better and cheaper and so people will wait and see. The Chinese stuff is heavily taxed as imports to the EU and whilst still cheap here they’re a third of the price back in China - shows you what they can cost though. Indeed, on this aspect the Chinese have gone mad for solar and EVs and it’s working for them. 

    In the meantime, leasing works (business or personal) and throwing the keys back in 2, 3 or 4 years time still makes economic sense if you want a brand new car.

    Ok a Nissan Leaf won’t pull you any birds but it’s a cracking car, 0-60 in 6 or 7 seconds, bomb proof and cheap as chips to run (there’s naff all servicing on EVs - no engine, no oil, no radiator, no exhaust, no gearbox etc).




  4. So, I thought I’d share this. Bit random and a long one.

    Eldest son’s best mate - happy go lucky sort and not an obvious deep thinker. Following Uni, he did the right thing and grabbed a job, any job, and it happened to be in a largish bookmaker’s shop on the High Street near me. 

    When he started he said he’d laugh to himself at the steady stream of mugs losing their money.

    It’s taken him 10 months to get the career job he wanted and he’s serving out his notice in the bookies.

    10 months later he’s distraught. I underline he’s not the sort to get distraught and which indicates to me the severity of the situation. Bear in mind this is just one bookies on a very small high street (where there are other bookies) and there’s thousands of high streets and bookies across the land. There’s also the hand held bookies people now have on their phones boosted by a never ending stream of carefully crafted cynical advertising - be a proper edgey geezer and have a bet etc. 

    So, back to the shop. The shop keeps records of everything and on everyone. The bottom line is that if you start winning you get banned and pretty quickly. So few people know or understand this. Also any discrepancy or issue and you don’t get paid - handwriting, missing a deadline by a nano second and so on. 

    On the record keeping, they know there’s a postman who over the years has lost £50,000 gambling. There are a stream of other regulars in similar positions with worse figures behind them.

    The machines are like crack. The local hairdressers and taxi drivers - as soon as they get a tenner in their hands they’re into the shop and on the machine. 

    Long story short there’s a frightening number of regular problem gamblers, the shop knows all about them and keeps tabs on them (not out of concern but to make sure they don’t win big too often or get in front because they would then need to be banned) and he can see these people frittering their lives away and it troubles him, as it should all of us.

    As we head to the Euros you can’t escape the deluge of cynical gambling ads - they’re everywhere and they need to be stopped or balanced with the truth ‘we’re taking the **** out of you, we’re absolutely exploiting you and you’ll never win like you think you will or like our fictional marketing suggests’.

    Ive always considered myself a bit of libertarian - if you’re over 18, do what you want as long as it doesn’t mess with someone else, but I’ve changed my view on gambling and on the legalisation of cannabis. It must be my increasing years 😀

  5. 2 hours ago, countryman said:

    I really believe it’s not intentional, just no idea.


    Word is that he’s quite effective at his job (accountant) but is a terrible politician who just doesn’t understand the world of politicking.

    Incidentally I was told a long time ago that accountants are useful people to have on board but never to leave them in charge. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

    The leftist wriggle and bitch about the rise of the far right, but its just cause and effect, history should teach them the probable outcome, but their arrogance wont let them see it. 

    The word racist has lost all meaning as too ‘far right’. Both are rolled out at a drop of a hat and so meaning and impact washes away.

    Secure borders, love of country, law and order, controlled selective immigration, saying no to grooming gangs, not pandering to minorities or minority views that some women may have a penis etc. all ‘far right views’ apparently.

    The pendulum is swinging back, how far though remains to be seen.


  7. 10 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    It's not a sect, it's millions of unhappy people who want change , prosperity and secure borders without the woke BS.

    You'll understand it better when labour has finished wrecking the UK , and we have several million more 3rd world mouths to feed, then the people will cry out for someone to fix it, and you probably won't like them.

    Actions have consequences. 

    We are slowly waking up to the mass immigration Ponzi scheme - lots of stuff from Douglas Murray (spanning the last two decades) nails it. 

    We didn’t get doctors, healthcare workers, engineers or cultural enrichment. We got unintegrated and untrained drains on the state, inextricably locked into stone-age religions and customs, who are possibly two generations away from making anything close to a net contribution but who each in turn will get old and ill themselves.

