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Posts posted by Mungler

  1. Just now, owain said:

    Have you read the whole thread? Poland (EU member) is kicking illegals out. We have always been able to do so, but have not. Nothing to do with being a EU member, ECHR or anything like that, our own policies and politicians have decided this. 
    I don’t know why, but this situation has gotten dramatically worse over the past year or so (since we officially left the EU). It could be coincidence, but I am personally sceptical. 

    Poland is flouting EU law and policy - good for them, they have put up 2 fingers and have explained to the world why they are taking that stance. Also, they have made sure that there’s nothing for economic migrants in Poland, and thus the migrants skip on through to Sweden, the Netherlands, France and the UK.

    It’s really not that difficult. I think the stats were that illegal economic migration was up 20% this year across the whole of mainland Europe. 


    2 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

    Sorry Mung - needed slight change IMHO

    You know it 

  2. 3 minutes ago, owain said:

    Well, for one thing, I didn’t claim it is worse because we left the EU, I said it has been worse since we left.

    So, one more time. Has illegal immigration got better or worse since we left? 

    Care to offer up an alternative reason why illegal immigration has gone through the roof of late??

    It’s not difficult to answer, it’s worse everywhere and across the whole of Europe - the stats are there.

    However, unlike those counties in the Schengen zone we now actually have the power to do something about it if but only if we can get an actual Conservative government to do it. 

    Using your mindset, what have we got from our French brothers for all the extra money (1/2 a billion pounds) we sent their way to stop the economic migrants on their shores from launching boats? 

  3. 1 hour ago, Gordon R said:

    Sweden don't seem overjoyed with a flood of immigrants.

    Great podcast about Sweden. Absolutely down the toilet and a shocking lesson to us all. 

    Give it a listen, your blood will run cold.

    There’s some big changes coming across Europe and from directions you wouldn’t have expected.


    8 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

    At least now we're out, we can get rid of the echr if necessary, which will alow us to kick illegal immigrants out of the UK. We couldn't do that as a member of the EU.

    That’s the nub of it. The current Conservatives aren’t conservatives and they just don’t have the bottle for it. None of the main parties do. The crisis we face could be over in 6 months if there was the actual will to do it - it’s really not that difficult even if it appears hard to do.

  4. 1 hour ago, Westward said:

    Excellent post.

    What the "fair shares" brigade don't understand is that you don't strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. Thatcher most certainly understood that principal along with the concept of aspiration for yourself and your dependants. The culture of entitlement, so pervasive among the left and so loudly proclaimed by Starmer's accolytes, simply reduces the quality of life for the people of this country and ultimately benefits no one.

    Spot on.

    1 hour ago, owain said:

    Perhaps when we were members of the the EU, they were obliged to make an effort to stop them. Now we have left perhaps they are not? 

    Yes, that’s right, our European brothers looking out for us and the French putting our national interest ahead of theirs; that’s the best one I read today  😆😆

  5. 24 minutes ago, oowee said:

    The 50% of the country that voted for Brexit would probably disagree about choosing to make themselves poorer. 

    I can see the attraction of such a simplistic view. The reality is that eventually we all move around in the same circle. Sooner or later the poor will fight back for their fare share. We are all better off ensuring a fair share and equal opportunity for all. 

    That made me chuckle. 

    The Brexit violin and socialist nonsense.

    Capitalism and nothing else has lead to the greatest reduction in global poverty as well as creating the highest standard of living ever known. 

    On the subject of a ‘fair share’ a fair share of what precisely?

    It’s always the bitter jealous types that moan about the rich and who yearn for socialism. The indian family down the road from me got kicked out of Uganda with nothing but the clothes they wore and what they could carry. They got here and couldn’t believe there was free schooling, a welfare state and an NHS etc. if they can make a go of it (and they / their children have) then anyone can. 


  6. 3 minutes ago, owain said:

    We don’t need to be best friends with our neighbours in order to make things work.
    It’s obviously just a massive coincidence that illegal immigration has gone through the roof since recent events. 

    And how has writing out a blank cheque to our friendly neighbour France ‘to stop the boats’ worked out for us?

    Illegal immigration into Europe as a whole is off the chart right now, it’s not just us. However, the reason economic migrants plod on through Europe and risk the Chanel in a dinghy is our welfare state and the continued encouragement of useful idiots. 

    Turn off the welfare state and it stops tomorrow. Leave the ECHR, seconder to Rwanda (or a 3rd party country) and it stops tomorrow.

    The problem is not leaving Europe, it’s global migration coupled with  those in charge of us (left or right) just won’t do what needs to be done.

