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Posts posted by wulliewinky

  1. Before I start I was in the army for 9 years and joined at 16.

    All these do gooders grit my ****. We knew what we signed up for at the careers office. I and others do not consider ourselves as 'heroes' though its nice that people care so much.

    We never ask for praise, it's our job. The only thing we want is for the powers that be to feed and equip us to so we can do our job.

    A bank holiday for the forces would be a waste of time and tax payers money, why you ask? Speak to any squaddie and ask what he does on a Wednesday afternoon, every Wednesday afternoon.

    Luton......well that's in another class of wrong for other reasons.

    They have there weekly shower. Lol

  2. They must suffer though, too much EU law these days when it comes to prisons. It should be a hell hole. So if even someone did a minor offence. They'd think twice and not repeat.

    At the minute, these chavs get a status from being "sent down"

    Take away their tvs, take away the gym, give them books or something, they may actually leave with an education and some morals.

    As for the ones that are never being released... Ive always been a fan of chain gangs, like america

    Here ere, get the ******s working in a quarry until they drop dead of exhaustion

  3. In my region! We have 1 whole time station ( with rds pump) and 17 retained stations! We have SMURFS at all our good jobs!


    That's the same set as mine rhino, you at d&g , what shift you on, I see your whole time

  4. I have to agree with Daks about you Vipa. :yes:


    I have and will abide by his request I just don't agree with it and don't think it's fair when employees are treated differently. Therefore I am well within my rights to question it.


    My dummy is still firmly in place. Accepting discriminatory decisions and just getting on with it is a lemmings way of doing things. Unfortunately for people like you some of this country's workforce are educated and confident in challenging injustices.


    I fail to see how I'm stropping or kicking off. I tried to enlighten the SC in my meeting with him but he would accept nothing I said regarding the laws on firearms. I informed him i would be speaking to the shooting section and I haven't been on duty since.

    I'll accept some derogatory language has been used on this thread but I'm sure my SC would be flattered if he thought I'd called him a little star.


    I'm back on duty Monday so I'll see what has developed from his investigations.


    I will not be answering any more of your trolls Vipa. 💩




    Well said logo, thank god we have a union in the fire service so we can have at least some sort of protection from over zealous managers. Unlike the armed forces Civies DO have the right to speak up for themselves, & before any smart **** thinks I don't know what I'm talking about, Yes I have served, thank you. Good luck with your issue mate



    If I was smurf mate I'd be treated with kid gloves and be able to do just as I pleased.


    Not wrong there fella, they have many t-shirts after all,Quite a few of them are Walter mittys where I work as well. But yeah I think it's against council policy not to have firearms including air weapons on council property here. But if its in a secure locker in van, park the van in the street right outside station, that'll annoy an adult no end

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