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  1. Just don't do what I did and buy a pair of discounted macwets only for white ones to arrive (missed that in the small print) On a side note I'm now geared up for fancy dress as a butler
  2. The Scottish lass who complains about nit affording food... She gets over 1200 calories day from her cola ! Did anyone see the preview of next weeks lot We might need to club together to buy a saw mill there will be that many doors out through
  3. Here are the minutes from the meeting, not much said really other than whats posted on here already from the letter (I got one too) http://democracy.ryedale.gov.uk/documents/g1346/Printed%20minutes%2018th-Dec-2014%2018.30%20Council.pdf?T=1
  4. I thinkwe can safely say they don't like them like that anymore ... the days of the true craftsman are sadly missed
  5. Amazing, must have spent hours getting the expression just right, almost looks alive http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/400793947584?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D400793947584%26_rdc%3D1
  6. I have cctv covering all round the house and its also covers the coops I have watched foxs stealing eggs before now when the chucks have laid outside the coop and I hadn't found the eggs,
  7. nothing yet, I have until the end of tomorrow for my 5 working days
  8. you can have her for £950 as her retrieve is rubbish
  9. I'm thinking of breeding her and selling the kittens as an alternative to a fox pro
  10. Saw a fox on the cctv near the chicken coop, grabbed the shotgun and went out and sneaked up behind the wall to coop ... pop head over with torch but fox had gone, then the cat appears next to me and meow's ... fox jogs round corner ... I shoot fox Cat seems worryingly unafraid of fox .. and shotgun fire
  11. I take it you don't fancy bringing your tamborine for renditions of Kum Ba Yah outside his house then ?
  12. Personally I have contacted his local paper and the reporter I emailed has since written an article, national press, his party (no reply) the council (default standard reply of we will get back to you). If everyone is doing this then it puts pressure on him but he is pretty much saying he has done nothing wrong and because he hasn't been arrested in 25 years of running round hating people its ok ! Can you imagine if an anti died and your local councillor said the same thing ! There would be death threats, balaclava clad people protesting outside his house and workplace no doubt. Perhaps we should arrange a rally with placards through his village and camp outside his b and b peacefully demonstrating for a while till his business goes bust? The anti's probably wouldn't think twice before doing that, but then we all have jobs to go to and can't spare the time sitting in a Yurt eating Tofu and not washing for a month.
  13. I didn't use a regular address with my name in, plus I have The Onion
  14. The trip advisors posts are disappearing anyway, how do we engage a man who thinks I should put a gun to my head and kill myself, who seems to take joy in any articles where a human who hunts is injured ? I have emailed the council but doubt they will do anything and according to their website an email complaint isn't a formal complaint. If you are unhappy with the response via email then you can escalate to a formal complaint.
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