    Instead of chasing imported labour we were not strong enough to tackle the generational dole bludgers here and get them working or encourage economic net contributors to have larger families - cheaper and better housing, lower childcare costs etc. Indeed, why promote a system that punishes those that work with the worst incremental tax system in history and rewards those out of work?

    It is now dawning (too late however) on everyone what we are dealing with - mass economic migration (not asylum seekers) and with little or no upside and an increasingly apparent downside.

    Europe is in front of us, is waking up and now heading towards the right, as the conservatives here open the door wide to the left and 5 years of continued pandering nonsense and a declining economic outcomes.

    I still make the case for teaching economics alongside maths and English. The school system does little to prepare the young for the real world and the lack of understanding about government, money and tax is overwhelming - probably how the powers that be like it.

    We’re getting close to the now necessary brutal, unpleasant but entirely practical conversations about scarcity and resources as GDP per capita plummets.


  8. 40 minutes ago, oowee said:

    No let's not here any conspiracy theory garbage. If there is hard evidence tell me why it's not being prosecuted. The Republicans were happy to pursue Biden base on the Russian mole so why not this? It makes no sense.

    They are currently wittering on about Obama now and Hilary again. They have a majority in the supreme Court some of whom have forgotten their duty of impartiality. So why no action? 

    Don't get me wrong I am happy to see any of them brought down by the law if there is evidence of wrong doing. What we don't want to do is step on the side of MAGA madness where its all a conspiracy. Even the Republican youth chamber (?) Have come out to say we must respect the Merchan court verdict. Only to be called out by MAGA as heretics. 

    The rule of law must prevail. The US needs to scrap the current process of linking politics to judgement and reclaim democracy. No one is above the law. Least of all convicted felons. 

    My predictions are:

    1. Trump will be the next president 

    2. Biden related prosecutions will come*, there will be ample evidence of wrongdoing using the weight of the state to comb the last twenty years of his life (which will uncover plenty - he’s a politician after all 😀), there will be court hearings and convictions.

    3. The tables will turn and everyone currently claiming Trump’s prosecution as a ‘criminal’ will be eating their (current) words as they learn that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

    And let’s remember ‘lawfare’ was coined under this Biden administration; they foolishly have let that genie out of the bottle now. 

    *Joe Biden won’t live long enough to see a Court room, Hunter Biden will flee the states to Dubai and it will be what’s left of the Biden family / team to take the law-fare flack. 

  9. 47 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    The dems are literally scraping the barrel in desperation to nobble Trump, its played out on the media for all to see.
    The more extreme cases of TDS like De Niro, are spouting absolute gobbledegook believing that what they say is relevant, and truly believe its 'hitting home' to American voters.
    I believe nothing is further from the truth, they are like you say, exposing themselves in this desperation .

    One of the most fascinating aspects of it all, is those on the left saying 'If he gets in, this or that will happen, we are all doomed unless you keep creepy senile old Joe in power !' Completely forgetting Trumps already served a full term as POTUS , nothing bad happened, no WW3 , no LGBTs rounded up and shot ect, in fact , he left the US in a better state than what it is now (despite covid)

    The mood in the dem camp is like this, the populace are stupid, thats why they vote Trump, lets tell them how stupid they are for doing this , and then theyll vote dem.
    Its the basket of deplorables all over again.

    Agree entirely. 

    There’s a strata of enlightened liberal elite types here and in the states. You know the types - everyone who voted for Brexit is a thick racist and ditto for those who voted for Trump. I have watched them on-line and to a man they are a cigarette paper away from ‘I’m enlightened, I’m educated with a degree / college education and my own vote should therefore be greater than the 1 I am currently allowed because I am so much more enlightened and educated and don’t have to listen to you’. 

    I have two Americans currently staying with me. They’re not particularly political. Their observation is that there is so much more to the US than the east coast and the west coast which is what the rest of the world sees and hears from. It’s the bit in the middle that decides. They don’t particularly like Trump but they have formed their own view that he is being persecuted by the state and because of a whole load of other lefty woke nonsense (the proven fraud that was BLM, transgenderism, defund the police, mass immigration etc)  they won’t be voting for Kamala Harris & Co. 

    We’re told that the US is dangerously polarised. Outside of New York and California, it turns out everyone is more normal and try to rub along with each other.  That said, the observation is that Trump supporters who are anti Biden are not as rabid as the left Trump haters - that’s now like a religion for some. 

