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About Dr_evil

  • Birthday 17/09/1991

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  1. Would take a px for a Winchester SXP or trade for a good air rifle (PCP)
  2. I'd have taken those sills for the gf's series if they weren't in lincolnshire :(
  3. You can buy a front replacement panel from YRM I think, what I'm doing on mine is simply spot weld a plate on the rear of the light recess and then smooth over
  4. looks like someone in the past fitted a 2 grille with lights on it as well as the wings with lights and then owner after has tried to make it look like a proper 2. my gf has a series with the four lights on front as people liked messing with them, if I find her a set of proper series 2 panels I'll be swapping them over as its a 1962 series 2 my series 3 on the other hand will soon have no visible headlights
  5. Close thread please
  6. No 7.5x16 are the correct size. You have undersize on there atm, 205's are standard disco size, 7.5's are standard series and defender size as well as camel spec disco
  7. May be asking a but much on that dude I paid £40 for the 180 model
  8. Decided I want a widetrack so 220 Ono on this narrow track
  9. Balls :( I would have had some bits off that disco too had he been breaking it as no doubt it would get onto ebay :( Yeah disco axles are a nice upgrade, stance will be 3" wider IIRC but you can use properly offset wheels to fix this, welding wise I'd remove diff and shafts then use a dremel to remove the rust and then patch over using stick welder (partly cos thats the only welder I now use) Oh you also get strengthened 24 spline internals and the ball joints are better partly as they're CV's instead of balls
  10. This is for radically altered vehicles which it may or may not fall in to Chassis or monocoque bodyshell (body and chassis as one unit) (original or new)* 5 n Suspension (front & back) 2 n Axles (both) 2 n Transmission 2 n Steering assembly 2 n Engine 1 So he'd keep 5 for chassis, 2 for suspension and 2 for trans, 2 for steering and 1 for engine so easily over 8 On my build it was a bit more dicey when I was planning axle swap so gave up on that and I keep suspension, steering, chassis and axles
  11. No, axles are only worth one point. Status is kept, need 8 points to keep status
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