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Posts posted by joecash

  1. £350 - unbelievable price for a semi auto m/c in this day and age when you take into account Vat, everyone taking a cut, delivery and then a 3 year warranty to be honoured. Appears to be of a reasonable quality too!!

  2. Are you an NGO or BASC member? if not join online NOW! Then ring them first thing in the morning!


    http://basc.org.uk/join-basc/£59for a gamekeeper.

    +1 join basc, then ring them for advice on how to handle plod in your circumstances - remember you are dealing with an organisation that for the most of the time deals with the criminal fraternity and they may not be as straight forward in their dealings with you, as a decent member of society, as they should.

  3. Keep a paper record of each and every dealing that you have with plod and confirm any verbals in writing, not just for firearms and shotgun licences, everything. You never know when you may need it. You can be the most law abiding of citizens, but plod is always "mislaying" things which if you keep records are easily resolved, but can take a long long time to clear up and possibly involve a load of grief if there are "no records".

  4. before spending out on any form of shotgun have at least a couple of lessons in gun fit etc - that shouldn't cost more than £50 or so - then at least you will have some pointers before opening the wallet big time - cant go wrong with used browning miroku or beretta to begin with - but make sure you take someone who knows guns and gun fit

  5. Hi everyone just looking for some help really on a good first gun to buy I am very new to this and have around £1500/£2000 to spend I quite like the beretta 682 gold e but im getting told so many different things some saying brownings some saying beretta and so on. thanks for any replies.

    not all instructors/gun fitters are the same - might be worth trying 2 or 3 - welsh warrior appears to have a decent reputation on here and wont rip you off, unlike some "experts"

    Depending on what you shoot, you can, for example, pick up a used miroku mk38 grade 5 multi choked, 2 or 3 year old with less than a thousand shells through it for around £1,650, but it has to fit. Brownings and Berettas are the other brands to consider. If you "buy right", and buy the aforementioned brands, you shouldn't loose any money on resale. Plenty of guns out there - if you don't know much about guns take an expert, don't rely on the seller for obvious reasons.

  6. why not phone up a couple of brokers and ask them what car attracts the cheapest insurance premium for your circumstances - dont tell any porkies though - all insrance companies share databases and if you tell even the smallest of porkies they will use it to refuse to pay any claim - insurance is based on "truthfulness"

  7. You should always be extremely careful in any dealings with plod - they are not exactly well known for being straightforward in all their dealings - and if they make a mistake in applying the law it is not plod that pays the bill its you and me. For the individual concerned it can be extremely traumatic. Who watches the watchers? or indeed, who holds plod to account? at the moment it is themselves.

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