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Posts posted by aister

  1. If one happens to pass over I will have a crack and I will usually go 3-4 times a season specifically for plover. The plover here feed on green parks as there is no estuaries here. I usually just sit near to where they are feeding and wait, sooner or later they will pass close enough for a shot, sometimes its just once then they take to the heavens but other times they will come in better.

  2. We got married in August and went to Sicily for a week then to Malta for a week then back to Sicily for another week. It was a great three weeks except for the horrible manners that the Sicilians had, they were horrendous. Don't ask me what the week here, week there thing was all about, it was my wife that booked it.

  3. Happy new year to all my PW friends. We have had a poor end to the year, all 3 kids have had a fever and been poorly since xmas day and I have been in bed with the flu for 5 days from xmas. We are starting to improve now, I should be fine for starting back to work on thursday ha ha.

    Hope you all have a good night and a great start to the new year.


    Happy hunting and tight lines. Aister.

  4. There is a few on gunstar, have a look. If it were me I would agree with ayano3 and go with an AYA, this one looks good http://www.gunstar.co.uk/Shotgun/AYA-Matador-gun-for-sale-gs81440.aspx


    I had a Zabala 10 bore a few years back and hated it, it was a horrible shaped gun, the stock was far too low and it kicked like a mule. I know a 10 will kick but this thing seemed to kick twice as much as the purdy 10 bore I shot with last year.


    The thing that put me off of the 10 bore which probably wont affect you was the only shells I could get for it up here was all no4 shot, I was better off with the 12 and BB.

  5. 36-42 grams of number 3 would be my choice 4s should be ok for decoyed birds if they are close though , I would think 50 grams of BBs would be a bit overkill for decoying pinks are not the biggest of birds.


    I did think that after I posted that pinks aren't as big as Greylags.

  6. My preference would 36g 3's if it's a 2 3/4" gun but if its a 3" gun I would use 50g 3's or BB. Last season and so far this season I have been using RC50 in 3's or 0's. But having said that I have shot plenty geese with 36g 4's, just keep them close.


    Hope you have a good time up among the geese and good luck :good:

  7. It was really good. If anything I put in a bit too much orange, it was a really big juicy orange I had. The meat was good, you could tell the different meats apart, I have had game pies before where the meat was over powered by other flavours and it may as well been all beef or something.

  8. Thats a bit sea running there, pretty heavy with us in SE Scotland also. Spoke to someone who had been walking their dogs along the beach at Spittal on the mouth of the Tweed who reported seeing lots of dead lobsters washed up on the sand. Whether due to heavy seas or drowned by spate water who knows. Have you shot that 4 bore again this season?




    Not yet, hopefully get out with Robbie and his big guns over the holidays some time.

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