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Posts posted by whiskymac

  1. You did well Mac :) I shot this shoot last year and did a 59 ;) The more you shoot and test yourself under those conditions the better you will become, obviously.


    Your doing the right thing going to these diffrent grounds and shoots and shooting diffrent targets. Even if it does feel abit painfull sometimes.

    I still feel the pain every other shoot, but I enjoy it more than I would just going through the motions at worsley or the like.


    See you at the next comp :)


    Thanks Anni, I'm enjoying the comps and different grounds. Hopefully the scores will come.

    The pain you feel when you shoot a 79 is one I'd happily have. :D:hmm::good:

  2. 61 for me today, not a good score really as I felt like I let a lot of clays slip away, although it seems I beat my last score at Coniston by 1 so at least I havn't gone backwards. :good: Need to improve my concentration for next time.

    Nobody in out group was outstanding today but enjoyed the shoot with Auntie and Beretta and met up with the Manchester crew again. <_<

  3. You're OK Timps :yes:


    Nicky T has kindly offered the wheels, so you can blaze your own trail into darkest Yaaarkshire.


    We think we'll be there about 10ish :good:


    You'll be there a damn site quicker than that if you're all still wearing those high performance viagra stickers. :lol:

  4. I have some Peltor sportacs which are great in so much as they do everything they claim (mute the noise from the gun and amplify talking, etc), but.............to be honest I find it off-putting that you can hear everyone talking when your on the stand, so I started turning them right down and now I turn them off completely. So I'd be just as well with some ear defenders.


    Although I do have some for work with a built in radio. :good::yes:

  5. Dec 1988

    I caught a burglar in my mums house.

    Ended up hitting him good and hard with the hoover pipe.

    I have never experienced adrenalin like it since.

    He got 12 mths inside.


    You would probably be doing porridge these days for that.


    Was it a Dyson? :blush:

  6. We had ****** come round not too lang ago asking for scrap, they had a good look around whilst they were there. :blush:


    Honestly mate, I'd be moving any gear you have for a while if it's at all workable.

    They are particularly bad around here at minute.........mother in law was broken into a few weeks ago as well.

    Couple of weeks after she had been broken into they actually caught them in the end, as they had sightings of the vehicle involved and it had been seen on several farms and rural villages when theft had occured. They were actually caught when a farmer saw a suspicious vehicle in one of his yards so drove to his front gate and parked a vehicle sideways blocking them in. They drove straight through several gates (4 wheel drive pick up) trying to get away.

  7. Had a break in a few years ago. Was working in the workshop one morning and a van with a couple o ****** turned up asking about doing some work on the track, before I could get out quick enough they had got to workshop door and saw what was in it. Told them to sling their hooks but couple weeks later I was borken into. They got a load of powertools and even managed to nick my ride on lawnmower which I was storing there through winter. :good:

    They do come back the #####.

  8. He turned the gun on himself in the village of 'Boot' I think. We were supposed to be camping in Boot with family/friends the weekend after next for the annual real ale festival, a real cracking event with live music, good food, etc. Stunningly pretty area will be rocked by this for a long, long time.

  9. :good: My gun was rusty when i got to hodnet! You should have seen it after the bun fight. It took us about 30 attempts just to open it. I've now got a major cleaning job on. from Auntie :good:


    Think you have same gun as me Auntie.....rust wasn't the problem with mine but all the grain raised up on my totally saturated stock. :lol:

  10. should have got a proper gun. plus your a joiner :blink: :lol: make a new one as it would look better. :lol::P:lol:


    ill pm you andys number.


    Cheeky sod. :lol:

    Sorted it thanks fellas, gave it a rub with some very fine wire wool and a little wet/dry paper in a little patch where it was quite rough. Palmed a little oil in and it seems fine. <_<

  11. Following the almighty soaking my gunstock had on at the north and south meet on saturday the grain has raised and become rough in places on my Miroku mk38 stock.

    Whats the best way to deal with this.......

    Can I use very fine wet/dry paper (used dry) or even wire wool to sand and then oil it with something like legia stock spray or ccl conditoning oil?

    Or would it be better to sand using a little oil as a lubricant, before oiling the whole stock?


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