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Posts posted by islandgun

  1. 12 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

    Not seen an explanation if someone says no. No criminal record or charge. 

    I assume someone was drunk when the idea came up, but it's hardly a vote winner with young voters.

    This^  they need to bin this idea double quick, what a joke

  2. 40 minutes ago, oowee said:

    I wish they would block voting at aged 70 stop those that can't keep up from destroying the future of the young. 

    I think they should lower the voting age to nine

  3. My preference would be a parliament along the lines of the multi party coalition of Denmark, [see Borgen.😀] at least in theory the loons should be over ruled

    7 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    It’s not like they have a purpose made indoor press conference room is it? … 


  4. 44 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    I imagine the company is very profitable until the end of the year when they have to repay some sort of “loan” or “rent” to a company also owned by themselves, based on an island somewhere that’s a tax haven. 

    The big company declares a loss. The off shore company another record profit and pays an insignificant amount of tax to that haven. 

    All above board chap, nothing to see here, move along and say nothing! 👀

      Some acumen has rubbed off, his dad has gone from a politicians wage to having 47 mil, guessing they have invested wisely 😇

  5. 40 minutes ago, old man said:

    When gazing around the world it's possible to surmise that general populations don't give a flying fig as to the morality of their leaders?

    Its crazy but a lot of people put honesty above morality of their "leaders". Its a simple fact that future world leaders when attending their world leadership national diploma course fail to be taught, I guess the tutors assume the public are too stupid to recognise honesty when it rears its ugly head

  6. 1 hour ago, akka said:

    I just dug this out of my compost bin. It's been in there for almost 2 years, the only part that has degraded is the steel ("brass"). It claims to be a fully compostable case, I guess you need one of those industrial jobbers.

    20240510_162504.jpg.b6122f89f35de2bbf2efcbb8b648b785.jpg . Just posted as a point of interest.

    Thanks for posting.. basically lip service then

  7. 8 hours ago, shaun4860 said:

    Just beginning to realise how much money I’ve lost by not filming my lower leg being amputated 🫣

    You still have some body parts that might be of interest😉. There could be a way of winning here, volunteers could donate vital organs to worthy recipients whilst the weird could pay !

  8. 6 hours ago, Jonty said:

    From a couple of days ago.  A nice fat rainbow caught the same morning and hot smoked indirectly (coals only on one side of the bbq).  When the fish was done, I put some venison loin steaks over the coals to cook nice and quickly.  We had a couple of friends over who’d never had venison - they loved it and were amazed it wasn’t ‘gamey’ as per the common misconception 

    you can’t beat cooking meat over fire!


    very nice indeed, I need to get the fish holder it would be be great for mackerel

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