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  1. Great to hear you're home Marlene Make sure you look after her now Frenchie B)
  2. A lot die in cattle water troughs too.Apparently they strike at a reflection,get waterlogged very quickly and drown
  3. I reckon it could end up being a real can of worms. Most of the lads I know that beat really only cover the cost of their travel and lunch with the pay they get so how many will carry on if they have to declare it. Will it affect pensioners(a lot of the beaters where I keepered were)?
  4. I think all land belongs to someone in some form so you would have to find out who and ask I think
  5. Well done mate. Keep it shiney side up
  6. Nice one mate Looks to be pretty long in the leg
  7. perdix22


    I know exactly what you mean and have witnessed that myself.
  8. Didn't know Arthur Daley had moved to Cov! If he confronts you or any other witness I think he can be charged for something like "interfering with a Crown witness".Any sort of contact with him should be reported to the police
  9. The good old HMRC are bringing in a new law that requires all beaters pay to be declared within 7 days quoting the beaters name,address and NI number as most of those it matters to will no doubt be aware of. I am wondering how people on here think it will effect the "beating world" especially for shoots that run mid-week?
  10. perdix22


    An interesting twist I have just been told about is that the family are alleged to have asked for people to send them Argos vouchers instead of flowers for the kids funerals and that the father(and i use the term purely in the biological sense) was supposed to be organising the sale of the soft toys that people had left at the scene of the fire in memory of the kids! Now if that is 100% factual(it was printed in a newspaper after all) it does really sum up the sort of scum that these people are
  11. perdix22


    Judge has put off sentencing until tomorrow
  12. First one is always special I had mine stuffed by a mate who dabbled in taxidermy but it came back cross eyed !
  13. I think in this case the farmer does have something genuine to "beef" about although the convicted man will be baaaaa'ed from the area and if seen told to moooooooove along
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