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Posts posted by wulliewinky

  1. Got this last year folks, I'm after a nm800 IR now for later in the year, hence the sale, the battery has been charged 3 times, red & amber filter, over £200 worth of gear


    £145 posted



  2. It's a shame that the police seem intent in making criminals out of men that are up against it with raptors. game keeping is a hard job made harder with the current economic climate, and the continued increase in buzzard numbers I'm not saying he was right but how many successful prosecutions have cumbria police made in the shocking amount of deer poaching that happens daily everyone knows who commits the vast amount of deer poaching throughout Cumbria yet not one man has been jailed for it ( yet one prolific poacher brags in the pup pf making £15000 plus a year from deer)the only crimes that the wildlife crime officer seems bothered about are illegal raptor deaths , maybe its because the rspb do the hard work with video evidence

    Also for everyone who thinks that a buzzard will only take a odd game bird knows nothing about keeping game birds they will take poults right through to full grow hen pheasants and they will bring there fledged young to a pen to teach them to hunt its not just the problem of the poults they kill directly but the fact that birds don't feel safe in there pen and fly out , then at last light the ones that return and jug on the edge of the pens can get mopped up by mr fox . I'm not sticking up for the guy but I know what it feels like to be under pressure to produce and being unable to do anything about the continued rise in buzzards ( how many licences have been granted to control buzzard numbers ) the guy has broke the law that's a fact but at the age if 64 he may of only been jailed for 70 days but what's his chance of finding another job and most-probably home when he is released


    Here, ere, the buzzards are like crows here in the borders.....

  3. I bought one, used it then returned it for a full refund........ ok for the money I suppose but pretty poor in anything other than bright daylight. Flimsy tripod, sloppy focus and at top magnification, a very dark and distorted image. May be ok for target in good light.


    This is exactly how I perceive this scope

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