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Bang flash sparkie

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Everything posted by Bang flash sparkie

  1. The big girls will show eventually ,keep going !looks a cracking bit of water your fishing pukka
  2. Good stuff ,they love the stubble ,I just need the time to get out birds every where always the way
  3. Couldn't believe me luck birds decoyed perfectly, and I shot we'll which makes a change lol
  4. Went over my permission yesterday for a look and the rape had been cut day previous plenty of birds about so came back this morning to be told the peas being cut at ten super I thought , shot home came back at twelve the combines in full swing pushing the birds on to the rape stubble,twenty odd shells and two flappers and the birds came in twos and small groups ,I shot 41pigeons for 65 shots in three hours ,packed up well chuffed with plenty of left and rights ,just need to get some time on that pea stubble this week ,haven't shot in a while so it was nice.
  5. I know the hide was good tucked in a small hole in the hedge , and I built it up with bits of follage , as you say it will have its day no doubt il keep trying it , thanks for all the advice
  6. I know the hide was good tucked in a small hole in the hedge , and I built it up with bits of follage , as you say it will have its day no doubt il keep trying it , thanks for all the advice
  7. Looks like two birds chasing each other tried different speeds etc and I use a pair of hydra flaps on it , tried it for two hours last time out in close to one side of me hide just above the peas first bird decoyed lovely and that was it pulled it in and put the flapper out there , the birds started to come in ? It must be me lol
  8. My magnet is the kiss of death for me , nothing comes near it not alone bang into it lol. Tried and tried with it pull it I n now and put a pair of flappers out. There ! , pretty sure I'm doing some think wrong with it ! Your sounds great thou !
  9. Hello bob I did leave my name and number on your answer phone but got no reply? I'm still interested ?
  10. Just a short but quick introduction as a new member to the forum , I've been shooting for about fifteen years now on and off but enjoy all aspects of it even poor days , it's just about getting out there for me , and learning field craft and I'm from essex so hello
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