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  1. dog prints? I'm not saying your wrong, just could also be paw prints of a dog? I do think there is a chance that there could be big cats out there, lots were released when they were kept as pets apparently?
  2. Do you think most of the lads will want to swoon over a man with big biceps?! Lol
  3. of course, post shoot rules apply, just like on actual shoots can we also have suggestions for the calendar name?
  4. Does this mean you would like to volunteer to be in it?! Do we have any photographers out there willing to donate their time and skills for a good cause?
  5. Stevenage: I was woken at around 5 am by the gutters overflowing rather than the thunder. But then it really came down and the storm got a bit big. The lightning was something else, the flashes extremely big and bright. We had it on top of us for a while but not for long. Dd anyone notice that apart from a few cracks, the sound of the thunder was generally softer than some of the huge bangs we get in smaller shorter storms?
  6. Perhaps we could run the shoot on same day. More fun and organised booze up afterwards?!
  7. Agreed. This is what I had in my mind all along, but some people seemed to think it was going to be hardcore porn or something! Lol
  8. I wouldn't mind if a man swore at a woman if the woman was using curse words herself. But I'm not really offended by swearing. I think sometimes its excessive with some people, and sounds horrible be it from a man or woman! But I do think its outrageous that you see a certain type of woman (usually young) who walk around certain town centres swearing at their children and using names that shouldn't even be heard by a child, yet alone used to shout at them with. Terrible!!
  9. I know plenty of Christians who don't mind a bit of boob! Since when was that a sin?! (remember a lot of these calendars are inspired by the WI!!!!!) But if you don't like it, don't buy it! Simples! And if you had been to church over recent years and seen the outfits the congregation wear nowadays, you would know where I'm coming from!
  10. Of course there are more women swearing, but men also swear, why is it acceptable for a builder to frequently pop in curse words but when a woman does it its noticed?! I know it's not nice to hear, but I think it sounds awful when fellas do it! We have an acquaintance we call effin Trevor, who can't string a sentence together without every other word being 'effin. It's embarrassing! Don't get me wrong I'm not burning bras etc, but I think it could be agreed that the post was about women being rude, and I am stating that both men and women can be rude, it's all about upbringing! The c-bomb should NEVER be used, it makes me cringe!
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