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Posts posted by wattsowatts

  1. Hi "Over the Hill",

    I was wondering if these fields were near Warminster as I see your location is Wiltshire. This morning on fields both on the Bath side and Salisbury side of the town there were hundreds on OSR. I wanted to stop to watch, but wasn't allowed by 'her that must be obeyed'!!!!!!

  2. Went out for 4 hrs this afternoon and my mate and we ended up with 54 for 111 shots, we were very pleaseed with this :):good: . If we had been able to been out all day we might have made this years first 100! :blink:


    We started trying out the 'straight line' pattern with bouncers at the either end, it was pulling the pigeons in but to many seemed to get spooked. In the end we changed to the classic horse shoe pattern with the magnet at the top; this made the difference, they were suicidal!!


    Unfortunately had to pack up at 6.30pm as my mate had to be out by 7pm; the pigeon were still coming in hard and I reckon we may have accounted for another 10 to 20 birds if we could have stayed out to play longer!! :oops:

  3. Had intended to go out this afternoon to shoot over wheat, which had plenty of birds in the tramlines yesterday afternoon. Got there this afternoon and there was not a bird in sight, checked four other fields of wheat and they were all devoid of birds.


    I then decided to check out some fields of oats, to get to this field I had to drive past a field of beans; well I could not believe it, not having been birds on the beans for months they were all there having a hearty meal!!!!!!! :lol:


    Set up with the sun at my back using a classic horse pattern with floaters at the tails and the rotary at the front. A few birds started coming in, but it was clear the rotary was putting them off. As soon as the rotary was down the birds started coming in slowly but surely.


    Ended up with 32 birds over 3 ¾ hrs :good:

  4. This evening (5.30pm) saw 100+ birds going into one of the fields that I have permission on. The annoying thing is that we are just about to go on holiday and will have no chance to clear them out. Always the same never enough time?

  5. I bought my current magent at the CLA Game fair the last time it was in Oxford, A-A DECOYS. It was sold as a multi speed machine, just under the motor you can remove the wire and attach it to another connector, by doing this you can speed it up or slow it down.


    I see they are selling on E-Bay.

  6. My friend and myself we planning on spending a quite afternoon/evening over some 40 acres of peas yesterday. We had been watching the birds build up all week and had anticipated a reasonable bag.


    After a quite first hour we had just 13 birds, but they were gradually beginning to build in numbers, using an apple orchard to sit and watch our pattern.


    In the distance I suddenly saw a sprayer coming through the orchard, my friend didn’t see it and thought I was taking the p... But there it was trundling into the field clearly there to spray. A quick word with the driver to find he was there to tackle the aphids etc, he reckoned he would be there for at least hour. :angry: We obviously had to pick up the decoys, but left the hide in place, but had to move out of the way for him to spray.


    The driver reckoned it would be okay to move back in after he had finished, quoting another decoyer he had disturbed getting a bag of 100+ after spraying the previous week??? :no:


    We did set back up but after nearly an hour not one bird had decided to drop in, and the smell was getting to us so we packed up at cleared off. I was wondering if anyone had similar experience, and whether we should have packed up as soon as the contractor arrived or whether others have gone on to get a bag on peas immediately after it had been sprayed? :no::D

  7. Like Nickbeardo I have only had birds on beans after they have been cut or just after drilling.


    Looking forward to Friday as my mate and I are out over three fields of peas. Birds have been building up over the last week, last night 150+, lets hope they stay there until Friday.

  8. Last night and again tonight there must have been between 100 and 150 birds feeding on beech in a small wood (couple of acres).


    About 100 yds away from the wood is maize cover crop with an oak tree that the birds use as a ‘sitty tree’. Some of the birds were dropping down on the maize, but the vast number were moving into the beech wood.


    When I shot in the wood several weeks ago I had two shots and all the birds cleared off.


    My question is, do you think it would be worth putting decoys out on the maize and setting up the hide under the oak tree. Would the decoys be successful in pulling the birds onto the maize even though there attention is on the beech??



  9. Expected Feast but ended with a Famine


    Been watching some cover crop for a few days which the pigeon having been hitting hard. Gave it a go this morning, expecting to achieve a reasonable bag, but sat there for 2 hours without a shot!!


    Drove a mile down the road to another permission with OSR, there have been no birds on this at all, but today there must have 300+. Decided to pack up where I was and move to the OSR. Walked the birds off and set up, again expecting a feast.


    3 hours later, after many pattern changes, rotary out, rotary in, bouncers etc etc I ended up with 6 birds for 14 shots; somewhat of a famine.


    Better luck next time, I hope.



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