  7. 40 minutes ago, owain said:

    So you’re saying illegal immigration has got got better since we left the EU?? 

    If we don’t need their help, then why has illegal immigration got so much worse since we left? 

    Illegal immigration is off the chart throughout the whole of Europe.

    Sweden, Holland, Italy, Greece, Ireland, France etc they’ve all had enough. This gives rise to populist nationalist parties which the media label far right, but whats wrong with doing something that’s popular with the indigenous population.

    All politicians come from a narrow strata. Their towns and kids’ schools are unaffected by mass immigration and each party could do what it takes, but they don’t. Ask an Australian what needs to be done.

    As for the constant rose tinted glasses about life in the EU; it’s funny, they hated us and we hated them for years and years but that gets washed away with the liberal media and the sands of time. Classically we as a nation didn’t understand the endemic corruption and couldn’t understand why we were the only country playing by the rules.

    We are at the start of the end for Europe. If the German economy takes the battering that’s coming and the new Eastern Euro states keep doing what they’re doing… well it’s all coming apart at the seams. 



  8. 15 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    The 'real' world is what people perceive it to be, if a man or women who works in a factory on minimum wage, cant get a doctors appointment or dentist, their children are in overcrowded classrooms because the local authority has spent all its money on housing migrants and interpreters, while giving them the first choice of available social housing, while at the same time leaving homeless to sleep in doorways, and letting the roads crumble away to something resembling the surface of the moon, then they may , unsurprisingly feel that something isnt quite right, and the SJWs at the Guardian spouting their left wing rhetoric isnt going to help these poor 'uneducated' people.

    All it does is make them pick a side.

    We arent falling behind Europe.
    The left try to keep painting this picture of the UK being the sick man, its not remotely accurate.

    We are still a strong nation, maybe not as good as some , but compare us to 80 % of Europe, we are still strong economically.

    We arent, show some stats that show this in any way shape or form.

    Perhaps because we feel that the issue of migration directly affect these important things.
    Or are we just imagining that they do , and the fact that 700,000+ migrants every year has no effect whatsoever on them ?

    This, in spades.

    There are no lords and serfs anymore and the whole left and right of politics has lost meaning. 

    The jealous and inadequate will always cry for socialism but they will remain in the minority as no one will want to make themselves poorer no matter how nobly it’s dressed up. 

    I think and hope we are heading towards a new dawn of pragmatism - the battle is now the sane against the insane not left and right. 

    I always thought that the conservatives should have introduced economics as a GCSE mandatory subject alongside maths and English to instil in the young the inescapable reality that everything but everything has to be paid for and that all resources are finite.

    I know the enlightened view is that we’re all just global world travellers and should be free to pitch up anywhere - lofty ideology indeed but who as a tax payer is willing to pay for that in terms of direct cost (cash) and indirect cost (housing, education, health, infrastructure)?

    It was the young in Holland waking up to the fact that there was a finite supply of jobs and housing stock in Holland, and which meant that uncontrolled mass immigration was their problem.

    Where we are headed is insane. Uncontrolled mass immigration has not worked (continues to not work) and is an obvious form of Ponzi scheme.

    Anyone remember what life was like before  Blair? Blair got in in 1997 and with policy time lag 1999 was the tipping point. Anyone think life got better or worse after 1999?

    Lastly, anyone seen the economic data coming out of Germany? Germany is completely screwed and with that so is the EU.

    My IFA said years ago that it would take over a decade to any benefit from leaving the EU, but there would be a benefit to getting out before the EU collapsed and as it has to aa a matter of simple physics and economics.

  9. 1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Some of us, many in fact have worked it out years ago.

    Unfortunately the liberal / woke / snowflake section have now taken over the asylum and we are on a steep downward slope.

    It’s odd isn’t it. I know lots of people and deal with a lot of people in my job - okay in my job the people I naturally come into contact with are people of business who are at the coal face running businesses, employing people and ‘creating’ ie they are net contributors who in their own lives are busy and who make the country spin through what they do every day. However, everyone I come into contact with is saying the same thing.

    The best I can make of the nonsense to hand is that the silent majority are too busy getting on with it (as always) and in the background the distance between normal working people and those in charge is widening.

    Normal working people don’t have the time and resources to get involved in government ie if you have your head screwed on you are too busy running your own stuff to down tools and stand for any sort of election.

    Conversely the people in charge / who hope to be in charge, tend to be career politicians from the get go and all are from a very narrow background.

    I live in a conservative stronghold. Look at my ‘local’ MP, airlifted in by party HQ against the express wishes of the constituency. Just look at his CV - he’s never done a day’s graft in his life. He is a total local no show and he’d need a map and torch to actually find the town he is elected to represent.