  10. 1. The mortgage fraud charge was a joke. Decade old, no complaint from any bank and all moneys repaid. Falsifying accounts to pay hush money - sounds grand but it’s a BS misdemeanour jumped up to a felony. Lawyers pay people to ‘shut up and go away’ every day. The payment came out of a big bucket and went in the wrong column of a spreadsheet (a) personal (b) business (c) campaign. Anything but C and it’s legit. Anyone think Trump get his biro out and does his own mortgage application and tax returns?

    2. massive error on the part of the democrats. First, middle America can see what’s going on and the middle voters in particular. Committed democrats will never vote trump; it’s the ones in the middle that count. Second, they have opened the door wide open for what happens to ex presidents. Think of the charges that could have been brought against Clinton, Bush, Biden and Obama if the federal state went through every corner of their lives going back over a decade. Those that think Trump Is a criminal and is just getting prosecuted like a criminal - well when he gets in, you wouldn’t want the surname ‘Biden’. What will happen to clan Biden will make this look mild. And the democrats did it to themselves like the sanctimonious thickos they are. 

  11. I am nearing the end of a 3 year business lease of a Jaguar iPace (November); we got the top of the shop versions (400 bhp) on a lockdown deal and at the time it was peanuts a month. The prices have since dropped further because of all the know nothing negative commentary in the press and on-line from people who haven’t owned an EV let alone even driven one - long may that continue because come November we’re leasing I5 M60’s for little more than what we’re paying now.

    To recap:

    1. My last 3 cars SQ5, SQ5, 640. And now I’d never go back. Over the years I’ve driven them all and for my driving needs EV wins hands down. I got an EV to match my driving needs and because it suited my inner accountant (tax deductible, no Road tax, no ulez, no congestion etc). I didn’t get an EV for eco reasons and I don’t know anyone else who did.

    2. Google ‘’average car journey Uk in miles” and then ask about average commuter car journey. You’re talking less than 10 / 20 miles. That’s me and that’s EV sweet spot. Yeah if I regularly drove from Lands End to John O Groats I’d want a diesel mondeo but that’s not me, that’s not my commute and that’s not reflective of my motoring needs in the same way if I wanted to plough a field I wouldn’t do it with a motorbike or in a fiesta. 

    3. They don’t eat tyres or catch fire. I’m on the same set of tyres and my driving style is spirited.

    4. Don’t ever buy one unless you’re planning on keeping it for 10 years. if you can business lease and throw the keys back, do that. Because of the PR disaster their prices are plummeting - bad news for those who bought, great news for business leasers. If buying and keeping Kia or Hyundai are both great and with donkeys long warranties.

    I’ve run out of steam. I’ve said it all before. I just get amazed at the mass hypnosis of people re-posting or forwarding on nonsense stories about EVs yet they have no personal or real knowledge/ understanding. Ask an EV owner / driver what they make of their EV and go from there. 

    If you’re not sure about what you may need a car for or have regular  long journeys then the answer is actually a hybrid Toyota Prius- they are quite simply the best engineered car for the money - ask any Uber driver and to a man they will say that their car has over 150,000 miles on the clock and that they’ve never had a garage bill beyond oil, filters and routine servicing. Seriously, jump in an Uber and ask someone whose had one long enough to put 200,000 miles on the clock what they make of them and don’t listen to anyone else.


  12. 7 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

    The media has kept the lgbtq link very quiet, I wonder why 🤔

    Maybe the constant stream of promoted degeneracy is not all it’s cracked up to be.

    I’m still amazed at the lack of discussion about the parallels with what went on in the Tavistock clinic with full medical / clinician approval.

    Clown World. Indeed, I type this whilst being fed the latest snippets of the Eurovision acts - when did Eurovision become the window to an alternative reality? I don’t know anyone who watches it anymore. 

  13. And in today’s episode of Clown World we have Marius Gustavson the Norwegian immigrant LGBT campaigning self amputee disability benefits claiming human butcher.

    Fascinating that he had his own healthy leg removed; there are significant parallels between what he was doing and what was going on in the Tavistock clinic in that healthy bodies were being mutilated in medically unnecessary surgical procedures.

    Indeed, if you’re a doctor and a patient presents and says that they want a healthy and functioning body part removed, you should probably send them to a psychiatrist - you don’t hand them a scalpel.

