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Posts posted by Sian

  1. anyone -- just wondering if it is standard procedure to get a follow up appointment if they find polyps as i understand that they can become cancerous.


    but like i said , i,ve never heard a thing from them .


    i keep an eye of colour of my stools :) , sometimes normal , some times light , sometimes dark and a funny smell like iron filings ( :ninja: sorry ) , but it was,nt till about a year and half ago that i passed blood ( but only a few times ).


    i dont know if it was just me but they made me feel like i was worrying about nothing and wasteing there time :sad1:

    think i need to find a different doc

    I don't know enough to help but I would say just for your peace of mind go back to the doctors and be firm about being seen by a specialist - doctors are not god and can get things wrong so for your own sake go back. Being stressed about this will not help with the diverticulitis in any event. On a lighter note well done for speaking about your poo - us girls find it much easier than you boys to share these things at least that is what I am lead to believe :)

  2. It means the baby is bigger for the length of time she is pregnant - lots of reasons for that and so they probably want her to give birth earlier so that the baby is not too big for her. You will never be prepared however many more weeks we give you but enjoy it, you are about to experience something wonderful. It's hard work but worth it. Wishing you both all the best.

  3. On route to Aberystwyth we called in to get cartridge from cs sporting in Cwmbran as suggested by Johnsyboy1974 above. We found them to be a great set of guys and the cartridge prices were very good also. Credit where credit is due. PS I have no connection with this company as we come from down in Kent.

    we are in London but when down in Wales we alway stock up there - they are nice to deal with.

  4. I use a SP1 28" barrels, 13 and 1/3 stock - I'm 5 foot and not skinny but not big. I have regularly shot 200 in one day and in an extreme shot 550 cartridges at South Wales 2000 (husband shooting OT registered and left me alone to play on my own!) I use 21gm and 24 gm - absolutely no recoil, no problems whatsoever even the day of the 550 cartridges but if I have to use 28gm which I avoid like the plague but needs must occasionally I feel it and I don't like it - it's not painful it's just really tiring and annoying and I am sure it makes my head hurt a bit afterwards.

  5. In reality most of us might manage to pick up a few skills from Ray long enough anyway to be found but there are very few of us that could do what Bear does and survive long enough to be found.

  6. I watch both occasionally but I think for me I would take my chances with Ray - find half edible stuff and sit it out a bit whereas with Bear I would probably die within the first day! Picking through bear poo and jumping off the sides of mountains would definitely finish me off.

  7. Back to the thread. Whilst society is not as bad as the Daily Mail makes out, the welfare state needs addressing to ensure that those that need help get it and those who don't, stop raping the system.


    Sadly, any party that makes the necessary changes make themselves unelectable.


    As new labour are watered down communism and communism loves state control as they think it's best, they will never change it.

    Sorry Keg - got carried away. I agree the system does need overhauling.

  8. Doors...hmmm do you know BurnleyDave?.


    My Mrs is useless at DIY but is a great accountant so no complaints. I do the practical stuff, she does the admin/legal financial stuff and she is wonderful!. Individuals are not perfect, teams are.

    It's actually the same for me and my lovely husband - we take on different roles and chores and it suits us both. :)

  9. Plant a tree in your garden together and tell her it will grow and become stronger over the years just like your love.Maybe a little plaque in front of it so your kids will know why it is there in the future.





    Prey it never gets struck by lightning. :lol:

    as a woman this idea is best.

  10. I have absolutely no sympathy for these woman at all but no-one has questioned the dubious **** who have impregnated them or suggested sterilising them - I'll do it for free and before you say she got herself pregnant - he does have a choice, he can wear a condom. The authorities should do more to bring these men into line. stop her benefits apart from supplying children's food, she'll shop him and they should then live up to their responsibilities or face me the State castrator.

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