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Posts posted by Gunneravi

  1. ^^^^Thanks chaps

    I will also add that if someone books with me I don't just throw them in a field and hope for the best.

    Leading up to their visit I will do several reccies all costing time and money.

    If someone has booked and the birds aren't flying I would rather cancel their day than take their money for them to shoot nothing.

    Reccies are not a 100% way of guranteeing shots as we all know they are wild birds but it makes the odds better.

    I really don't know how someone can charge £50 and cover fuel costs ect.

    I'm not saying this is the case on here but some guides will put you in a field that has been shot to death and if you're lucky they are stiil coming but reaaly nervous or if you're unlucky they would be wise enough to give the field a miss.

    I alway try to give value for money because I want my clients coming back for more


    Fair play. If only everything we paid for put so much effort into 'customer service' ill be in touch for a day!

  2. We got pulled a few months back lamping at half one in the morning we did'nt have permission slips but we did have permission and the fuzz called the land owner in the middle of the night. so all in all its probably better to get a farmer to sign a slip than make an angry one whos woke up in his beauty sleep- luckily he is a nice chap and did not mind to much


    That's crazy

  3. For me its not all about the shooting, its as much about being outdoors, mixing with nature, having good company and not thinking about lifes troubles.


    The other afternoon I didnt even pull the trigger but had the pleasure of watching a Hen Harrier doing its thing and as dusk set in the honour of watching a barn owl on the prowl..... awesome :)


    Very true sometimes it's what you don't shoot

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