    Another worked example is the career civil servant Dame (yeah how did that happen) Sharon White who crashed John Lewis - just look on Wikipedia at her CV. She couldn’t run a bath. 

  10. On 24/11/2023 at 14:36, Rewulf said:

    An example.
    A man comes to Holland as an asylum seeker in 2000, it doesnt matter where from or how , but he gains citizen ship and marries/has children.
    18 years later , those children have a vote, are natural born Dutch citizens, and are highly unlikely to vote for any anti migrant party like Mr Wilders.

    It is a matter of sociological fact that immigrants create a ‘safety blanket’ in the country they arrive in by having large extended families and as quickly as possible.

    Don't get me wrong, I’m not anti immigration in the slightest, however, I crave an Australian leaning system - we need to be selective and have a limit.

    What drove the Dutch vote was (surprisingly) the young vote - everyone worked out that there weren’t enough houses or jobs going around and adding extra bodies year on year wasnt in their best interests.

    Whats frightening is the UK annual net immigration figures are nearly 5x higher than the Dutch and we’ve still not worked out what’s best for us as a country - and that dovetails with your point; who will this country belong to in the future?

  11. On 24/11/2023 at 09:24, ditchman said:

    as i said the far right is gaining strenghth and is not being reported until its in yer face.....Widers is seriously right wing...and i mean seriously....yet the Dutch are turning to him..

    What is ‘far right’ these days?

    Controlled borders, a proper immigration policy/system, freedom of speech, freedom to call a man a man or a woman a woman, a demand to the end of two tier policing etc…

    And yet we see it’s the left being antisemitic  calling for the destruction of Israel. The left seeking to police language and remove any freedom to speech which disagrees with them…

    Where we are now is not about left or right; it’s sane vs insane. 


    On 24/11/2023 at 09:55, old'un said:

    Don't think we will see a UK version of Wilders, can you imagine what would happen if someone in the UK came out with his proposals.

    Farage, leading the Tories out of the wilderness, the election after next.

  12. Long story short I need to run CCTV over 4G or 5G (where there’s no cable / fibre connectivity but there is decent 4G inside & outside the property and good 5G outside according to the network check website). The site location is E10 5PS and it’s a building site. 

    I’ve bought the router below from Amazon - my experience of Amazon shopping is that their ‘recommended buy’ often is well researched and the right answer. I guess it works by plugging in an unlocked SIM card on a data only type of a mobile contract.

    I’ve also bough the Amazon recommended external aerial.

    So, first off, I don’t know what level of GB monthly usage I’ll need to run 4 cctv cameras. I’ve got kids, and they’re always online and never bust their 100GB per month cap. So I’m guessing 100GB is at the top end. That said, a 50GB a month contract is a lot less money; so if it looks like I’ll only ever need less than 50GB a month then I’d rather do that. Conversely, if I need unlimited then I’ll bite that bullet at about £30 a month. 

    Next, I haven’t a clue about best networks these days as they all look the same to me. I’ve been with O2 for 2 decades but chatter round the office says get something from Tesco Mobile (and I think that hooks into O2 anyway) or GiffGaff whatever that is.

    Any ideas or input greatly appreciated.




  13. We’re becoming like the states where there is no choice; picking the lesser idiot.

    I’m currently watching the Labour Party tear itself apart over a situation in another country far away, but where they can’t ignore their Islamic voters. 

    The true left that’s been hiding away is about to reveal itself.


  14. If he had stuck with Cummings and learnt how to say know to his truly awful Mrs every once in a while, things would be very different right now.

    I think he’s a great showman and I’ll watch the programme, but he will go down in history as squandering the biggest Tory majority and for the total nonsense fiasco that was covid.

    Indeed, the covid enquiry (whitewash that it is) is showing us that right at the beginning, Boris and Co wanted to ‘go Sweden’ but it looks like that tool Ferguson and the dreadful net zero Carrie preferred the pointless, expensive and far more destructive authoritarian lockdown route. 

  15. 3 hours ago, amateur said:

    By chance, we had the same tonight.

    Morrison's beans, home made wholemeal toast and two properly poached eggs


    This is the right direction of travel. 

    However, the dish needs a meat accompaniment; crispy bacon or black pudding or a bust open sausages just to add depth of flavour. Add a mere dash of HP on said meet accompaniment.

    I also favour the addition of fresh ripe tomatoes with lots of salt and pepper. 

