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About Dynamic85

  • Birthday August 30

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  1. It wasn't good lager, it was Carlsberg!
  2. I'm thinking a private range, rather than club ranges and does the estate rifle clause not rule out the use of my rifles as they are registered to me and have nothing to do with the 'estate'?
  3. I've done a few searches but haven't come up with a clear answer. Can I legally take a friend to a private indoor range like Calton Moor, and let them fire my rifles under my supervision? I'm guessing the legal answer is no, but you'd be unlucky to get prosecuted for it, but other people have said that it's fine if it's ok with the range.
  4. Also, even though I didn't buy the rifle from new, I like the idea that I'm supporting a British company.
  5. That's a fantastic offer an would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you find anything.
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