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Everything posted by jacew

  1. Thanks for the replies, never thought of mod/ barrel reflection given that it is a stainless barrel It,should be pretty obviouse but never thought of it.. Will get it sorted ASAP .. Cheers J
  2. Hi went out last night with a tracer tri star gun lamp 200mtr... test in house great, got it in the field and couldnt see anything other than totally bright white light when looking through bushnell scope...is it reflecting into the scope some how causing too much light?? thanks J
  3. I've had this happen once or twice myself I believe it down to ageing ammo although bought new from your local RFD..I now use cci Gamepoint 20 gr they are cheaper than hornady and buff the wind better..The only draw back is that I need to pull through with the bore snake approx ever 10 rounds or so, which lets face is not hard..defo a dirty round..like I say, it's a better round IMO..
  4. It took me about 4 months to get sorted, so to be honest your quiet lucky really it's only took a few weeks..so maybe just hold on they are been quick..
  5. I'll take the money if you so wish did he check your cabinet at the same time? He will want to see the cabinet to ensure it all ok before you put anything into it...the day I had mine granted I already had it fastened to the wall to ensure there was no unlnessary waiting around for them them to come back.. Anyways the answer to your question is this it takes as long as it takes cause they just don't rush, if your lucky maybe a couple oh weeks.. Hope that helps Regards J
  6. North York about 10 days, phone them up and ask how long they expect it to take,ask where you are in the pile...I did and they are fine with that..hope that helps..
  7. Thanks now that makes sense, especially the fieldcraft part.. Do yo find it just been in the right place at the right time or do you find them best in particular locations or is it a matter of just finding them out and about? I have open fields on my permission but then aslo have a dale where in all fairness is where iv seen one.. The farmer said he's seen then all over so where is best to start? And how would it be best to start my evening? Should I start with sqeeking or just walk round slowly or sit tight.. Thanks J
  8. hi guys its not how to make a better / cheaper night site that im interested in, LOL its the difference in techniques between using a NS or lamping cheers J
  9. sorry about the lack of info reading back i see your point walking and sitting around, using 223. obvisouly dependent on line of sight i can shoot out to 150 mtrs with ease.. not sure about the NS200?? im not sure about the style of shooting using the monitor?? But each to their own, I actully like the ND50 the green laser fills the objective and illuminates the target nicely..Just wondered really if their is any top tips for foxing with a laser compared to the usual lamping techniques.. Thanks again J.
  10. Hi I going to go out with my New toy, NS50 ...Any tips on foxing with one of these is there anything different that I may or may not have to?? Any top tips would be great. Thanks
  11. Got to agree anchor bolts are brill assuming you have the correct sized pilot hole, but think you will defo have to use resin and threaded bar for this one due to having larger holes. Let use know how it went...
  12. i waited ages for mine about 4 months although ive had it now for some time, best thing is to ring them. my area are really good at giving info over the phone even to the point of " i will have a look to see where it is" then they gave me an approx day that it would be processed this was the same when i put in a variation.. regards john
  13. By the sounds of it you need longer rawl plugs etc, i use anchor bolts which dont need plugs they screw straight into the wall all you need is a pilot hole slightly smaller than the bolt itself. Hope that helps John
  14. yes mate just like that works great
  15. Made a DIY fox caller tonight with a little dowl rod and electrica / video tape, it only works perfectly..within he hour I had a fox approach the only problem was after about 40 mins I moved on about 600mtrs and then returned back to my 1st location and their he was "couldnt take a safe shot" so let him move on.. I will have him next time..The point is the the caller worked perfectly.. cheap as chips didnt cost a bean
  16. IPHONE 4s for sale in black (16gb) with 3 cases, very few marks in almost perfect condition, used for 6 months .. still got the box and earphones £300 also i have gear 4 house party speakers to play music its as radio and alarm clock plus remote control £25... Thanks J..
  17. trade in price is £291 from a different web site, my son is selling his also and came across the site..Sorry dont know which one it is at the moment but i will let you know asap regards J
  18. Hi all, I have approx 460 win lazers HV rounds that I no longer want. Bought totally brand new for my GSG but no longer have the rifle so they need to go.. Im edging towards my upper limit of .22 ammo... 300 are boxed and the other 160 were in a pouch ready for firing.. now back in the box.. Goes without saying, you need your cert to get these and I cant post... I live near Filey, North Yorks... £25 Thanks John..
  19. went to the rfd today got 60, 50gr sako gamehead SP rounds perfect fast and flat hitting..groups within 1 inch.. normally 3/4 inch.. sellior and bellot just as good 55gr SP approx 1.5 inch but still hitting out to 200 mtrs cheers j
  20. hi all, a little late I know but could be useful.. I use winchester subs all day long in my .22 cz with perfect shots and the for a little further or foxing I would use rem cyclone perfect also.. I used to use win lazers hv for the longer shot but the groupings are not as good as the rem cyclones cheers J
  21. Thanks alot for the info ppu defo worth a try at 40 quid per 100 cheers
  22. Hi all, I have a Howa 1500 standard barrell which is a 1 in 12 twist, normally reload my own however dont really want the exspense of it all again and the time that it takes up..I would rather be out shooting.. The only thing really need to know is im gonna use factory ammo, so which should I go for??? defo gonna be 50 or 55gr but I am unsure if I should go for something like the sako gamehead SP,approx £23 per 20 or the PPU 55gr SP, approx £50 per 100.. I use the ammo for hunting however I like to get tight groupings just so that I know if I miss it wasnt the bullet. I understand that ever rifle needs to find its own, however if someones got a howa 1500 thats using factory ammo perfectly then I welcome your opinions.. Many thanks in advance. Regards J..
  23. Hi mate, for the money approx £110 lee reloading kit think it is the 50 anniversary one is pretty good. Some would say it is basic but Ive had one and it works infact Im getting another one..You will need the dies to go with it which are about £35 then your ready to go.... you will need cases, powder and tips. powder etc depends on what you want from your round, then you need to find out what your rifle likes, it can be trail and error.. what rifle do you have?
  24. SA80 bayonet with scabbard and frog, never used. never sharpened scabbard is as issued with sharpener and wire cuter and saw wanting £100 for this as it not somthing you would come across offen. Will ytry and post a pic or will send to a private email address.. cheers jacew
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