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Posts posted by IXI KARL IXI

  1. Pants came today and am very very impressed. Fit canny as well. Off to kielder at the weekend for a walk with the kids and Saturday and these will get a test. Going to order a couple more pairs of pants, going to try a pair of the Stryker as well. If the rest of the 5.11 range is as good as the pants I can see me buying a lot, would recommend these to anyone very highly as well. Will try mentioned website as well as uttings only have a limited range

  2. I wouldn't listen to everything you hear. When I was looking for a new gun not to long ago. I was told everything for hatsan are the best to daystate are rubbish and BSA haven't got a clue how to make a rifle. In the end I just went to the shop spoke to the guy selling them, then held a few and went back a couple of weeks and did the same. People have brands they love and hate and (as I found out) will defend them to the end lol nice to see grouping like that mind

  3. Hi was just wondering if any ex miners on here, and how you managing with different jobs ext.I worked for British coal for 13yrs, took redundancy, then worked in a factory as a welder for 13 yrs(left because i was given young lads to help me who couldn't give a hoot & were weak as water) , now been stuck in an office behind a desk for 7yrs & its killing me, lads at work are either talking mod warfare something or other or playing with their girly hair.What happen to real men.Why we got a generation of pansy's & veggies. Most of all i miss the crack.

    **** i feel old.


    Am not a miner or ex miner, but know what you mean about the crack. I worked in a office and thought it was canny with a good laugh. Started working at Nissan as a welder (been there 5yrs) and now know what good crack is. Don't like factory as hate being cooked up but the laugh with the lads help. Lucky for me there's now floppy fringes working with me so it helps. My only experience of a mine was at beamish and god knows how people spent there time down in the dirt

  4. There is a tree near to the end of a walk I used to take that must have about 30+ bags of dog mess in it. Seen a guy pick up after his dog carry it for about 10 mins and then throw it into the tree. I and asked in a polite as possible manner why the hell he felt that was acceptable to throw it in the tree to which his response was why should I carry it home, others have done it and at least I picked it up. After which I pointed out maybe he should have been neutered and not the dog. If It was left on the path it's bad but at least the rain would wash it away but now it hangs around in tree looking like the worst Christmas tree ever


    I have had Taclites (Poly cotton) and Taclite Pros... both good but VERY high waisted (long crotch, in an old fashioned sort of way!) very good clothing range, well made, durable etc.. all of my polo shirts are 5.11.. got about 8 of them.. also wear their boots and I've got a Sabre 2 jacket...Look at the Stryker pants though.. they are more expensive but boy are they comfy, now have 3 pairs and day to day, if I'm not in a suit I'll be in a pair of those.. The others are now resigned to decorating and gardening wear! They look smarter than any of the other pants in the range, are just as durable (if not more so) and ultra comfy (and NOT high waisted!)... all down to their unique stretch ripstop fabric...Can't recommend them enough!


    Am a bit worried now about the high waist band now fingers crossed they aren't to bad, I was after them as causal/ walking. I like pants a big baggy and low (these maybe just field pants). I liked the look of the polo shirts and other gear as well. I fancy a new jacket as well

  6. Yeah 5.10 is a climbing brand, for climbing shoes I use scrapa forces and moon clothing. 5.11 is a tactical clothing company used a bit in America as far as I can see. Some good American reviews but never seen many uk reviews. Cheers for the responses chaps I've got a pair on order now. I have a couple of pairs of kiwi pants but fancied a change from surplus gear or craghoppers

  7. Didn't Cameron said the same thing about leaving the EU, it didnt happen tho, what makes UKIP any different. Lets face up to facts, no government is that different to the last, due to taken on the debts and problems of the past one. It's a two horse race red or blue. We (as a country) tried the middle ground lib dems and its not working, no back bone. Anyone can say things what people want to hear hence the government we have today. Do you really think a party with no experience could run a country? They haven't even be proved to run a local council propley yet. It's like giving a **** a shotgun, something will go off just when and where is unknown

  8. I thought it was ok to shoot things on your own land. Is it not ok to shoot woodys in the back garden?


    Is the guy your on about the gery, the one who shot if 5 times but didn't kill and was left to suffer for hrs?


    Ps am more surprised there is woodys in Sunderland :);) most things round mine are ferals with three legs and two heads lol

    I would be gutted if a cat ******** off dinner, it like he was using you as a drive thu McDonald's

  9. I had a BSA Ultra, it did not last 2 weeks in my ownership. A Hatsan AT44 is superior, it has a better stock, trigger, magazine, action too. Oh and I bought the Ultra brand new, was a bad bad mistake!


    Do you still have the hatsan AT44? Just wonder how its held up. I can't find anywhere that sells them near me so can't have look, I was after getting a ultra or scorpion but might have a look into hatsans



    Did it not occur to you that maybe a lot of EU policies would be scrapped or at least altered if Britain left the EU, and that maybe not every EU policy would be retained? Excessive legislation and the red tape the EU creates is one of the reasons many people oppose it. If we left the EU, a lot of it would go.




    We would have a say in it even if we left. As has been said, the EU sells much more to Britain than Britain does to the rest of the EU. They need us more than we need them, so although we would be outside the EU, we would still have influence as they would need to conider us for their own economic interests.

    We should also be trading with other countries outside the EU. The EU trades with plenty of non EU countries but being outside the EU does not seem to cause them any problems.



    Besides, there are other things to debate. Over 60% of our laws are made by Europe. Sovereignty of the British nation is paramount, and is not an optional extra which can be discarded. In my opinion, the loss of sovereignty caused by the EU cannot be justified by the highly debatable benefits of the EU, which are always exaggerated.

    British people and British government should get to make laws for Britain, not the EU.


    And then there's the issue of democratic consent. Aside from the democratic defecit inside the EU, no one voted for what we have now. The British people have never had a chance to vote on our current arrangement of the EU. People can denigrate Euroskeptics all they want, but the EU has been forced down our throats.


    we wouldn't have a say in EU laws and rules if we left, that's a fact as no non EU member has a right. We wouldn't have a choice to pick and choose what laws we agree to and don't.


    Also the policy's used are relating to farming and fishing and law. We would still need are own policy in regards to farming, fishing and laws. No doubt a big board of MPs and civil servants taking time to decide on how to Change and run things, at a cost of course. Then inspectors to up hold said policy's. I would guess the cost would stay around the same.



    ask them at your next monthly brief how much subsidy they received from the uk govt or why they are avoiding corporation tax by using swiss accounts. :rolleyes: seems they want more than a foot in the door.






    The government gave a large sum to build the "battery plant" creating a load of jobs. Also the firms used to build the plant where paid, then more staff where hired and kept in a job to build "leaf". NMUK got the go ahead to build leaf due to the battery plant. Not to mention a load of other local suppliers getting new contacts to build parts etc etc As for dodging tax and hidden Swiss accounts, would you pay tax if you could get round it? I wouldn't but am not defending Nissan just using it as a example people think its black and white, but don't think of the hidden implication. As I said before if we could get a clean break from the EU go for it.



    Yes, but the rules only apply to goods traded with the EU, where we have the situation that the other 80% of our economic activity is burdened by european legislation.




    As before the rest of Europe can't afford to start imposing trade barriers if we left, they stand to lose a lot more than we do.


    It's not the case of a trade barrier it's the problems and cost. Small knock on effects so to speak

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