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Posts posted by simonix

  1. Just bought the escort field hunter pump, great fun and really solid feel to it!



    Can you get those larger slide handles for any gun, or just browning?


    Wouldn't mind one of those on my Mossberg!

  2. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the tactical pumps to be honest.


    Have to say though, this Hatsan feels really solid, and well worth the money!


    One question for the more seasoned pump owner, can you cycle 65-67mm carts in a 3" chambered gun ok?

  3. Request permission for membership to "Pump club"?!


    Went to get my semiauto looked at/fixed at Wabbitboshers today and ended up walking away with a nearly spanking new Hatsan field pump!


    Took a diversion home via Kibworth clay ground, and loved every second of it! Haha!


    Here is a pic, not the best quality but there you go...



  4. Well I took my mossy to the illustrious Wabbitbosher due to the cycling problem I had.



    Turns out it had an "odd looking" ejector claw, a loose barrel pin (that encourages the cart to flip out upon ejection), and a broken firing pin spring! Not noticeable to my newbie eyes but there you go!


    Anyway, wabbitbosher had it all sorted quicktime, and I came away with a fixed Semiauto that now seems to cycle ok, and in addition, a nearly new Escort pump!! I just can't leave his place without buying another gun! It's addictive!! Haha!



    Anyway, here's a photo. Unfortunately not the best (taken with iPhone)......



  5. It's a well used secondhand gun. Its in good nick though, anothe wabbitbosher bargain!! I have stripped and meticulously cleaned and re oiled the internals as best I can, so I guess I will just give it a go this weekend and find out....

  6. Afaik, cycling is more to do with load than cartridge length. What chamber length is your Mossberg?

    I have heard that some 3.5" autos are reluctant to cycle light loads, although I discovered (inadvertently) that mine will cycle 24g loads without a hiccup.

    It's a 3" chamber. I haven't actually tried any 67mm cartridges through it yet as I was told it would probably not cycle them. The reason I ask is because I have a load of 67mm 30g pigeon carts and am worried I won't be able to use them.

  7. I recently bought a Mossberg 9200.


    Seem to have mixed reviews on the net, but it certainly seems sturdy enough to me! Feels good in you hands too.



    One question for the more knowledgable semi auto owner, is there anything I can do to help my gun cycle carts under 70mm? Or is it literally just one of those things that semis can't do?

  8. I'm getting ready for a gig tonight.


    We go on stage at 10pm and play through til 1am (with breaks here and there i.e midnight).



    Having a good time and getting paid well for the priviledge is good way to see the new year through in my books! ;-)

  9. I have a Miroku fitted with the invector chokes.


    Because they are so short in factory flush fit form, my belief is that an extended choke would improve consistent patterning.


    I bought some secondhand extended teague chokes and although I haven't patterned the gun since, I certainly feel more confident with the performance which I imagine is half the battle! ;-)


    PS, I bought 1x1/4 and 1x1/2.



  10. Anyone who has paid wabbitbosher a visit will know it is very easy to come away with a totaly different gun than what you went for.

    With 100 guns it is very easy to get carried away so always take spare cash for that 'must have addition'.

    +1 to that!!



    I can vouch for this gun too by the way as I used to own it! Gorgeous gun, and in very good condition for its age. Unfortunately it didn't fit me, otherwise I would have kept it! :-(

  11. Only a fool would continue to do something that will have a detrimental effect on himself and effect the rest of his life.


    I suppose the same could be said for smoking?! There will always be people that ignore good advice for their health.



    I already have mild tinnitus from playing in rock bands since my teens. I certainly wouldn't want to make it worse by not wearing plugs whilst shotgunning!

  12. Amazon.com has some bad reviews of them. :-(



    I tried adding some "inserts" from another ear plug set I have into the silicon cups. These inserts are rated to 23NRR.


    This has massively improved the noise suppression! I just have to now have the volume turned up to full to benefit from the "electronic hearing enhancement".


    Going to give them another go with my "modification" this weekend and see if it's better. The inserts are easily removable so won't damage them anyway.

  13. I fitted the largest set of plugs that came with them with that in mind welshwarrior.



    I phoned up the shop where I bought them to say they were no good. They have asked me to write a letter stating my issues with them so they can see if they can get a refund for me from the supplier! Shop won't give me a refund directly though which I think is a little harsh, and probably against my statutory rights too to be honest?!

  14. Just want to warn other PW members not to bother buying these ear plugs if you see them.


    I bought some this morning for £35, then went to my local clay ground to try them out. Well, they amplify sounds reasonably enough and don't distort too much either. However, they do not protect your ears from the gunshot! After firing 5 shots, I found myself flinching and needed to change them out for regular foam earplugs because of ringing in my ears!!!


    There is no NRR rating on the packaging and now I can see why! Total waste of money!



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