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Posts posted by wattsowatts

  1. Went out this evening on the spur of the moment to one of my permissions as I had seen birds moving around during the week. Had a very enjoyable few hours ending up with 23 birds for 46 shots.


    If I had planned better and got someone to come out with me to cover the other side of the field, about 1/2 mile distance, the birds would have moved around better and I'm sure the bag would have been easily doubled.


    Will have to wait until next weekend before I can try again.

  2. Could not believe it today, but they have started cutting Barley around the Frome area, seems very early for this part of the world. Pigeon are just begining to target the wheat on a number of permissions, so hopefully will be out this coming weekend.


  3. Could not believe it today, but they have started cutting Barley around the Frome area, seems very early for this part of the world. Pigeon are just begining to target the wheat on a number of permissions, so hopefully will be out this coming weekend.

  4. I've been able to do the same over spring rape this season, this one field I've been shooting over remains very short in places with also some large bare patches..


    However it seemed to come to an end yesterday; on three previous outings I've had reasonable bags (for Somerset), but decided to take a friend out yesterday and we only shot 6 birds. It was quite frustrating as the evening before there must have been 150 birds still on the field.


    I wondered if it was a change in the weather that kept them away, with the temp having risen and there was very little wind or cloud in the sky yesterday it seemed to effected their feeding pattern. Now going to have to wait for them to start hitting the barley and wheat.

  5. Had a fruitful day on spring osr. Had been watching the birds since Wednesday trying to work out the best place to shoot as this was a feild that I had never shot before.


    The field is planted rather odly in that there is a large block of winter osr still in bloom, but very large areas had failed so the farmer had planted again this spring.


    I set up on corner of the wood being able to cover two aspects of the field, I did this mainly because the wind kept altering; one moment it would be coming direct into my face and then swinging around from the left and then to the right.


    I think I was also lucky in that there was a local clay shoot going on about 1 1/2 miles away which seemed to keep the brids moving.


    In 2 1/2hrs I ended up with 31 pigeon and 3 jackdaws for 82 shots. Pleased with the average of 2.4:1

  6. This make sense, but the landowner in this case is a member of the 'Lorded' gentry and I don't know how to contact him!



    Ive been faced with this exact situation; the gist is, as others have stated that the tennant generally has the right to control pests, or to delegate this out to one other (ie to you), unless tenancy agreement says otherwise (very unusual).


    however, in terms of lamping at night with rifles , this has to be done with landowner permission.


    if its your only bit of land i would call the gamekeepers bluff and approach the landowner yourself to discuss - you may well find out the gamekeepers bull-****ting and blaming the landowner.

    pegasus bridge, on 26 Mar 2013 - 21:22, said:

  7. At the beginning of January I gained permission over nearly 800 acres, the farmer (tenant) was going spare with pigeons hitting his OSR. He wanted me to get into the pigeon, as the game keeper had ignored all requests.


    I went on and shot over the OSR to eventually be confronted by the gamekeeper who said that the landowner (different person from the tenant obviously) did not want me on the land shooting. I explained that I had written permission from the farm tenant, he said that this was not good enough and they (gamekeeper and landowner) did not want me back on the farm.


    I obviously spoke to the tenant and explained what had happened he was beside himself and said he would tell the landowner what he thought, but was clear that I could continue shooting. I spoke to him about 5 weeks ago, but have not heard anything from him since and I have not shot there since.


    Does anyone no the legalities of this, is a tenant farmer allowed to give written permission for people to shoot for crop protection or does the landowner trump this permission.


    I will ring the tenant farmer back as I would certainly like the shooting on this ground over the summer months, but I would like to get some advice from the forum before doing so.


    Thanks for you help.

  8. You don’t say what part of the country you are in? From my experience in the South West it’s very difficult to get a bag of above 50 this time of year, the brids just do not want to decoy.


    I was out a couple of weekends ago, been watching some OSR fields that had hundreds of birds on. When we arrived we walked 100’s off, set up all our kit and had 4 birds!!!!!!! :no:


    If you have some fresh drilling to shoot over you might have better luck, but even then there is no guarantee. Over OSR the tip would be to get movement into your pattern with magnets and flappers etc etc. :hmm:

  9. For the last three days there have been 300+ birds hitting these OSR fields, but were they there today NO! ? was it because of the snow?


    My mate and I spent 4hrs freezing our butts off. It was so coldthat he climbed into his kit bag, we should have taken sleeping bags with us.


    We ended up with 3 possibly 4 birds. Im out tomorrow, lets hope its a better day.

  10. Phone call this morning from one of my farmers, clearly having problems with birds hitting his OSR. Wanted me to get out as soon as possible, had to explain that I am frustrated by having to work, earliest I could get out is Sunday and again on Monday.


    Very understanding he has agreed not to put out any 'bangers' until Tuesday to give me chance to get into the birds. He reckoned there was over 500 birds yesterday evening and again this morning, it will be just my luck that they will all be gone by Sunday or one shot and they all ****** off!

  11. We have about twenty of these on a Rowan Tree in our back garden last week, this is the second time we have had them arrive. When they were in our garden last year we also had 30+ Twitchers setting up camp on the pavement and road just to get a sight of them!

  12. Well, having got this new permission things are getting a bit difficult. The farmer who has given me permission is the tenant, but the gamekeeper (who holds the game shooting rights) has gone directly to the landowner, who has, apparently said, that he does not want anyone else shooting.


    Was due to go out tomorrow morning and telephoned the gamekeeper (as agreed) to let him know to be told by him that the landowner has said no. It gets worse, I telephone the tenant farmer to let him know, he is not happy, I said that I would not be out tomorrow until it was sorted. Within 15 minutes he was back on the phone to say that he had spoken to the landowner and had sorted it all out!


    He has agreed to telephone the keeper to tell him 'the news' and also to meet me at 7.30am tomorrow. I have asked him to sign a permissions form which he has agreed.

    I cant say I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning, but willing to give it a try once to see what happens.


    Has anyone else experienced such a problem????

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