    But yes, toast needs to be properly dark toasted and with a crust that has a solid hard crunch - when the centre of the toast gets soggy with bean juice, you can revert to and add slices of the outer crust for that all important crunchy texture balance.

    On the whole, good work. A solid A- or B+ only let down with the lack of meat.


    I like hard dry toast and will often put my bread / toast in before I go to bed, and then re-toast in the morning for that extra crunch. This works well with beans and spaghetti hoops (particularly non brand variants that tend to be a little more runny than branded versions). Add grated strong cheese and a dash of Worcestershire sauce for that premium event.

  16. Just now, Penelope said:

    And why a lot are now doing podcasts.

    Comedy Unleashed - The Backyard - Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green - Lots on YouTube.

    I went to see Leo Kearse there and am a fan of Dominic Frisby and Simon Evans. And that Nichols De Santos is funny and proper right of centre 😆

  17. 35 minutes ago, islandgun said:

    As Scully pointed out a few posts ago, the new religion/indoctrination is "saving the planet" under its many guises

    That’s all under the wider ‘woke virtue signalling umbrella’ and how we saw Just Stop Oil protestors holding up the immigration bus going to the barge the other week.

    It’s all impractical and unaffordable dreamy nonsense. One trick the Torys missed was instead of Rishi focusing on maths / algebra in the school curriculum, he should have made ‘economics’ a mandatory gcse subject.

    The sooner everyone appreciates that everything but everything has to be paid for, the sooner we can pack in most of the current dreamy nonsense. Indeed, no one will support net zero if they actually began to properly understand what ’net zero’ means, will cost and will take out of their pockets.

    The same goes for white privilege colonial reparations. And for the tax burden that comes with unbridled immigration (housing, benefits, schooling, nhs etc).

    The next generation have their heads in the clouds; but like all hypocrites however, they won’t want to give up what they currently have and enjoy for their principles of the moment.   

  18. 50 minutes ago, Penelope said:

    I dip in and out of some of those via YouTube.

    All so bloody depressing though, trying to keep abreast of what's going on.

    An awful lot are being dispersed by rubber dinghies, I suspect.

    Give the Weekly Sceptic ago; I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. It’s informative and very witty; Nick Dixon is an ex comedian now social commentator who got cancelled for expressing a mildly right wing view. 

    It’s another topic, but the death of comedy under the current regime of cultural Marxism in the media is a truly appalling and which is why there has been nothing funny or challenging coming out of the comedy industry for well over a decade. You look at the magnolia lefty comedians rolled out on the usual BBC and Channel 4 panel shows and sitcoms - that’s depressing. 

  19. 18 minutes ago, Scully said:

    I don’t think I’m explaining myself very well here; I’m not a Palestinian sympathiser, nor indeed an Israeli one. 
    1948 may be nonsense to us, but it isn’t to the Palestinians, nor is any of the medieval history of this conflict. The medieval history is as pertinent to the indoctrinated minds of both sides as 1948, 1967 and 1972, and all the other times these Arab nations have passed on their hatred to the next generation. Life is brief enough as it is; it’s mind boggling really, how much of a hurry these lot are to make it even briefer! 🤷‍♂️
    I agree, I too think the Israelis should crack on, and hopefully they’ll wipe each other out, then perhaps we could dispel with all this biblical nonsense and get on with destroying ourselves for reasons we can all understand, like greed and fear. 👍

    Religious fundamentalism is at the heart of this, but what is religious fundamentalism? It’s one man’s random ideology / will against another and no one who hasn’t been brain washed in a madras seriously thinks there’s virgins or nirvana or whatever waiting for them. 

    There’s an interesting panorama documentary on Sky catch up about a seemingly normal family from the states who went to join ISIS. Unexpectedly, it turns out that their desires weren’t based on pure religious intentions or ideology - the husband took a 14 year old slave wife or two and immediately behaved like a murderous barbarian on all accounts. All very religious, not. He was a scumbag and as too anyone who is capable of decapitating a baby with their own bare hands.

    As I’ve said before, if we are being asking to pick a side, I’ll pick the side with a democracy and the less stone-age barbaric / likely to strap a suicide vest on and blow me up.


    Religion has always bemused me. You look back in history at the Greek gods, the Roman gods, the Pharaohs, the Vikings and their Valhalla etc; the historical list of religions that have all shed huge quantities of blood and chased an ideology now lost in time is endless. They all couldn’t have been right and realistically none of them were even close to right.

    Dawkins wrote about the Cambridge scientific discoveries of the 70s and 80s and how all the scientists celebrated what they thought would be the end of stone-age mythology, beliefs and religions with a new age of science and reason. Oh how we laugh now.

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