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pigeon pete

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Posts posted by pigeon pete

  1. WD40 Is water based and will take the blueing off after time... real bad stuff for guns

    yep i found out the hard way ,i had a k98 7.92 and tired to clean out the barrel and a week later it was brown in side and i couldn't even see the rifling
  2. reloading is not about saving cash its about tuning your rifle and getting the right load for your ammo ,,just careful of USA forums ,they like to load way to hot ,do as much research as poss ,your rifle and life depends on it ,if you want a 5 round 1 ragged hole group @ 100m reloading is the way to go ,if you need any help please feel free to pm me , ,you cant go wrong with a lee starter reloading kit ,what i will say is don't get to anal with it ,like cleaning the inside of your cases and case volume ,and one of the biggest mistakes people make is they clean there rifle barrel ,i only clean my barrel every 200/300 rounds ,just clean the rifle and chamber when using modern nitro powders ,only clean if you use surplus ammo with cordite ,or if you have been out in the rain ,but if you have a chrome lined barrel is not to bad

  3. my old man taught me years ago and said ,if you shoot at something coming at you the shot can pull out feathers or fur and roll off the game ,i think it depends on the angel of the game and if the shot has loads of feather to get through ,ive also had a m8 shoot a crow in the back @200m with a .223 using Barnes grenades bullets and he seen a big splat and bald patch on the crows back as he flue away ?? and we've been crow shooting and both of us has hit the same crow with both barrels x4 shots and you can see the thing lose feathers on every shot and it still fly's away !!

  4. well with my hassle i had on youtube ,i would not give were i live or shoot ,iam not giving 100s of people my were abouts and knowing ive got a gun box full of firearms ,you don't know WHO is WHO on the internet ,there is anti hunters that make false accounts ,all you need is to make up any old email address and open up on any forum ,i am a moderator on another forum and the amount of **** and spammers is unreal ,ive seen a few on here that i know on youtube but they don't know me ,i was on a fishing forum and people were saying i caught this and that at so and so water mark and before you know it every tom **** and harry will be there ,i posted on here to ask if anyone else has had problems with not seeing any birds about ,and ive had some saying ,how can we tell you ,we don't know where your from ,you can answer this as ive only asked if you have had the same problem

    just a though and don't trust a sole

  5. well iam 40+ and its falling off the top and iam marred !!!!! with 2 kids!!! ooo and a dog ,so dose this mean life still goes on ,well when iam in the field with my m8 and the shotguns ,were like to young lads lol ,,,,,,,its what you make of it




  6. friend of mine stores his gun cabinets in his loft and often gets a bit of damp up there in the winter ,he now uses a small piano heater in the bottom of the cabinet

    this stays on all the time ,and what ever you do never use WD40 on guns ,this will make them rust

  7. we also had the same ,where we shoot there were lots of shooters ,but they would only come at harvest or every now and then ,we shoot as many times as we can in all weathers ,the farmer thinks were mad ,but he knows we do the job for him ,hes kicked off one guy because he was doing it just to sell the pigeons and hardly turned up,then he let 2 young local lads turn up ,well after i filmed them driving across his fields with guns blazing out of both windows of there range rover ,and leaving coke cans and empty cases every where ,then we were decoying and they drove into are field blasting away and i zoomed in with my X35 zoom camcorder and seen them taking out pheasants ,i went over to them and said hang on were in here shooting we were standing talking and they were still trying to pop off pigeons next to us ,i then told him to put his gun away ,he then ask if i wanted any pheasants !! he had about 8 in the boot ,lol i had a chat to the farmer and we've never seen them again ,every time the farmer gets someone ask to shoot on his land he gives them are phone number lol

  8. Your farmer is obviously not a pigeon watcher telling you that they have been eating Ivy berries and buds because that is what they always do between November and May. There must be another reason.


    If you are lucky you may find that when all of the young birds are on the wing next month you may get an influx from other areas particularly if your piece of land is lighly shot.

    its not just the farmer its a few shooters as well ,i think we need a good hard winter to bring them back out to feed ?
  9. Im confused now too - You do not neen an fac cert with a slot for an airgun mod so you can then put it on a sub 12 fpe air rifle. I think thats the question lol.


    edit: the mods you allready have on your other sub 12 fpe airguns do not need to be put on your fac certificate too as they are not on a fac rated airgun:-.therefore they are not classed as a firearm on there own

    yep tell that to your FAO and the home office ,its a hollow metal tube that moderates the sound ,its like you can go into your gunshop and get a .22 sound mod for a airrifle and fine ,if you say its for a .22lr then you need a slot !
  10. Its the same for me down here. I really thought there would be huge bags shot this laid/harvest. After the mild winter with so much food for them..rape/acorns by the ton, so much so they barely left the woods, breeding early and the weather keeping a lot of us away, I really thought we were on for a bumper time. I have been out about 10 times since the start of the laid. I have only set up on 5 occasions with a 25, shared 40 ,13, and a twenty something. The rest of the visits I spent a few hours drinking coffee waiting for them to come out and play to no avail...... :hmm: I did a 4 hour round trip to wiltshire last saturday. Passed everything standing rape,rape and barley stubble,etc ect. I shouldn't think I saw 20 birds for the whole trip let alone enough for a shoot..........its weird :hmm: :hmm:

    cheers m8 i ent the only one who like a picnic in the country side then :good: :good:
  11. I understand that when going FAC you need to list moderators in open slots as they are treated as S1 firearms.


    My questions is .. If I own 1 or more sub 12fpe that have mods. where does that stand within the law?.


    When I move to FAC do I have to list the mods. already owned and in use on the ticket?


    Cheers guys.



    if it stays on a sub 12flb air rifle then no its only for the use of firearms ,which is silly as a sound mod is only an assessory not a work part of a fire arm ie barrel or action
  12. hi all iam new to the forum,,,and must say its a good one


    ive been shooting for 30 years now ,from airrifle ,shottys and FAC rifles


    a friend and i have been a bit puzzled of late ,we have shot on a 2000 acre farm for 5 years now and its rape barley and pea ,wheat ,weve always see big flocks of pigeons 200/300 at a time ,we shoot all year and any weather ,the farmer always rings us to say hes seen 70 trillion,billion pigeons on his crop ,lol we average bags of 80 birds ,not the big bags of 150/200 ,but its been regular ,then for some reason they have gone over night just at the start of this year ,the flight lines have gone !!!! last Friday the farmer cut 2 of his barley fields only due to the rain ,these were the only 2 to be cut for miles ,so we planed to go back to them on Sunday ,van full of lead,all the deeks and magnet,watching vids on you-tube and reading all the post on pigeon watch ,we were well buzzed up for a good shoot ,got to the farm hoping to see the field grey like it used to be !? well lets say after 1 hour of watching for flights we didn't even get the guns out seeing just 4 pigeons flying past and they weren't even dropping into the stubble ,we were heading home ! has anyone else had this problem ,the farmer said its because we have had a mild winter and the pigeons have been eating from the ivy and other tree buds ? ???

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