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Posts posted by Gunneravi

  1. Listen fellow wildfowlers, we are supposed to be nasty horrible men who don't share our sport and don't help people to enjoy our favourite spots etc. We have all the places tied up so others can't go.....what has happened, we all offer help and advice now??? When did our secret rules change.

    Gunner, if you fancy a day on the wash let us know. Hope you enjoy your day wherever you go.



    Thanks very much, I'd appreciate all the experience I can get. At the moment it's all reading and watching vids on the Internet.

  2. Ok. Possibly daft question but I don't pretend to know more than I do. I have some 42g no 1 for a bit of daylight foxing. In my o/u I have 1/4 and 1/2 choke most of the time. Is there a maximum size I can safely discharge through these chokes I.e will I blow the barrel up if I let fly at a Charlie through it? As I understand the choke constricts the load slightly if that load is to big can it struggle through the choke?


    I'm sure it's a daft question but if I don't ask I won't know lol!


    Thanks lads

  3. I do not hang birds ( duck or geese ) any longer than it takes me to get around to pluck and draw them, usually within a couple of days . Get them in the freezer as soon as possible . I always think wildfowl taste a lot better for be frozen for a few months than when fresh.


    Why is this do you think? Does it become a stronger taste? I prefer pheasant fresh rather hung I find it gets that livery taste if Hun too long.

  4. That's great lads I'd really appreciate it. Having a day with someone in the know is exactly what I need. There just seems to be so much more than a driven day or a day in the hide. Not that those things aren't a good day. I watched a few youtube vids and it just looks superb. If anyone is available in the new year ill make sure I'm free. Thanks again everyone

  5. Hi all


    I am really keen to start wildfowling. I am intrigued by the whole thing. The quarry identification and just the thought of spending time doing something I love with the dog in a rewarding and challenging environment. I realise I am going to have to travel seeing as there is a post in the next village stating I am at the furthest point inland in England! However this doesn't phase me.


    How do you think I should go about it. I have been reading books and articles on the Internet and I have looked into several wildfowling clubs. Is this the way to go? Joining a club seems like a good idea as some of them run courses on call recognition and quarry identification etc. as well as teaching the safety aspect of the tides etc.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

  6. If you dont get any joy (and you will most likely need a fair bit of luck) you could pm #### in the shooting available section-for about £40 he will set you up where the birds are and answer any questions you might have-its a bit like jumping in at the deep end but Matt has the experience to set you straight.


    Thanks will do!

  7. So. After a few trips to the clay shoots and a couple of beaters days I bit the bullet ( pardon the terrible pun!!) and bought my first shotgun today. I live in buckinghamshire and I have noticed a few guys on here being kind enough give help to novices in the field. I would really like someone giving me the opportunity to learn from their experience. If anyone could offer me that sort of opportunity I'd really appreciate it.


    Thanks all!




  8. So. After a few trips to the clay shoots and a couple of beaters days I bit the bullet ( pardon the terrible pun!!) and bought my first shotgun today. I live in buckinghamshire and I have noticed a few guys on here being kind enough give help to novices in the field. I would really like someone giving me the opportunity to learn from their experience. If anyone could offer me that sort of opportunity I'd really appreciate it.


    Thanks all!



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