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Colin 1

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  1. You can go into most gunships and find guns like this for sale.
  2. Hi Any pics , can you tell me what model it is or what size film it takes Thanks Danny
  3. I think the nearest is in Rainford on a sunday morning. Colin
  4. Hi Lee Do you have any pics you can send me dannyfarley@hotmail.com Cheers Colin
  5. Hi Mate can you send me some pics please dannyfarley@hotmail.com Cheers Colin
  6. Hi Guys I'm Colin From Liverpool nice to meet you all I'm an FAC holder and really just into target shooting although would like to do a bit of rabiting. I came onto the site looking for some target guns 200 to 600 yards and indoor bench rest 22 or target rifle 22 Looking for rem 700,Steyr, Savage 223 heavy barrel anyway its an interesting site with lots of info and topics that make good reading so ill probably catch you round the forums Colin
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