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Posts posted by Spiderdude

  1. Sky will expect another tenner (or whatever it is now) per month for the HD service, even though you have the HD service on the first box.


    Sly no longer charge the £10 for HD on the second subscription. They scrapped it back end of last year, if you have HD on your main box, it is reflected on your other HD boxes.

  2. Just a thought, I had exactly same set up just before Christmas. I ran Sky to tell them I was wanting another HD box to replace the older sky+ box.


    They supplies me with a brand new HD box for £49, this being one of the slimline models.


    Very pleased with that, self install which was a doddle.

  3. Wrong.


    It has now been established and confirmed by plod that that didn't happen. The NoTW didn't delete the messages and the Guardian have since retracted the allegation and apologised - stable door shut, horse long gone....


    Spot on...


    Though I still can't get my head around them paying the Dowler family £2m in compo.....

  4. Although there is no doubt they are racist ********, I have a nagging feeling that this isn't the end of it.


    Despite the judge saying to forget all previous publicity, how could the jury possibly do that.


    There is surely going to be appeals on the grounds of not having a fair trial & chain of evidence.


    Personally, on what little I've seen I'm sure they did or were involved in the original crime.

  5. I've never bought one because I have one mate who's 3.5 Hatsan won't cycle below 32g (I've used the gun but it's not mine) and another friend of a friend who had one that kept blowing O rings when he used heavy cartridges in it.


    Ask Dekers what he thinks of them.... :o


    Exactly the statement the OP asked not to have, some people can't help themselves but have a dig!


    I've got the latest version, no problems with it. Chunky, solid and reliable. Can't beat it for value for money. If you sell it on in a couple of years you'll also lose less than many more expensive models % wise of purchase price.

  6. No you can't use a song as a ringtone without additional software.


    There is an easy way to create a ringtone with a song. It means creating a directory on the phone and then copying the songs you want to use into it.

  7. So another legitimate post commenting on a government report turns into a "let's slag off the cops"


    I know many firearms officer including ones that have shot people, what's more an officer involved in the final seconds of Moats worthless life.


    I would trust my life in anyone of these people's hands and I would trust them to make very difficult decisions at the right time.


    Mistakes get made, but very rarely when you know how many times weapons are discharged or drawn.

  8. If you google Hatsan Escort you will find many many more threads praising it than criticizing or complaining about it.


    I would go as far as to say that there are less horror stories than some other "prestige" brands.


    It's very much chinese whispers and as said above, a few bad ones doesn't make them all ****.


    Anyone driving a Lexus or Toyota? Apparently they recalled millions because of one or two problems. But by people's logic on here all of their models are absolutely ****!

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