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Posts posted by EMT

  1. Have a peep at this . Why do the FO not just pull the plug on travel there now rather than when you are sat on the beach with a beer ? I have been desperate to get away but the Mrs is a nervous traveller at the best of times . I might end up going on my own .




    Well that link did it for me. Just got back from the travel agent (robbing b@st@rds) and I'm now off to the caribean instead. Cost a shed load more but better than what's on offer in Sharm at the moment.

  2. I think on our small syndicate we are going to have to work that bit harder to try and keep the birds we put down. This year our return has been terrible.


    Instead of putting down say 1000 birds and get 20% return for 200 birds shot. We could put down 800 and try and return 25 for the same number of birds.


    Our feeding needs to be better organised and we need to start some dogging in on a regular basis.

  3. I am no expert but my tips are to not mount the gun to early but instead follow the line of the bird with the bead with the gun down.


    Then as you mount the gun pull through the bird in one smooth swing and fire. You should find that the gun is only mounted for a brief moment before you pull the trigger.


    That way it stops you "aiming" at the bird if that makes sense.


    It's much easier to demonstrate than describe.

  4. Well he did have a good few hours to come up with the story. Anyone that lives in Essex knows what Crays Hill is like.


    I was just shooting at a fox officer ........ honest.

  5. I have a Beretta 682 Gold E that I have owned from new and is about 3 years old. It probably gets used about a dozen times a year.


    When cleaning it I noticed that the lugs on the barrel, that forend locks onto, seem to be worn on one side. As far as I can remember the lug used to be symmetrical with a both sides having a "foot" which the forend latches onto. (sorry for the poor description).


    Now as you can see in the photo the side nearest the breech is straight. Now have I had one to many sloe gins and its always been like that or has it worn / broken off.









  6. Well I think I must be firmly in the fool camp. I'm not rich in fact I'm nearer the poor end of the scale but I do enjoy going to Scotland for a few days a year and shoot some fantastic birds in stunning surroundings.


    I have paid £35 + vat and think it's worth every penny. Even though I'm in a syndicate which gives me 6 days shooting for £300 and all the pigeon shooting I could want.


    The thing is I don't drive a big expensive car or go on expensive beech holidays, instead I work hard and save so I can have a few days each year that I will remeber for the rest of my life. I am not saying I am right and anyone else is wrong it's just what I enjoy and I'm willing to pay for it.

  7. This is becoming a popular scam and if u google puppy scam you will see lots of evidence of similar scams. It normally goes along the lines of, you pay for the courier and the day of delivery they ring you up to say something has gone wrong with the payment and they need another £150 straight away to pay the courier. They then ring you back pretending to be the courier and say the puppy crate is not acceptable and you must rent one from them for a fee and pay a deposit of £500.


    And the puppy never arrives. Most of the payments they ask to be sent via western union etc.

  8. I don't know if it will work with foam but it works great with chewing gum. You spray it with the stuff plumbers use to freeze pipes. It then goes very brittle and just flakes off.


    Hope it helps.

  9. Blue Diamond in fibre are a great cartridge. I wouldn't say they were better than any of the other mid price range cartridges but they work for me. I made the decision to only shoot fibre sometime ago and after trying a few different brands stuck with these. I paid £46.50 a slab for the last lot.

  10. Mine is a bit long winded but worth it.


    Fry off an onion until soft, add a clove of chopped garlic and tablespoon of tomato purée. Fry for a couple of minutes. Then add a 1/4 bottle of red wine and a tablespoon of mixed herbs. Bring to the boil and reduce by half. Then add some beef stock equal to quantity of liquid left in the pan, bring back to the boil and reduce again by half.


    Strain the sauce into a new pan and add a heaped tablespoon of cranberry sauce and stir until disolved. Then season to taste and add a good **** of butter.


    Pure heaven !!!!

  11. I was born in Buxton and lived in the surrounding area for 16 years and still go back on a regular basis.


    I would avoid both of the towns like the plague. The area the day trippers see is not the real Buxton and it has changed for the worst over the years. They started to build large estates in the 80's for social housing and ship in all the trouble families from the cities.


    Buxton now has a MASSIVE drug problem.


    My advise would be to buy in one of the surrounding villages such as Tideswell which still has the village feel to it and despite being only 30 mins away is not effected by drugs or crime.


    All the decent shopping is in Manchester, Sheffield etc so won't make much difference.


    If you want to know any more drop me a PM.

  12. so no one mention that it took 2 hours+ to get round and that *every* stand we went on had a massive queue and a trap failure when it came our turn to shoot.


    You must have been stood in the same queue as me :-) I thought the worst thing was on stand three when half way through they stopped a guy shooting so a chap on a quad bike could drive past. As he did he got the rope barrier caught on the quad and pulled the stand over with the guy still inside. He was lucky not to get injured or damage his gun.


    I left after three stands...

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