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Posts posted by IXI KARL IXI

  1. I have a kukuri knife which I have had since I was a kid, was given it after routing round a cupboard at my nana's. I was given the story of it was her brothers and was brought back from when he was in the army. I was going to clean and polish the blade and have it as a semi usable knife. Before I do anything to it I wanted to know if its as old as its said to be, may have been a story to keep a kid happy second is it worth anything money or historical value before I do anything to it. I've had a look on line and can't find the mark which is on the blade I have. So up to now I am non the wiser. I know the forum is about shooting but maybe someone has something.







  2. I have a ratchatcher had it for years, its a canny gun. Used it to shoot rats in my old back garden. Moved to a new estate wich backed on to the metro lines so had a few. I would change the breach block to a steel one, you can get a .177 or .22 now mines a .22

  3. Have we really come that far? The Meteor mk7 is available at under £160 and is capable of taking most Airgun vermin at 30 yards-the Airwolf is well over a grand,relies on batteries and an external source of compressed air and,if both guns are sub 12ft/lb,will take quarry at 40 yards,maybe a bit over but lets not forget that both guns are subject to the effects of wind and human error.So can we justify spending another thousand pounds plus on something that looks prettier and saves us a minutes stalk?Airguns have come a long way but ,considering the cost ,have they come all that far?

    I understand what your saying but its like saying why would you want a Ferrari when a corsa does the same job. It will get you form A to B the same. :)



    Goodbye Jake-CHILD!

    Loving these different shooting Competitions with different weaponry.

    I hope Dustin wins as hes always cool,calm and level headed

    Yeah he's a cracking shot, am after Gary to win.

  5. Aye I thought seals where ment to be full of honour and be team players. Am reading a book called american sniper by chris kyle, now that somone who is a solider. Jake just complains and moans. Every challenge he says well my seal training has prepared me for this

  6. Looks nicer than the black widow (which I've had since I was 9, now 30) or the bright green Diablo I have. Never thought about hunting with one. The black widow my dad bought me as a father son bounding thing. me and my dad will fire it with my son when he's old enough great times. Strange the things we hold on to.

  7. Have a look here its a good site to have a read around http://m.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1753

    With regards to the cars, in the past I've had use of vans take it home at night use it at weekends so on but its a pool van everyone had there own vans but it could get taken off you and swapped around. Maybe that would be the best route then if either or both ladies get pregnant at the same time the cars would be yours to give to the cover.


    Ps try hiring one male and one female. But both could go on long term sick and still be in the same position.

  8. I guess on the internal walls you could use the method I had mentioned. I helped a lad/mate in the same apartment block I lived fit one on a internal stud wall. Made a steel frame from a RSJ and a thick steel plate (what is used to cover holes in the road) on the back all fully seam welded mounted onto beefed up stud work with a box section cage. It was sunk in the wall about 3-4 inches then plaster boarded round. It wasn't plaster boarded until the guy had came out to ok build so they could see the steel work. You would have had to tear down a wall and have at least six guys if not more to take it away. To be honest the safe would have gave out before the metal work.

  9. If there is nothing on the walls ie no plasterboard yet and you can get to the otherside of the board/wall. You could: make a steel plate/ steel flat bar frame and weld bolts coming off it matching the bolting pattern on the said safe/cabinet, then weld thread rods the length of the thickness of the wall, drill though wall then tighten nuts onto the rods at other end with square pressure plates or big washers then plasterboard over. Just make sure the nuts are locked off well or even welded in place.

  10. I have one a 4-12 x 50 AO IR seems a canny bit of glass for the money I've not had it long but the guy in the shop had advised it was a good scope and sells a lot for general day to day hunting and range, advised would need better if I wanted to do comps and the like.

  11. I was going to get a TX but went to the shop and had a look and hold and it wasn't for me, I got a HW97 Instead. I was lucky because a couple of days before I nearly bought a second hand one off Gunstar and was going to just get it posted, very glad I didn't as I wouldn't of been happy and probably be selling the selling the gun. A lot of people rate these guns very highly and a lot say the best springer on the market, this is why a nearly bought one. I can't recommend enough to go have a hold and see what it's like.

  12. hey davyo you must be then,but your right the world seems to be full of wimps an pansies these days were all that left of the old breed,never been in the mines but all my ancesters were, all males were killed in the pits b4 they were 60,i,m lucky am older than that but ive been in the glass industry an commercial tyre fittin and hgv drivin now retired,an now i play with guns.


    There is still hope am only 30 :) lol I do see some mates on Facebook and think ***. I was telling me mate about hunting and his words where uuuew, so I do kinda worry

  13. Yeah vipa I couldn't believe how good. I ve had gear that is ment to be the best, but falls short. These pants tho feel really robust. At home in the field or sitting in the pub. Am going to order the pants you had mentioned. am also ordering a few t shirts and Polos to replace some work gear and weekend stuff. Never mind paying for good gear, but getting good gear at a great price is fantastic IMHO :)

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