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Posts posted by simonix

  1. That would then beg the question, if they're that desperate to sell it and it hasn't been sold in a for sale thread/advert already, what's wrong with the gun? And are they asking for too much money for it, etc...


    I think the best guns would have already been bought whilst waiting for sellers to come to you.



    But I see your point I suppose.

  2. I've got to be honest, this type of thread always irritates me no matter what forum I'm on!


    If you want to buy a gun, go LOOK for one! There are loads for sale here, there and everywhere!


    You can't expect everyone who has a gun for sale to contact you just in case their gun is "the right gun"!



    Sorry for the rant. :-(

  3. Was it not that long ago that the BBC had a program on about the foxes that had got into a house and mauled a child?!


    I swear I remember watching it, or reading about it in the newspaper. Wonder if they will mention that in tonight's documentary?!

  4. I did a lot of searching for a Miroku as my first O/U and struggled to find anything decent at this price!


    In the end I managed to find a very nice 7000 grade 1 for £600 (but admittedly it is a multichoke).


    My point is, like what's already been said, grade 3 for £600 is a steal regardless of choke! Just look on guntrader and you will see what I mean!



  5. I love my Barbour jacket!


    It's the "lutz"which basically is like the trooper except without the chest pockets. I was deterred from getting the trooper for that reason, as I was worried about the pockets catching on the butt of my gun when mounting it.


    It is a slightly more contemporary design and cut from the more classic style Borders jacket, etc, but it's warm and waterproof.



    By the way, John lewis stock the "border", the "Bristol" and other more original Barbour wax jacket designs. ;-)

  6. Despite the comment in the article stating "it can't be someone local..." the chances are that it IS a local who has probably shot all the signs in the 15 mile radius that they have seen.


    Can't imagine there is a group of gun owners going out randomly shooting signs?!

  7. Cogito urgo sum.



    "I think therefore I am".





    "veni, vidi, vici"


    I came, I saw, I conquered.



    That's just about all the Latin I can remember!

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