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Posts posted by saddler

  1. 2 hours ago, welshwarrior said:

    I’m surprised no one wants them.  

    Me too
    Lovely caliber and a good selection of ammo at the right price
    It wouldn't have lasted long today at the rifle range..!
    A few folk in the club aside from myself are users of the 6.5 Swede

  2. 7 hours ago, 222mark said:


    Interested...as I'm collecting a 410 any day now!

    May be able to collect Saturday pm, as I'm shooting at Catterick from mid morning onwards so could call on the way home.

  3. 20 hours ago, clangerman said:

    i doubt your concerns got to her actual desk i won’t put up with fools out of principal son inlaw got his first ticket during covid in just few weeks more by dropping my name i suspect than by accident feo is not one of my fans lol 

    Well. Spoke to the Firearms Dept today.
    No joy from any of the decision makers re. the return of my property, so....
    TOMORROW is another day!

    Aside from the official complaint I have been a little quiet on this, with the force.
    Maybe they took that as reluctance to go further, or some warped idea that I'd take their unlawful actions as acceptable & just wait for them come up with a decision as & when they see fit (...from a case dating from early Sept., when they're saying renewals will be around a year to process? ...)


  4. 2 hours ago, clangerman said:

    trust me those at fault will not let it come to the chief constable receiving a summons unless they wish to be unemployed lol 

    I e-mailed my initial concerns direct to her office. My concerns were dismissed out of hand....

    Aside from the illegally seized rifle, there's also the minor issue of an FEO breaching PACE rules & a few other things worthy of serious scrutiny

    "...We're Durham, we know best..." is a mantra to live and die by I suppose. It is going to get a little warm for some, as I know of at least one other official complaint about the Firearms Dept.
    It's a shame, as aside from an FEO who had the administrative skill set of a 7 legged spider, they've normally been very pleasant and efficient.

  5. 11 hours ago, jan8p said:

    You should contact professional standards about that!

    DID - as of Sept. 21
    Then CC's office could not have been less interested
    The P&CC is non-existent
    All the other organisations & bodies were a complete blank
    STILL waiting for the outcome of the Official Complaint

    7 hours ago, clangerman said:

    issue small claims case with the chief constables name in box marked defendant only takes mins watch how fast they cave in 

    I doubt she would even notice it...but given the time that's now passed, this issue is past a joke
    More than happy to chuck 30 notes or so to file a SCC summons/action = bit of a track record with them, the last one I did was against Jack Straw re. the handgun compensation claim delays - I won that one by a big margin!

  6. 16 minutes ago, jan8p said:

    Tell me about it.  Covid is a convenient excuse to hide behind for inadequacies that were present well before the pandemic happened, at least in Durham's case.

    Durham! NO, really??

    Oh, yeah, the DURHAM force that seizes an un-proofed .308, from an RFD premises and IN a box on it's way to be Proofed, because "...it's illegal as it's not proofed..." (contrary to the info on Durham's own website)
    THEN Durham decides a couple of months later to return it as it's not illegal "...as long as long it is sent to proof..."  🤪
    THEN decides they better NOT release it back to the FAC owner or an RFD as "....we're carrying out further investigations..."


    No worry though - it's with a Superintendent rank to be reviewed - but someone the HQ seems ignorant of (his name was not known in the office I spoke to...!)

    The phrase I have heard from the firearms dept more than once "We know best, we're Durham..."

    RENEWALS with Durham - I've been told by others also going through the process, the FLD have told them to expect around a 12 month processing time!!


  7. Am I the only one not getting this..?

    I can understand that folk of the same job title get the same rate of pay, irrespective of gender.
    Ditto for all folk in the same workplace - you are in the employ of the same firm, so there should be no gender based difference in pay across whatever grade/role folk are doing at that firm.

    Todays ruling seems to be a big departure from this.
    The ASDA industrial/warehousing staff are on more money than the employees in the ASDA shop/store, as the firm said it was not the same job role.
    Not according to the Supreme Court, who now say that it IS the same role and involves the same amount of skill...so, shop staff should earn warehouse staff wages!
    Having seen the level of inactivity from some of the ASDA Store staff, and having worked both in shops AND several warehouses, I can say that the roles are massively different...I doubt 5% of the store employees would last a week in an actual ASDA warehouse role, yet they have now been told "it's the same job"

    I know one chap on here WAS in a Warehouse role for Asda, so can likely add some insight - but this ruling seems NUTS & could be setting a dangerous precedent for other sectors


    On 21/03/2021 at 13:40, TIGHTCHOKE said:


    Good points, but let's get this chap back on the good road he was already on, that might shame the PCC and the Police to actually deal with the problem!


    On 21/03/2021 at 14:59, Westward said:

    Don't hold your breath. The eye watering arrogance of the PCCs and Chief Officers by which they perceive themselves as better placed to decide how they should operate than the people they are tasked with serving absolutely beggars belief!


    Tragic what happened.....but like the NFN acronym, the presence of ASBO intent two legged rats is a given and accepted as the norm in that area among some of the longer established estate families... There is a very very similar element in my vicinity; it's normal to see two or three school-age yoofs travel on the roads or footpaths, all on the one quad/scrambler/moped, none wearing a helmet, etc., all this happening SEVERAL times a day, at all times of the day, even in the small hours - sometimes they gather at 3 and 4 am on the estates to have a nocturnal burn up or race other little petrol heads. We also have the regular sight of a 12yr old kid, air rifle in hand, wandering the public footpath/C2C cycle route, taking pot-shots at the wildlife in broad daylight!

