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Posts posted by Ropemunky

  1. they fire litle 4.5mm BBs copper coated pretty dangerouse


    They fire 6mm plastic .2g bb's. with an average MV of about 300fps


    Although they are meant to be used in Airsoft games, i agree they can be dangerous if you are not wearing the correct protection. (ie. Face masks or goggles)


    They are deffinately NOT suitable for shooting any type of pests or game.


    Please don't get caught waving one of these things about on your back garden as they are now classed as RIF's (realistic imitation firearms) and can get you in hot water if the cops are called.


    Hope this helps.


    I'm only posting this as I am a Marshall at a popular Airsoft site and we have always had a hard time keeping on the good side of the law.

  2. I think it happens in all areas of the construction industry. When I first started as an apprentice joiner I was about 10 stone wet through and would not say boo to a goose. And yeah I got picked on because I was the little guy. But a a few years on and I take **** from no man! Not because I got any bigger but because I got wiser!

    Anyway building sites are a lot different nowadays if the top brass get a whiff of bullying or even worse "discrimination" they will be papping themselves and your bully's actions will soon be nipped in the bud.

  3. Sure can Tel. (As long as I am allowed to do this. Advice please mods?) Send me a pm with your address and I'll get some to you.

    Would have had some for you today if it wasn't for this snow!!!

  4. I agree with every thing mentioned above. I've had one for about two years now and it is without a doubt the best cooking system I have ever used. Also got the frying pan for it. You have to turn it down a bit to use it but you can do a decent fry up in it.

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