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Posts posted by EMT

  1. It has been best practice in various regions for some time and hence why Essex has proposed its implementation. It's based on the basis that provided nothing has changed of significance since your last renewal a phone call from the fao should be sufficient before the renewal is granted. This works hand in hand with the continued monitoring we are now all subject to.


    My question is has anyone from ESSEX actually had a telephone renewal. I am looking for examples before requesting the information directly under a freedom of information request.

  2. To cut a long story short, I went to see my friendly MP earlier in the year about the appalling service we have to endure in Essex. He contacted the PCC who wrote to the Chief Constable who responded with the usual drivel about trying to improve etc.


    One of the things mentioned in their improvement strategy was the postal renewal process. It's also on their website and they promised to implement it when they met with BASC. So the question is, has anyone actually had a postal renewal or was it just a smoke screen.

  3. Irrespective of which system you go for try and find one that has the call button worn on the wrist. Those with the fob that is worn around the neck are great as long as the person is wearing it when they fall.


    What tends to happen is the majority of falls occur in the night when the person is going to the bathroom, often in the dark. A lot of patients used to take the chain off from around their neck because they didn't like sleeping with it on and either hang it on the bed head or put it on the bedside table. Both of which are useless if you are lying on the floor in the hallway with a broken hip.

  4. I am looking for an old miroku to use for instructing. Ideally something like a 600, 800 or 3800. It will ideally need to have open chokes but I would consider a trap gun for the right money and have the chokes opened up. It will get plenty of use so it will need to have some life left in it.


    If you have anything please let me know. I have around the £500 mark to spend.

  5. As someone who spent 8 years in the ambulance service picking up everything from unconscious drunks, assaults, falls, overdose and all manner of other drink related patients every weekend, I can honestly say in the same 8 years I never once had a patient that needed treatment because of cannabis.


    On weekend nights you could easily have every one of your patients in a 12 hour shift due to alcohol in some way. If they weren't intoxicated they were the victims of someone who was.


    The cost of ambulances and A&E time alone must run into millions every year. If they banned alcohol and legalised cannabis you could literally cut the ambulance service in half.

  6. Can you buy Advocate from pet shops or does it need to be from a vet as such?

    Advocate is only available from a vets or online but with a prescription. I get a prescription from the vets for £10 which is enough for 12. I get it online from animeddirect and its half the price the vets charge.

  7. Frontline has been useless for a few years now. They changed the active ingredient so it could be sold without prescription. I have customers who bring their dogs to me which are alive with fleas. The water literally turns red in the bath and they have been treated every month with Frontline.


    As others have said Advocate for dogs is excellent and one of the main reasons to use it is because it also protects against lungworm. Even some wormers don't protect against lungworm.


    If you have lots of snails in your garden it's something you should be very aware of.

  8. I am looking for a black lab bitch puppy but there just doesn't seem to be anything decent about. Does anyone know of a decent littler of working black labs?


    They will need to be clear of Pra and CNM. If they are clear of SD2 its a bonus. Obviously parents must have good hips and 0/0 elbows.


    I am prepared to travel to anywhere in England for the right litter.


    Thanks in advance.

  9. I used to go there quite regularly, mainly as a place with easy targets to introduce a newcomer to the sport.


    I will not be going back any time soon. The last time I was there I witnessed two young lads walking around with a semi auto held horizontally with no flag. Most of the time you couldn't even see the bolt because he carried the gun in his left hand with the bolt against his leg. Two of my party actually hit the deck when he pointed the gun at them as he walked out of the stand.


    One gentlemen was trying to trap and shoot his pump action on his own. While he was concentrating on pressing the button his barrel awareness was non existent.


    Two young lads were shooting so far out of the back of the stand that they could have easily of swung through the line.


    Traps were being filled without stopping the shooting on the adjacent stands leaving the trapper clearly in the line of fire.


    And all this in plain view of the guy that runs the shoot without anything being said.


    We actually left the ground early without completing the round it was so dangerous.

  10. It depends on how quickly you need the money. If you plan on buying the cottage in the next 12 months then I would seriously consider getting into something a little less volatile.


    Even if you plan on needing the money in 5 years time a phased draw down would be sensible.


    But hey I am no expert. Professional advice is always the best option.

  11. I have a 682 gold e that is roughly 10 years old and a SP1 that was bought at Christmas last year. The difference in quality, fit and finish really did surprise me. I had to remove the burs on the ejectors of the SP1 to stop them sticking when closing the gun.


    The wood isn't even in the same league. The wood on my 682 wouldn't look out of place on a Purdey but the wood on the SP1 can only be described as a plank.

  12. I have seen a big increase in the popularity of the smaller bores over the years with a 28b being quite "in fashion" on a few of my local game shoots. One of the blokes who we shoot clays with is 20 stone and 6'2" and uses a stunning caesar guerini 20b to very good effect. It's strange how when a bloke uses a smaller bore it is not met with the same cynicism as when a woman chooses a 20b for whatever reason.

  13. My wife has had more guns than me! I tried various different 12b, including an auto because everyone told me either a 20b would not be enough gun or it would have too much recoil.


    I eventually bought her a silver pigeon 20b and its the best thing I ever did. She absolutely loves it to bits (more than me). She uses 24g on clays and regularly beats the other blokes in our squad. She uses RC sipe 28g on game and she never seems to notice the extra recoil due to the excitement.


    It is a bit of a double edge sword though. On the upside she now enjoys shooting so much we are going at least once a week if not twice (we went to two different grounds on Wednesday), on the downside I have had to sell a kidney to pay for all her cartridges and extra clays.


    Can she shoot a 12b? Absolutely!! Does she enjoy shooting her 20b more? Without a doubt.

  14. I have the a612 and it shoots extremely flat. In other words to get the correct POI you have to see no rib at all.


    I checked it using both a pattern plate and a laser to make sure. You literally just see the bead sitting on top of the rib without any rib showing.


    I initially set it up like my beretta and wondered why I was missing everything over the top but once I worked out what was wrong it's a great little gun.

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