    Mad world. Always nice to see my hard earned tax pounds at work though and I bet he didn’t declare the £300k income 😆




  14. 2 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

    I agree with regard to the razor pit. I bought one thinking it was a bit of a gimmick, but in all fairness, it actually works. 

    That’s how I got into them - sceptical and then ‘blimey’.

  15. Anyone think the world is better than say 1990 when there were no mobile phones, no internet and no email?

    I know each generation looks back with rose tinted glasses but anyone born after 1990 won’t know how good it used to be. Indeed being under 30 now, going out, having a good time with people in the real world and ‘not’ taking a photo, checking in or feeling the need to tell everyone on-line?

    And as for on line smut content - well we’ve gone from boobs in mags to real time torturing monkeys. Ah the technological advances of the human race.

  16. I stick with the Fusion (battery vibrating version) and use a Razor pit - I shave every day and the razor pit extends the life of the blade head to months and months. Indeed the razor pit is a shaving game changer.

  17. Quick question - what’s the difference between a wood burning stove and a multi fuel stove?

    There appears to be a lot of wood burning stoves that can become multi fuel stoves by the insertion of a ‘grate’.

    I know there’s a whole load of eco nonsense rules with fires and l stoves now - I assumed that you can burn smokeless coal in a wood stove (if you have a grate that lifts the coals and gives air flow) but the manufacturers don’t offer this for some stoves because they can’t reach the necessary energy rating or emissions ratings.

    iIn short, I’m getting a double sided stove (sitting in between 2 rooms) but the stove is badged ‘wood burning’ and I’m thinking I can Chuck on smokeless coal if I get a grate knocked up ie it won’t melt or blow up.

    The reason I didn’t get a double sided multi fuel stove is because there’s only a couple available in the market place and size wise they were no good for us.

  18. 4 hours ago, moondoggy said:

    You just can’t beat the ambience that a real fire creates.

    Interesting thread this. We were in our last house for 15 years; it was modern / insulated but had a coal fire place which we loved. Indeed, December to March in this country is a real struggle with the constant wet, lack of sunlight and general grimness.

    Scroll on, in our current house (been here 10 years) we arrived to a gas fire / fire place and swapped the fire / surround for a modern gas fire which we’ve never really  used because (1) it’s pretty unexciting (2) we live in a modern insulated house.

    Having got every other DIY / building job done (and believe me it’s been a very long list), this week we pressed the green button on ripping out a perfectly good gas fire (in the 10 years we’ve been here I’d be amazed if it’s had 40 hours use in total) and getting a log burger installed.

    We got a range of quotes from frightening  to ridiculous but it’s the last thing we’ve wanted to do and I can’t tell you how excited I am and how many hours I’ve spent pouring over log burners and guides. You just can’t beat a real fire. incidentally the Stove Fitters Warehouse website appeared to be the single best repository of guides, tips, manuals and how to information 


    I seriously can’t wait for my new log burner and even though we’re heading into summer.

    Ah and lastly, when chatting to one of the stove installers I explained I didn’t ‘need’ a log burner and at best wouldn’t ‘need’ one until winter and so wondered if coming back in August for a price would be better. Apparently May is their dead zone as by August people are starting to think about  October / November abd winter and are booking chimney sweeps and kicking the tyres on new stoves. 

  19. It’s another ham fisted way of trying to ascertain suitability. 

    The questions are bleeding obvious with yes / no answers and if you are coercively controlling your partner you’ll no doubt have some practice and be one step ahead of making sure to check the wife’s replies to any questionnaire, and if you apply you’ll know she’ll be receiving a questionnaire.

    I can’t see the list of questions on the questionnaire but if they’re along lines as discussed above, it’s pretty clear what the answers should be 😆

    I don’t know what the answers are, but stuff like this just makes me laugh in its naivety. 


  20. Here’s a table for the EU luvvies and who normally (and automatically) happen to be US haters (because the US is seen as culturally inferior). The table is from today’s Telegraph.

    Long story short the EU was formed as a protection against war in Europe and NATO as a protection against Soviet aggression. That’s a double fail right there.

    The Germans have finally woken up and are worried but their nato contributions have only just slightly edged upwards following Ukraine. But look at the French effort. Google and look at the French military contribution to Ukraine - it’s non existent. And it was Macron / the French who wanted to be left in charge of an EU army.

