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Posts posted by EoinGalway

  1. I work building IT systems for multinational companies ... stay with XP.. to many issues with vista.. even mates that have bought vista having issues with compatible drivers for printers, cameras scanners etc.. not worth the hassle at the moment ..

  2. Fair play... :rolleyes: The T3 Tactical is a cracking rifle.. 55gr accutip are my preferred round but must start looking at cheaper rounds..

    Must start back on the lamping soon, pheasants poults are keeping me busy at the moment..

    Knocked of 12 greys and 4 mags in the larsen traps today.. and the just keep coming.. had 4 in one trap tonight with another 5 standing outside trying to get in.. :good:

  3. Thanks for all that info :P its the mark 4 fenn traps that i have.Are they any good for rats them fenn traps?I made a wooden box to put over the trap with a hole on each side and put some sardines on the plate and placed it in a ditch that is full of stoats so hopefully i might get something.Is the mark 4 fenn trap to small for mink then?


    Mark, Are you sure that stoats are class as vermin over here?

    I have never seen them on any list of quarry or vermin??

  4. Good looking pen eoin are you just putting in poults or do you have a few adults as well?You will be kept busy for the next few month best of luck with them :yes:


    Just poults .. they have settled in well.. all well after transport and first 2 days in the pen ..

    No sign of charlie yet, although the rats are getting hit by the fenn and mink traps in big numbers..


    Nice sized pen there. Roofing is such a good idea too, wish i could roof all of my pens. Keeps them safe that little bit longer.


    Im thinking about building a small temporary pen down the valley on my shoot, only to hold 40 birds. But unsure whether i will or not yet.


    You cant have many walkers around your area then to be able to catch that many magpies... All my magpies in traps get let out by walkers and horse riders, evilmad.gif good.gif laugh.gif



    Bring on the season.


    Alex good.gif


    Lost a whole trap last week !! :blink:

    Normally put all my traps well of the beatin track on private lands ..plus I padlock all my call birds in!!

  5. Well been keeping quite lately on the vermin bashing front.. been keeping busy building a pheasant pen. Took delivery of 100 poults this morning.

    Pen is large for 100 birds but as this is the first year rearing birds better to start small.







    Good morning total from the Larsen traps


  6. well done eoin i have something similar in my fridge collecting over the last 2 years though as the useless head of our gunclub was to lazy to find out when it takes place :good: Do you not just cut the head off the grey crow and keep just the wing of the magpie saves a lot of space.


    No we have to return the whole bird in regards to mags and greys.. but we have got permission to return just pigeon heads for next year.. so considering I shot over 600 last Aug\Sept should add quite a bit to the kitty!!

  7. Commitment required but a cracking result and think of all the good ones youv,ed saved!!!


    Was this a typical amount Eoin good/bad total to usual and how long over?


    Well done :good:





    The picture shows Nov-April bag..mostly done in March\April after the season is finished the rest was dried and bagged during Aug-Sept last year..


    We don't bother collecting Pigeons\Crows as they are not worth too many points.. most years we would be looking at 100 mags\100 greys and about 75 foxes.. Our club didn't return the last two years though as I was working in Yorkshire and no one else bothered. :good:


    Considering this is the work of about 4 people, two of which don't even have transport you can imagine the amount of time put in.. still looking at that picture puts a smile on my face every time!! :)

  8. Well the last and final county vermin count took place tonight. Here in Ireland the National Shooting Body (NARGC) have county vermin counts. Each club is asked to return vermin.

    Works on a point system.

    20pts - Mink

    10pts - Fox

    8pts - Grey Crow

    8pts - Magpie

    1pt - Crow

    1pt - Jackdaw

    1pt - Pigeon


    This is a picture of what was in the club freezer..

    Our total bag (a lot not here) was 80 Foxes, 1 Mink, 315 Grey Crows, 166 Magpies, 27 Crows.. :good:

    Not bad for 4 active members within our club.. :good:






  9. That's a good haul there! Interesting trap design those ones, looks fairly confined for the call bird. Any chance of a shot showing the mechanism?


    Very simple sliding door mechanism.. i'll do some photos this evening..


    EXCELLENT :good::lol:




    Cheers Frank...

  10. Well done Eoin, a lot of good work being done there :good: Great pictures too.


    A lot of diesel being used alright... :lol: But well worth it ..finally starting to put a dent in there numbers ... :lol:

    Seeing that mink was worrying though, have the landcrusier loaded with my 10 mink cage traps to be deployed tomorrow..

  11. Firstly this was this afternoons results with a few mag\grey traps.. trapped about 40 birds this week alone.. Our county count is tomorrow two weeks (30th) so doing a lot of vermin the last few weeks.. The NARGC (Irish governing body for game shooting organize yearly competitions for every county.Will post a picture of the final number .. (the fox trap at the back is being used as a holding cage.. 6 mags in it from today ...



    Some foxes last night... the bad news was we seen a MINK less than 200meters from where our proposed pheasant pen is to be located!! The second fox had its tail removed before the photo was taken


  12. Quick 2 hours out lamping last night.. got 4

    2 dogs & 2 vixens.. one dog had mange although it looked more like he was over it and the fur was growing back.

    3 responded to the caller allowing for easy 50yards shots.. the large dog with the mange was taken at 210yards (paced) so was well pleased. 4 shots 4 kills <_<

    They all headed of to the university today to be used in research.. which is better


  13. What is needed here is proper management, as it seems in the last few years, stalkers are just killing bucks, with big trophy's and not bothering with the does, so, in turn, the last 10 years, the population has trebled. :D





    I taught they closed the buck season on the 31/12/2006 to try and stop this.. and encourage more does to be shot!

    Out of 4 stalkers I know 2 were informed of the change in season while the other two only found out in late Janurary!

  14. :good: good man eoin, no harm to kill the nasty little bast...s. have one of them traps myself, better dust it off :good: what do you use for bait? sardines?


    "John West Sardines" in sunflour oil work a treat but mackerel does the job to!


    I have 8 cage traps (Club owned) and 4 fenn traps, (should have 11 cage traps but thieving ba*t*rds have reduced it to 8)

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