    This sort of thing was one of the local problems Sean posted about online, no doubt breaking some scum-code that rats protect their own...His uploads to FaceBook gave a lot of details into the incidents before the national media latched onto the story, as he'd uploaded a lot of stuff onto the local FB pages - it may be that this posting was what caused the "event", the day before the arson, where an armed gang broke into his parents house at just after 7pm. He'd also uploaded footage of someone on an illegal scrambler spraying a row of parked cars with mud and gravel because he'd been challenged about his illegal riding by Sean and was being filmed.

    Sadly, it is ONLY the extreme outcome in this case of the arson attack, that has motivated the local Police to treat the matter seriously (there is no PCC in Durham as such).
    FaceBook for most of the local estates is alive with complaints of how these kids are taking over. Local councillors are copied into the posts on FB - the councillors make what they consider as the correct sound-bite noises in reply, but nothing changes. The Police do very little about the presence of these idiots, nor the low level attacks that take place = I had 4 attacks on the car in the space of 10 days last year; in the three years I've been here, there must have been about 15 or so attacks to my parked cars. Police always informed....no convictions, even for the last attack a few weeks ago when the group were caught on CCTV doing the attack and identified by a few neighbours; police response "the footage isn't clear enough", and in the next sentence we are told that they are taking the matter very seriously...but nobody is brought up on charges for the constant criminal damage attacks, or the illegal riding, etc.
    The local police and council aren't addressing the problem on these estates, they are empowering the little sh!ts to act how they choose to act with zero fear of reprisal - and as the saying goes, they get bigger and they get bolder.

    We NEED a new PCC - I'd even say Sean should pack in his teaching job and put himself forward - he'd walk it and be the right person for the job to get some long overdue changes made!


  9. 1 minute ago, big bad lindz said:

    I hope so,  I "canny" be farsed with them I just dont understand how some people cant or wont see the big picture

    The SNP seem to appeal to a core of vested interest voters: mainly those who rely on having a regular pay out from the SNP coffers to put food on the table; and there is a huge percentage of Scots who are so reliant through not only state benefit or state pension, but state employment in local government, NHS, etc.


  10. It's typical of their ilk that they seem to have VERY selective memories - as quite a few SNP MSP's as well as the Wee Krankie herself are now toeing the line that it was never stated at any time by anyone from the SNP that the Indy vote was a once only thing = even when faced with lots of print media coverage, TV & radio interviews, SNP publicity material from the time, etc. showing that they did at the time state that the Indy vote was going to be a once in a generation opportunity...!!
    I can even remember Krankie saying as much when the results were announced on a live TV interview

    Very glad that my plan to get out of the Forth Reich worked without too many glitches

  11. 2 minutes ago, big bad lindz said:

    Unfortunately, but please dont tarnish us all with the same brush. Interesting to read some of the comments and mostly from guys south of border. I personally dont like the little Jimmy Krankie or the SNP politics but I do believe she has handled the C19 situation in Scotland well. There will be some fallout from this and hopefully it will be seen in the forthcoming "scottish county council " elections although it will be difficult to over throw the hard core central belt but division within the ranks is what I want

    Scotland, with a much smaller population, had a higher WuFlu death toll than several European countries.
    Sturgeon has made as good a job of it as she has of all her other projects....Edinburgh Childrens Hospital, Edinburgh Trams (NOT going to Leith as they'd been promised), Forth Road Bridge(s), etc.

  12. 27 minutes ago, The Heron said:

    Yes I know a lot of people who do that. 

    There used to be a famous story from days past of someone using their work motorbike to call to collect a new gun purchase, while on duty, before riding back to clock out for the day
    The gun in question as a brand new Israeli made Galil semi-auto rifle; so not having a case or any other way of carrying, he attaches the sling to it, then digs in the bike panniers and bungees onto the rifle a pair of old waterproof trousers. Job done. No worries.
    ...except he's only done a few hundred yards before the leggings come off the rifle

    He's then doing several miles back to work with a bare rifle on his back

    As if that wasn't good enough, he was on duty as a motorbike Policeman that day, so was in uniform on his issue bike.

    While it was some days long past, it was long before the common uptake of mobile phones, but even still, his bosses at work knew exactly where he was from the location of the most recent caller, from a long list of such calls, to report a policeman carrying a machine gun on his motorbike!
    He got a bit of a talking to as a result....as you'd expect

  13. Photo's merged below...

    Looks like a very nice clean 375 press.
    For those that may not know, the Ponsness Warren made items are about the best shotshell presses available, quality wise.
    The only minor negative with this one, and a very very minor one at that, is this is not the "C" version (as can be seen by the solid knock-out stem to the left of the operating handle)  
    The "C" model is mainly of interest to folk running pumps or semis as it adds a better taper crimp to the finished cartridge - the conversion kit to upgrade to "C"/taper crimp spec. is just over $100 new, so no big drama and it takes all of 5 minutes to install

    Another good feature of these presses is that the tooling in the upper tool-head, near the camera is one possible set.
    Undo a couple of bolts, rotate the tool-head 180-deg., and you can add a 2nd set of tooling, so anyone who also wants to load for a second caliber can do this on the same press

    These machines turn out VERY very good cartridges

    An ideal machine for anyone wanting to get into shotshell loading as they are very forgiving and the shell-holder/die means the case is fully supported during all stages of the loading process, so no funny shaped ammo that won't chamber



  14. Difficult to say from the photo/screen shot

    Possibly a more modern incarnation of the classic Parker-Hale MM2, but in lightweight aluminium - as it looks to have a painted/powder coated finish from the image as opposed to the blued finish on the original steel mod.

    You can pay as much as you want to for a mod.
    I've always found that the P-H basic models get the job done, never had any rabbit complain about the noise yet!

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