    Anyone wonder why the yanks have had enough of NATO (and they are NATO in essence) and have had enough of Europe (5000 miles from US soil) and are going to pull stumps? Indeed, I see a world where the US retreats to focus on itself and trade within the Canada to Argentina /Chile block (enormous and controllable that that region is). 

    There is a massive problem coming for the rest of the world (policing shipping lanes in particular) and with a failed Europe a collective in name only (where competing individual country interests will always win out) as good as over and in economic decline, it’s all going to end up topsy turvy.

    History eh? We shouldn’t forget the great empires and civilisations of the past - Mongols, Egyptians, Myans, Greek, Roman etc and where are they all now? Our heyday was under Victoria and the Commonwealth and it’s all been downhill, imperialist and racist ever since 😆


  21. The bit I find hilarious is how the Putin apologists still attempt to punt the ‘it’s all NATO and the West’s fault and forced a Russian invasion’ cough, I mean SMO. Absolute nonsense of the highest order. That and ‘Russia isn’t hurting but getting bigger, better, badder stronger’. We’ll see. Interesting that the Ukrainians have worked out to take out the central catalytic components of the Russian refineries - those sanctioned replacement parts only available from Western suppliers. Oh and Ukraine have turned their grain market back on having decimated the black sea fleet. 

    Ah but there’s no point arguing with people who still insist on referring to this as an SMO having previously backed everything being as over by tea time 😆

  22. 38 minutes ago, Stonepark said:



    Ukraine has lost over 1/2million soldiers so far, Russia is still sub 100,000 and those figure track with the American funded and supported data collection organisation (i.e. not Russian figures but Western).

    Approx 96% of casualties are being caused by bombs, artillary and mines with only 4% being rifle bullets.

    Again for repetition, the Russian aim is not to take ground at this stage, it is to demilitarise ukraine and reduce it's army to a non-capable fighting force by grinding it down and killing large numbers of troops which is what they are doing.

    Russia has something like 300,000 bombs in warehouses , and is dropping 100 plus FAB's (Glide bombs from 1000lb to 6000lb) per day,  Russia is firing up to 20,000 shells a day and hundreds of drones, they are clearly producing sufficient hypersonic and cruise missles that they have no issue in using them liberally as well as long range drones.

    whilst Ukraine is firing up to 3000 shells a day, no bombs and a couple hundred drones, ,  Ukraine has virtually no anti aircraft missles left (or units left to fire them), down to last few dozen stormshadow/scalp missles, few aircraft and fewer and fewer artillary pieces as they are eliminated at a rate of 5 to 10 a day.

    As for the Russian people, they are solidly behind Putin, of whom 40% even think he is being too soft on Ukraine and would sanction using tactical nukes to 'solve' the Ukrainian Nazi terrorist problem permanently.


    Just out of interest is this still a ‘special military operation’ rooting out cocaine dealing Nazis and over by tea time? 😆

    When either side digs in it’s drawn out and bloody and that’s where we are. Modern wars are not meant to be won.

    I dismay at European countries and their ineffective leaders. All the left leaning intelligentsia bleating about how Trump has undermined Nato but Trump isn’t even president and they give no credence  to the US population not giving two monkeys about a European conflict 6000 miles away.

    Indeed, I reckon the yanks are not unreasonably sick of being the world’s police  force (expensive and thankless task that is) and whilst they’re still on the hook for looking after Taiwan and keeping North Korea and China at bay. 

    The EU has failed in its single primary purpose and the EU member nations have all mooched on their nato subs and used that money saved to boost their own economies. Those pigeons are now coming home to Roost. The French grandstanding is laughable in the face of their delivering f-all in terms of actual military support. The Germans are a couple of years behind the curve but are slowly waking up despite still being dependant on Russian energy which they now buy rebadged through Indian intermediaries. Those neighbouring Russia are doubling military aid and production, rightly concerned they’ll be next and hence the scramble to join NATO. 

    Putin is a murderous invading despot and Europe is run by cretins.  

    Lastly, the left’s claims that Putin is swaying popular opinion within Europe towards nationalism and the right is just nauseating- how deliberately blind to the effects of failed liberal policies and uncontrolled mass immigration and all the joys that has brought. 

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