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pigeon pete

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Posts posted by pigeon pete

  1. magnets don't always work ,use a C shape deek pattern if that don't work then try L shape ,like the other chap says spooking them ,don't move till you see the whites of there eyes ,don't even move the gun barrel,have you got enough backing in the hide ,wear a head veil and gloves ,sometimes we put a few more deeks in the front of the pattern,are they facing into the wind ,are you leaving dead birds belly up ,even things like my stainless steel flask hanging out my bag and the sunlight hitting it has put them off ,we had also done everything right and the birds still land in the middle of the field ,you only need one bird to land 200 yards away and sometimes the whole flock can move ,yes can be frustrating ,but wait till you haven't got time to roll a fag or have a cup of tea when there coming it at all angels lol

  2. As already stated, try and keep to shallow water. Try encouraging the dog to wade in even if it means going in yourself. Once the dog has entered the water try walking out to slightly deeper water....and so on. At the time you are doing this, keep talking to the dog giving it plenty of praise and encouragment. Most dogs will follow the owner and get out of their depth, dont worry as nature kicks in and they soon start swimming. If at any point you can see the dog stressed or begins to panic...pack up take it back to the bank but always keep reasurring and praising the dog. Leave it for a few days and repeat the process. Most dogs will naturally swim on their first attempt but other may take a little longer...........but wharever you do...dont force the issue. I`ve personally witnessed dogs ruined by an over eager handler/owner.

    very well put that man ;-)
  3. Anyone on here had a go at making a layout blind for geese/duck? seen plenty of them used in the USA but not so many here :hmm:

    ive often thought of making one for pigeon shooting ,but it looks like it could give you neck ache ?
  4. Bloody Sea Gulls im waiting for! :angry:

    you can shoot seagull under heath and safety,there poo you can slip on or on goods ,nesting on roofs or in gutters ,this can cause water leaks and then you can slip or if water comes in contact with electricity thus causing electroshock/death ,and dive bombing, and i was told this by the BASC ,and if you look at the GL it tells you what gulls you can cull with a rifle
  5. i was thinking ,would a heron do this ,i remember on an old farm the farmer asked if ive seen anyone shooting his carp in his lake or using a bow ,i said it was a heron killing the fish and it was to big to eat ,would it be leaches? maybe the heron was fighting because it had young about ?? sorry dont know just a guess or you have a CHUPACABRA lol ,please keep us posted

  6. i have both ,hatsan MPA24 and mossy 500 slugger with knoxx special opps low recoil 4 point m4 stock .use them for practical and ive took them pigeon shooting ,great fun ,if i had to pick just one for pigeon shooting i would get a semi ,you dont have to bother racking it back ,but with a semi if you miss with the first and the second shot you tend to give it a 3rd (no need for any sarcy pointers from other PW members on ,if you missed the first 2 your gun dont fit) lol

  7. ive heard you cant take a fox with a shotgun in some areas ,and i asked are FAO if it was ok to take a rabbit with the 223 if i see one when out foxing ,he said ent that a bit over kill ,so i said whats or how do you refine how to kill something ,this pot is to hot ,this pot is to cold ,but this pot is just right ,lol best ask the BASC

  8. you dont want to buy any old cloth maps with old train lines on ,my m8 just cleared his dead uncles house ,had £1400 of maccano and loads of steam train books and some maps ,i think the books are gone ?

  9. When a mate of mine died a few years back he specifies no suits as that were'nt his thing they even played "aways look on the bright side of life"( monty python) I've already told my Mrs that I dont want any misrable ******* at my funeral I've try to live life to the full and I want it to be a happy day.





    funny you should say that ,when my mum way dying ,my sister who is a born again catholic had a priest by her bed side and doing all the chant stuff ,they were all crying ,it was a sunday morning and we were in a sue rider home in the country side ,all i could hear was pigeons calling and i stood there singing ,always look on the bright side of life to my self, death is to morbid as it is ,but i must say i hate getting dressed up but i wore a suite as the old girl said i looked good in one ,ive told the wife if i go i want to be buried in my pat 95 camo and my motorhead t shirt
  10. ring him and ask for cash back ,consumers act 1982 ,but not taking the pee but we have been up the farm and seen 100s one day and the next day nothing ,but if there was loads of fresh empty's up there someone else has been there and he said no ,then hit him with this


    The Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 aims to protect consumers against bad workmanship or the poor provision of services. It covers contracts for work and materials, as well as contracts for pure services, and remember, this still applies even in everyday situations – such as going to the hairdressers or the dry cleaners – where you have no physical contract at all. Just as with Sale of Goods, Supply of Goods and Services legislation contains statutory rights, which don’t have to be specifically mentioned in any contract, but cannot be excluded. These are:

    • That the supplier will carry out the service with reasonable care and skill
    • That the work will be carried out in reasonable time (unless timeframe has been specifically agreed)
    • That the work will be carried out at reasonable cost (unless cost has been specifically agreed)

    The legislation also details the remedies which are available to consumers in the event that any one of these statutory terms are breached. These can be found in the following sections.

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